There are 5 messages totalling 298 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. I reason because --- my current preoccupation 2. I reason because --- my current preoccupation (SPAMMED?) (2) 3. Things I love about HL but had forgotten over time (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 08:30:14 -0700 From: Jess R <> Subject: I reason because --- my current preoccupation I reason because (Background: Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 1) Wonderful and amazing life gave me the ability to appreciate and question my existence Who am I? ( Why do I feel hunger, thirst … pain? Why do I yearn to learn and keep learning? Conversely, why do I yearn to teach and keep teaching? But most especially. why do I yearn to love and keep loving? What are all these other things around me? Where did they come from? Is there such thing as creation? How come there is no well defined concept of creation in mathematics? Is there infinity? If in fact energy and mass can never be created nor destroyed, where did all such things go when they are drawn into singularities with practically no dimension such as a black hole? Do they just stay as “points in space-time at which gravitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume, and space and time to become infinitely distorted?” Ah ... but then we have to assume there is such thing as infinity! Or are they gateways to other worlds? For your enjoyment also laugh with me in my hilarious experience: God's Country and my Mini Scooter ( ) Here is also a remake, much improved from the first version, of O Sole Mio ( One’s intense wishful thinking translates into a dream but remains as such unless followed by decisive action for fulfillment March 30, 2006 Jess Ragaza -, President, Internet Architecture Inc. Creator and Moderator of the following cyber goal oriented communities: KickBush ( Join KickBush to learn about the latest news that the Media still does not know or is being withheld by Big Business. After being killed twice before by our affluent and powerful adversaries but ostensibly concealing under the guise of the Patriot Act now reincarnated as Kick_Bush Come and join our peace loving, object oriented discussion board. Kick Bush European based P.O. Box 22239, Newark, NJ 07101; Tel. 973-484-0539; E-Mail Addresses:, Click here to learn about Jess Ragaza's Statement of Teaching Philosophy To assist our fellow human beings in the most devastating events in recent history, I plead you to contribute to the relief effort done magnanimously by the American Red Cross. From home and baby to electronics and clothing, everything you purchase is 10% off. 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DEBBIE!!!?? Earl J. Heinrich ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 12:31:49 EDT From: Billie Lee Williams <> Subject: Re: I reason because --- my current preoccupation (SPAMMED?) I got that message as well; I did not, however notice it was a HL LIST Message. I deleted it because of the highly questionable subject line. Is there no other way to prevent such a thing from ending up in List Mail? Please pardon if this is a really stupid question. Forever Yours, Billie-Lee In a message dated 4/3/2006 9:27:21 AM Pacific Standard Time, eheinr007@COMCAST.NET writes: I guess this message could be an example of why there are/were list rules and why we need/needed a listowner with a whip to keep things in line. There was not even an OHR or tangential topic in this e-mail. This is an issue only the listowner can address. DEBBIE!!!?? Earl J. Heinrich ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 21:46:40 +0200 From: TMar <> Subject: Things I love about HL but had forgotten over time Watching the DVDs has reminded me very powerfully of the fact that I *love* Highlander. Sure, my enthusiasm faded a little over time, but watching it again has brought back a lot of it. Things I'd forgotten about that I love in HL 1. Adrian Paul. Damn but that man is handsome. Duncan MacLeod was the absolute perfect role for him. He's SO good in it - both good looking and his actng is good. He really came a long way from War of the Worlds (I was an Adrian fan BEFORE Highlander!). He needs to find a new role that will challenge him as much as Duncan did. Preferably a role with lots of kung fu. :) 2. The music. Not just Queen (Queen *rules*), but the incidental music as well. Also "Bonny Portmore", which I love. (I was a Loreena McKennitt fan - yes, I know it wasn't her version in the show - long before her song was used in HL 3.) 3. Fantastic flashbacks. All those different times and places and cool costumes. Wow! 4. Guest stars who remain in the mind even after single performances. (No, I don't mean Michael Shanks. Sod off, Nina.) 5. Really good continuity and storylines which intertwine. Okay, so TPTB occasionally made some mistakes. But they *tried*, which is more than most shows do. And they never tried to act as though characters who had died (and no, I don't mean Richie) never existed in the first place, which is a sin a lot of drama shows commit. 6. Actors who cared about the show. More than that, actors who can remember storylines and plot points! That's rare in television. Especially years after the fact. 7. The fact that you can see how Duncan (Richie, Methos, Amanda, Joe) changed over six years. TPTB *let* the characters change and grow; another rarity in television. 8. Cool swordfights. :) A person forgets over time just how well done the swordfights were. Watch another show that has swordfights and the people look clumsy - that is, if it's actually the actors at all! I love the fact that HL seldom used stunt doubles for the fights. Wonderful stuff! 9. Accents on parade. HL showcased a far greater variety of accents than any other show I can think of. Farscape's universe was populated by Australians. Stargate is populated by a lot of Americans and one or two South Africans (Baal rules!!). But HL had Americans, English people, Scots, French people, Germans, Russians, etc. Fantastic variety. 10. The whole package. What a show! - Marina. \\ "I think somewhere on the road to reality, ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // you took a left turn." - Nowhere Man || R I C H I E >> \\ \\||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //===Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie===||````````````````\\ Wesley: What about the fact they thought we were gay? Angel: Adds mystery. "Expecting" (Angel) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 15:04:23 -0700 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Things I love about HL but had forgotten over time Marina-- > 1. Adrian Paul. Damn but that man is handsome. Yes, totally. > and his actng is good. Well, sometimes. It even got uniformly good on HL:TS by season 4 or so. But, there were clunkers. Like that shriek of anguish on finding Darius beheaded. (And, that awful "Darius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" of his got repeated no end in the "Prieviously on Highlander" thingees. It MUST have been an inside joke on AP.) > He really came a long way > from War of the Worlds The best that can be said of his work back on The Colby's is that he had plenty of room to improve. Oh--& that he was totally hot as an young, angst-ridden, defecting Russian ballet star in love w/ a complete zero of a character. (And, God, but the women on that show _worked_ the big hair & padded shoulders!) > He needs > to find a new role > that will challenge him as much as Duncan did. > Preferably a role with lots > of kung fu. :) Please, no--I really don't think his career could survive that. I long to see AP in a normal role as a good guy on a mainstream doctor or cop show--to demonstrate he REALLY can act, as opposed to playing an immortal/alien/vampire/hologram, etc. But, to get ANY decent role, he 1st must hire an agent from the ranks of the living & breathing. That's apparently a problem for him. > 4. Guest stars who remain in the mind even after > single performances. (No, > I don't mean Michael Shanks. Who? > Sod off, Nina. And, again, I fondly consider geography, blessing the physical distance between us. > 10. The whole package. Oh, so we're talking about AP's package now? Cool.... Nina (who hasn't forgotten anything about Highlander or my love of it) (except, things like ep #'s are getting hard to recall) (due to a decidedly NOT seamless transition in email from Verizon to HawaiianTel, I'm really not here at present) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 2 Apr 2006 to 3 Apr 2006 (#2006-72) ************************************************************