There are 12 messages totalling 714 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Wendy Milner 2. Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! 3. Source SPOILERS--possibly (10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 21:46:54 -0600 From: Ginny Gibbs <> Subject: Wendy Milner Wendy wrote: >Kamil says: > > >>(although if someone still has the ascii swords I'd love to >>be able to copy it; again with the please enable my >>laziness), >> >> > >No spoilers here - but I can give you the sword. > >Sword. > >Not shaft. > > |\ > | \ > | | > | | > | | > | | > | | > | | > | | > | | > | | > | | > | | > | | > |.| > |.| > |.| > |.| > |.| > |.| > |.| > |.| > |.| >__|_|__ >"--+--" > [#] > [#] > [#] > [#] > [#] > [#] > [#] > <|> > >There are probably other swords but this is one Dragon Wendy used. I >wonder where Wendy Milner is now. Still on her mountain top? > > Got some thing here: which confirms that the person in the article below is indeed our Dragon Wendy Milner And there's a very nice photo, and someone notes that she has "the heart of a warrior." And we all know where she learned THAT. >Wendy (We don't need no stinkin' spoiler spaces!) >Immortals Inc. > >"Weasels for Eternity" > > > > ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 08:19:33 EST From: Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! In a message dated 3/10/2006 11:00:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, Immortals_Incorporated@COX.NET writes: Really? Some of us promised to stay forever or until Debbie turned out the lights. Debbie has disappeared, so I guess we are stuck here forever. So we're doomed never to die. There's a sort of irony to that sort of list Immortality... Leah ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:10:24 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Source SPOILERS--possibly Kamil-- > Do tell? I'm far too lazy to go search for same, so please enable my > laziness and share? With or without spoiler spaces > I suppose adding SPOILER to the subject should be sufficent to protect > the spoiler virgins. Agreed. The list rules only specify spoiler rules for HL "episodes" anyway. If the list owner can't be bothered to revise the rules to include HL movies at this late date, then so be it. (Debbie????????????????????????) Last warning. The K'Immie is buzzless. Stealth-Immie. Somehow, he got a silencer for his buzz. Sounds to me a lot like fudging Holy Ground in Endgame--the writers can't come up w/ anything new w/in the HL rules framework so they break the rules. Could be more involved, but it sounds like lazy writing. Oh--he's also really, really fast. As in speedy. Which sounds cartoonish, doesn't it? So--Speedy/Stealth K'Immie. The movie is set 10-15 years in the future, & it's not a rosy one. Post-apocalyptic. The whole movie is very, very dark. Apparently literally, as well as mood. We may need flashlights to catch the action here. (I do hope they managed to light the sex scene properly.) Duncan & Methos are on a quest, & tagging along is an Immie priest. I predict he's a goner, as HL _always_ kills off its priests--Immie & mortal alike. Joe dies. Apparently. It's possible he's only really, really, really injured, but I expect he dies. Just as well--I've been tired if Joe since season 3. Methos has a kid. Yup--now Immies can reproduce. Something about there not being enough surviving Immies left to fulfill some sacred duty.... so the Source must be renewed. Kid seems to be some sort of hybrid. (Like THAT hasn't been done to death.) (Wonder if s/he got daddy's nose?) Could be interesting, if not exactly Highlander. But, again--lazy writing! In the "totally good news" column--Kate/Faith died sometime between Endgame & Source. (Probably, DM married her again & beheaded her on their honeymoon.) Connor's still dead. There's a grossly obese Immie. There will be tons of special effects. (Assuming DPP can afford them.) They are looking to expand the fan base w/ this film. (So they don't give a damn what we think of it.) There may be more filming to do. (Duh.) Editing continues. (Oh, dear God....) Still no definitive word on release date or on the theater/direct to DVD question. Nina (one of the above is totally false, by the way) (as in--I made it up) (the rest were reported by attendees of the Leeds con, who saw a short film clip) (which doesn't mean they interpreted it correctly or it won't be changed later) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 16:07:42 EST From: Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly In a message dated 3/13/2006 3:13:53 PM US Eastern Standard Time, mac.westie@VERIZON.NET writes: >>one of the above is totally false, by the way lest you all be left wondering which one, methinks it is the Methos and children thing. I've read all the spoilers elsewhere to date and that one never appeared. