There are 3 messages totalling 141 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. *blink*---which post contains many POSSIBLE Source Spoilelrs 2. OT: Star Wars and SG-1 3. DEBBIE!!! WHERE FOR ART THOU OH DEBBIE?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 06:40:07 +0200 From: TMar <> Subject: Re: *blink*---which post contains many POSSIBLE Source Spoilelrs Wendy wrote: >trapped in this leaderless hell dimension. <eg> Leaderless hell dimension! I love it! So... does time pass more slowly or more quickly here? :) - Marina. (You know it's your fault I got hooked on Buffy and Angel, don't you, Wendy?) (Thank you.) \\ "I think somewhere on the road to reality, ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // you took a left turn." - Nowhere Man || R I C H I E >> \\ \\||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //===Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie===||````````````````\\ Wesley: What about the fact they thought we were gay? Angel: Adds mystery. "Expecting" (Angel) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:53:15 -0500 From: Nancy C <> Subject: Re: OT: Star Wars and SG-1 that was hilarious :> hi ginny! thanks for sharing -----Original Message----- From: Ginny Gibbs <> To: HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU Sent: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 20:21:12 -0600 Subject: OT: Star Wars and SG-1 Since we're OT, here's a link to a great mashup video: Star Wars Cantina/SG-1 Vitriol warning: if you're a quart low, this video will probably bring it right back up if you are not a fan of any of the following: O'Neill, Teal'c, Dr. Jackson, Jonas, Mayhew, or generic Asgard puppets. The editing is terrific. I had forgotten about this filk song, but it gets a whole new life with this mash-up. Very catchy tune - "His name was Yoda, he was a Muppet..." ::humming:: now I"ll be singing that all day at work. OBHL: This link was sent to me by an old-time denizen of this list, catsnco. Many of you will remember her, and her backstory. If you do, you should know it was sent by one of the "young ones," who has no memory of that time. She/they seem to be doing a little better. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:41:49 -0500 From: Wendy <> Subject: Re: DEBBIE!!! WHERE FOR ART THOU OH DEBBIE?! Earl joins the game (not the Game)(Unless there is something Earl wants to share with us?): > Her Weaselness has compared HIGLA-L to a "leaderless hell > dimension" and YOU have been referred to as "her > listlessness." Are you going to take this lying down or come > out of the closet and do something about this?! Debbie's in the closet? Wow. Is Tom Cruise in there with her? > I'm not sure if your strategy (absence makes the heart > grow fonder) is working. Speaking solely for myself, my heart has not grown fonder. More pissed-off is more accurate. Then again, I never suspected that she was in the closet. >We'd better be careful not to let the TPTB at > know this is a "leaderless hell dimension" (or is > that the Final Dimension) or they might chop our heads off! We aren't leaderless so far as is concerned. Debbie comes out of the closet just enough to make sure that her mail doesn't all bounce. Not enough to actually *answer* email sent to her, but she does *receive*email. > BTW, I understand the list died and was reborn from the ashes > like the Phoenix at some point? And DEBBIE hasn't been heard > from since?! No, the list never died. In the days before memory, there was the List. We were with you then, and we are with you now. We have been worshipped as Gods, mistaken for demons and reviled as witches. We are the seeds of a million legends but our true origins are unknown. We simply are. We are driven by the ceaseless fight to endure. No limit, it is a battle that knows no boundary of time or place. And Debbie has been heard of here and there every 6 or 10 months. Never more than a word or a whisper and then she disappears ... unwilling or unable to respond to any queries directed to her. >And where are all the old archives (i.e. > covered in a decade of dust and ferret fur), espcially those > about weasel poking. And here you come to the point of our quest to drive Debbie from her closet. The old archives are gone. Everything before mid-1995 is unavailable. It is known that Debbie once had - and probably still has- copies of everything from the very first day onward. We wants it. We wants the Precious! (Sorry, wrong fandom <eg>). Some of us (OK...just *me*really ) have been trying to get Debbie to set up some system whereby we could access (and by access I mean *copy*) those old archives. Debbie refuses to give us (and by us I mean me) any response other than silence. I find that rude even from the hopelessly closeted. So...welcome to the battle. Feel free to try any technique you think might be effective in freeing our once fearless and now terminally non-responsive leader from her closet. Wendy (Maybe R Kelly is in the closet too?)(With a midget.)(Which is not the same as a dwarf.)(OBHLR:should we say "gibbering Little Person" instead of gibbering dwarf when discussing AAA?) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 22 Mar 2006 to 23 Mar 2006 (#2006-67) **************************************************************