There are 2 messages totalling 171 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Eurominutes: The Revolutionary 2. The Return of the Eurominutes! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 09:01:48 -0400 From: Wendy <> Subject: Eurominutes: The Revolutionary Ah...Paul Karros. A man forever trying to recreate the great slave rebellion of his youth. Do we think he and Spartacus were especially close ? <eg> Things that always bothered me about this episode: 1) Why was Karros in Washington *State* lobbying? 2) When did Charlie have time to fall for Mara? 3) Why didn't Charlie rate a death montage? 4) How much time passed between Charlie's death and Duncan charging into Joe's? The Eurominutes answer 2 out of four. ************************************************************************ * The Revolutionary 1) Flashback to the Mexican Revolution. Karros has just finished telling Duncan about Spartacus. Karros says he can still hear Spartacus' voice. Duncan tells him to be careful when you hear voices from the past. D: Time can make them liars. US: Cut to the rebel camp after the battle. Two men carry a stretcher down a hill into camp. Euro: Cut to the battle. Karros and Duncan advance under fire. Their men advance, falling one by one. We see cannon firing, government troops firing rifles, the revolutionaries firing. Karros and Duncan keep moving forward. Then cut to two men with a stretcher, resume as in US version. 2) After Father Stephan is shot. At the hospital, after surgery, Dr. Lindsey tells Karros that the priest will probably make it. Duncan arrives. Karros and Duncan meet. We cut from the hospital to: US: Karros and Duncan in the loft. Duncan fills Karros' glass. K: Maybe you were right, MacLeod. Giving up the warrior's life...opting for comfort. Euro: Karros, Duncan, Charlie and Mara in the loft. They are all standing around the kitchen island, drinks in hand. Charlie is impressed by Karros...interested in Mara. K: Mara has been with me since the beginning. She was one hell of a reporter in the capital. Until Bourchek's artillery leveled the building and killed the publisher. M: Sometimes a "free press" means free to be murdered. C: <to Karros> You know, I served some time down in El Salvador just around the time you were working that neck of the woods. K: That was another war. It seems like a long time ago. <beat> I take it we were on different sides? C: I was an adviser. But mostly I tried not to be on any side. There was no up or down in that one. K:<smiling> There is always a right and a wrong. C: <beat> Maybe. Duncan: <looking at Karros> At least that's what the spin doctors want us to believe. Karros smiles and claps him on the shoulder. He holds up his empty glass. K: You know, Duncan. Maybe you have changed more that I thought. It's not like you to leave an old friend standing with an empty glass. D: You having an empty glass is *exactly* like the old days. Duncan and Karros move away deeper into the loft. We stay with Charlie and Mara. M: Thank you. C: For what? M: For helping Father Stephan today. There is an obvious attraction here. Charlie struggles to make conversation C: Look...where are you staying? M: A man from my country made his fortune here. Two days ago the world was crumbling around me and now I'm staying at a mansion. C: Yeah, I remember how weird it was to come home. One day I'm ducking bullets in El Salvador ... the next I'm drinking beer in my buddy's basement. M: <with a smile> But I'm still ducking Bourchek's bullets. <beat> If he was able to get to us here, it would send a strong message back home. C: We'll have to make sure he doesn't get a chance to send any more messages. Charlie and Mara smile at each other. C: More wine? M: Why not? Cut to Karros and Duncan. Duncan fills Karros' glass. K: Maybe you were right, MacLeod. Giving up the warrior's life...opting for comfort. Resume as in US version. 3) The mansion. Karros and Mara in the kitchen, making plans. The phone rings. US: Karros picks up the phone. K: Karros. Cut to the waterfront. Euro: Karros picks up the phone. We hear his side of the conversation. K: Karros. .....I knew it.....I'll meet you there. Karros hangs up. M: Who was it? K: One of our people. He has proof of Bourchek's involvement. Karros moves for the door. Mara starts after him. M: I'll come with you. K: You wait here. I'll be back. With that, he's out the door leaving Mara frustrated and unhappy. Cut to the waterfront. Resume as in US version. ****************************************** That's it. Wendy Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 18:38:39 +0100 From: ElaineN <> Subject: Re: The Return of the Eurominutes! Wendy, e-mail me privately at where we might be able to help each other Elaine. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 6 Apr 2006 to 7 Apr 2006 (#2006-76) ************************************************************