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 16:22:53 -0500 From: Lisa Cameron-Norfleet <> Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly Nina gave us a bunch of potential spoilers and then said: >(one of the above is totally false, by the way) (as in--I made it up) (the rest were reported by attendees of the Leeds con, who saw a short >film clip) (which doesn't mean they interpreted it correctly or it won't be changed later) If there is a god, it will be the one about Methos and the kid. I'm all for the concept of immortal reproduction...just...not Methos. Not with a kid. Unless the kid is played by Emmanuel Lewis. Liser ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 11:46:43 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly Rottie-- > lest you all be left wondering which one Just got a SPOILER update/correction. The Immie DM & Methos are questing w/ is not a priest--it is Jesus, venturing off of Holy Ground. The most obvious Immie ever! But the Source may make this work. He's surprisingly mellow--very matter of fact & low key. Kind & understanding, easy to talk to & supportive, forgiving & encouraging. This guy is totally New Testament. He's got a sense of humor even! A nice traveling companion, for a movie or for life. Nina (so, I guess certain die hard fans willl be boycotting HL: The Source after all) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 18:05:14 -0500 From: Wendy <> Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly Nina says: > Last warning. I like the sound of that. > The K'Immie is buzzless. Stealth-Immie. Somehow, he got a > silencer for his buzz. If true, may I just say "neener, neener, neener" to everyone who ever made fun of the numerous fanfics that include this feature (mine included). > Oh--he's also really, really fast. As in speedy. This is probably just really bad special effects. > The movie is set 10-15 years in the future, & it's not a rosy one. > Post-apocalyptic. Not again. Whatever happened to all those utopian futures of yesteryear? Now its always dreary and overcast and everyone speaks some polyglot nonsense. "Blade Runner" was great but they've been remaking it for 30 years. Please stop. And...I thought Duncan headed off the apocalypse in "Armageddon". You mean he should have actually killed Ahriman instead of just ignoring him? I told you so! Ignoring a big bad demon just encourages it to come back and spread red fog when you're not looking. >The whole movie is very, very dark. > Apparently literally, as well as mood. So. . . someone let Adrian get involved in directing again? > (I do hope they managed to light the sex scene properly.) Please god, yes, It may be the only redeeming feature. > Duncan & Methos are on a quest, & tagging along is an Immie > priest. I predict he's a goner, as HL _always_ kills off its > priests--Immie & mortal alike. >it is Jesus, venturing off of Holy Ground. Jesus? Really?'re just messing with us now. They wouldn't have Book of Daniel'ed us so soon. That would be way too funny. If true, kudos to the writers for going in the most obvious direction possible. Zero points for originality. > Joe dies. Apparently. It's possible he's only really, > really, really injured, but I expect he dies. Just as > well--I've been tired if Joe since season 3. I never like the Watchers and Joe frequently annoyed me and, hey, if this is set 15 years in the future, Joe is *old*. Someone always has to die to make things dramatic and Joe is a good candidate. Methos can say" I'm sorry Duncan, I know he was your friend". > Methos has a kid. Yup--now Immies can reproduce. Something > about there not being enough surviving Immies left to fulfill > some sacred duty.... so the Source must be renewed. Again....neener neener neener to all those fanfic snobs who scoffed at this idea except when it was written by a certain HIGHLA listee and involved not just Immortals having children but accelerated gestation and amnesia too. Why was an Immortal having a baby considered rotten writing but an Immortal having a baby in three days and then forgetting it OK? (Bitter?)(No,no, not me)(My truly amateurish fanfic way back when may turn out to have been prophetic.)(Or proof that DDP have scrapped the bottom on the plot-barrel) > In the "totally good news" column--Kate/Faith died sometime > between Endgame & Source. (Probably, DM married her again & > beheaded her on their honeymoon.) While I hated the fat lipped, concentration camp victim actress that played Kate...and the utterly ridiculous plot surrounding her... I hate to see her dead since that means Duncan will be in "poor me" mode the whole movie. > Connor's still dead. He needs to be dead. Otherwise they would have to explain why he looked 76. > There's a grossly obese Immie. About time. Does he have a personal hover craft to get around? > There will be tons of special effects. (Assuming DPP can afford them.) Make that tons of cheesy special effects- you know...heads that blink after being separated from their body . . . faces superimposed over other faces...talking dogs. > They are looking to expand the fan base w/ this film. (So > they don't give a damn what we think of it.) Again? How many times can they try to "expand the fan base" before they realize that the fans they have are all the fans they will ever have? > There may be more filming to do. (Duh.) Oh god......rewrites that spawn more filming. Bad very bad. > Editing continues. (Oh, dear God....) 26 miles of film edited into one 87 minute flop. Later reedited into a 102 minute Director's Cut flop. > Still no definitive word on release date or on the > theater/direct to DVD question. Direct to video...put money on it. (There will be a gay version and a straight version) >(one of the above is totally false, by the way) (as > in--I made it up) Oh oh I hope the made up one is about the obese Immortal... because the rest just sound too juicy for words. >(the rest were reported by attendees of the Leeds con, The one that was ill-organized, expensive and left people hungry? (In the grand tradition of HL conventions everywhere <eg>) > who saw a short filmclip)(which doesn't mean they interpreted it correctly or it > won't be changed later) You can't tell anything about a HL movie by film clips shown at conventions. Or trailers shown in theaters. I'm getting rally psyched about this movie! Wendy(I heard that, in the end, Duncan and Methos board a spaceship and head for the Delta Quadrant.) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 19:02:14 EST From: Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly In a message dated 3/13/2006 4:49:19 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: >>Nina (so, I guess certain die hard fans willl be boycotting HL: The Source after all) claws in, claws out :) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 18:26:20 -0600 From: Kamil <> Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly <Wendy> Not again. Whatever happened to all those utopian futures of yesteryear? <me> The writers read the newspapers? Saw who was President of the US and figured it was only a matter of time? DEBBIEEEEE!!!!! I'm trashing the supposed President - on-list POLITICS!! Oh noes! Come STOP US!!!!! <Wendy> So. . . someone let Adrian get involved in directing again? <me> I realize I'm in the minority with this one, but I like Adrian's directing. Of course I don't mind dark settings; I'd have abandoned Joss Whedon's shows years ago if that were the case. <g> <Nina> Joe dies. Apparently. It's possible he's only really, really, really injured, but I expect he dies. Just as well--I've been tired if Joe since season 3. <me> God, I hope so. I've never liked Joe, or the Watchers either, for that matter. Years of listening to Joe narrarate the credit's line 'but never interfere' grated my last nerve away many long years ago. Now I either seethe quietly or throw something at the television set. <Nina> Methos has a kid. Yup--now Immies can reproduce. Something about there not being enough surviving Immies left to fulfill some sacred duty.... so the Source must be renewed. *headdesk* <Wendy> Again....neener neener neener to all those fanfic snobs who scoffed at this idea except when it was written by a certain HIGHLA listee and involved not just Immortals having children but accelerated gestation and amnesia too. Why was an Immortal having a baby considered rotten writing but an Immortal having a baby in three days and then forgetting it OK? <me> Oh, I scoffed at hers most of all. <eg> <Wendy> While I hated the fat lipped, concentration camp victim actress that played Kate...and the utterly ridiculous plot surrounding her... I hate to see her dead since that means Duncan will be in "poor me" mode the whole movie. <me> As opposed to having a new one, who also dies in the movie? Frankly, I'd prefer no headboard rattling (unless I've missed it and Amanda is in the movie?) and instead, many half-nekkid sweaty katas. Or, better yet, fully nekkid sweaty katas - they could always smudge out the dangly bits, if they dangled the wrong way. Editing being what it is on these films, we could get lucky and maybe they'd miss a few frames. That'd be . . . nifty. <eg> <Wendy> Direct to video...put money on it. (There will be a gay version and a straight version) <me> If only . . . if only. *grump* <Wendy> (I heard that, in the end, Duncan and Methos board a spaceship and head for the Delta Quadrant.) Speaking of truly bad fanfic - I co-wrote that one. And spend a portion of each of my days praying that all of the copies have in fact vanished from teh intrawebs. <g> -- Kamil Crassus: Do you consider the eating of oysters to be moral and the eating of snails to be immoral? Antoninus: No, master. Crassus: Of course not. It is all a matter of taste, isn't it? Antoninus: Yes, master. Crassus: And taste is not the same as appetite, and therefore not a question of morals. Antoninus: It could be argued so, master. Crassus: My robe, Antoninus. My taste includes . . . both snails and oysters. Spartacus ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 14:51:35 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly Wendy & I chat about SPOILERS (real & imagined)-- >> Oh--he's also really, really fast. As in speedy. > This is probably just really bad special effects. Or just BAD EDITING. >> The movie is set 10-15 years in the future, & it's not a rosy one. >> Post-apocalyptic. > > Not again. Whatever happened to all those utopian futures of yesteryear? > Now its always dreary and overcast and everyone speaks some polyglot > nonsense. That's so they can film in whatever's currently the cheapest crap-hole place on the planet. Utopias are pricey. (Living in one, I can attest.) >> (I do hope they managed to light the sex scene properly.) > > Please god, yes, It may be the only redeeming feature. Well, this IS a Highlander movie, so that's quite likely. > Jesus? Really?'re just messing with us now. They wouldn't have > Book of Daniel'ed us so soon. Sorry--the Jesus addendum was just me smiting Rottie (& Pat Robertson, should he happen to be on the list) (not that he would be *active* or anything). But the priest Immie is correct. He's SO doomed, he may as well wear a red cassock. > While I hated the fat lipped, concentration camp victim actress that > played Kate...and the utterly ridiculous plot surrounding her... I hate > to see her dead since that means Duncan will be in "poor me" mode the > whole movie. Well, to be fair, when WASN'T he in that mode, about something? > Direct to video...put money on it. (There will be a gay version and a > straight version) And we can argue which is which. Kamil-- >>>As opposed to having a new one, who also dies in the movie? Frankly, I'd prefer no headboard rattling >>> That's just wrong. Why would anyone MAKE anything Highlander, w/ no sex? May as well be Stargate or something. Nina (who's still trying to figure out BSG's finale) (can always depend on BSG to have sex) (they also had really bad faux hair, which made me think fondly of HL) has a whole section on ferret care. I don't see anything on weasels, though. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 20:21:07 -0600 From: Ginny Gibbs <> Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly MacWestie wrote: > Wendy & I chat about SPOILERS (real & imagined)-- > >>> Oh--he's also really, really fast. As in speedy. >> >> This is probably just really bad special effects. > > > Or just BAD EDITING. > > >>> The movie is set 10-15 years in the future, & it's not a rosy one. >>> Post-apocalyptic. >> >> >> Not again. Whatever happened to all those utopian futures of yesteryear? >> Now its always dreary and overcast and everyone speaks some polyglot >> nonsense. > > > That's so they can film in whatever's currently the cheapest crap-hole > place on the planet. Utopias are pricey. (Living in one, I can attest.) > > >>> (I do hope they managed to light the sex scene properly.) >> >> >> Please god, yes, It may be the only redeeming feature. > > > Well, this IS a Highlander movie, so that's quite likely. > > >> Jesus? Really?'re just messing with us now. They wouldn't have >> Book of Daniel'ed us so soon. > > > Sorry--the Jesus addendum was just me smiting Rottie (& Pat Robertson, > should he happen to be on the list) (not that he would be *active* or > anything). But the priest Immie is correct. He's SO doomed, he may > as well wear a red cassock. > > >> While I hated the fat lipped, concentration camp victim actress that >> played Kate...and the utterly ridiculous plot surrounding her... I hate >> to see her dead since that means Duncan will be in "poor me" mode the >> whole movie. > > > Well, to be fair, when WASN'T he in that mode, about something? > > > >> Direct to video...put money on it. (There will be a gay version and a >> straight version) > > > And we can argue which is which. > > > Kamil-- > >>>> As opposed to having a new one, who also dies in the movie? Frankly, >>> > I'd prefer no headboard rattling >>> > > That's just wrong. Why would anyone MAKE anything Highlander, w/ no > sex? May as well be Stargate or something. > > Nina (who's still trying to figure out BSG's finale) (can always > depend on BSG to have sex) (they also had really bad faux hair, which > made me think fondly of HL) > > > has a whole section on ferret care. I don't see > anything on weasels, though. > > > Hmm. This new character Speedy K'Onzales is going to be difficult to animate with the clay. Can we make him look more like a mouse? Can we get the Hispanic market on board for the character? (Blasphemy! No headboard rattling? Anathema!)((At least the nice hippie Jesus from BoD is available. There's the ultimate forbidden topic IN YOUR FACE DEBBIE))(((xoxoxoxo))) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 21:46:42 EST From: Subject: Re: Source SPOILERS--possibly If anyone wants to see where all the conversation about The Source is actually happening [including some *real* spoiler threads] now that a promo film about it has been seen at the Leeds convention, go here: ' _ orum;f=17_ (;f=17) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 12 Mar 2006 to 13 Mar 2006 (#2006-54) **************************************************************