There are 6 messages totalling 278 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! (6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 22:58:07 -0500 From: Wendy <> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! Earl said: > >>It suprised me that the list was still active, Really? Some of us promised to stay forever or until Debbie turned out the lights. Debbie has disappeared, so I guess we are stuck here forever. Rottie replies: > well it is a tiny bit moribund, but still alive. > Most of the action has moved here: > > _highlanderworldwide-subscribe@yahoogroups.com_ Well... let's clarify that, shall we? If one wants hundreds of messages per week about conventions or auctions run by Carmel, weather reports from across the globe, best wishes on new jobs, pleas to go vote in stupid polls or build stupid virtual walls with stupid virtual bricks, discussions of HL alumni in non-HL roles, etc than HLWW is the place to be. There is no more discussion of actual HL related topics there than there is here. We simply go silent between bits of new or discussion while HLWW babbles on and on. <EG> I think the last serious discussion there was about Adrian's "Tides of War" movie - a discussion that quickly lapsed into homophobia and then died. >Last time I looked there were 955 *active* members. There are 955 members ... period. Full stop. Of those, about 20 post with any regularity. There are 876 members here with perhaps 10 regulars. If one eliminates all the bullshit posts on HLWW, I'd say the same number of people on both lists actually add any substantive content. . . and in neither case can one claim that the majority or even most members ever post anything. 2% participation versus 1% participation is still rotten participation. In any event, welcome back, Earl. Join us in our quest to drive Debbie back out into the open. Wendy (Debbie!!!)( I said "bullshit" by which I mean bullshit.) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:13:16 EST From: Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! In a message dated 3/10/2006 11:00:07 PM US Eastern Standard Time, Immortals_Incorporated@COX.NET writes: >>>If one eliminates all the bullshit posts on HLWW, I'd say the same number of people on both lists actually add any substantive content. . sigh. Think what you will, but though this list was once a backbone of fandom, in *today's* world, 90% of all the very very active fans I've met at the last 4 conventions never heard of this "big list". Shrug. But hey, Earl, welcome. In case anyone forgot to mention it, *some* of us are looking forward to the next HL movie due out probably in the fall. _ orum;f=17_ (;f=17) _ ( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:43:00 -0500 From: Wendy <> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! I said: > >>>If one eliminates all the bullshit posts on HLWW, I'd say the > same number of people on both lists actually add any > substantive content. . Rottie: > sigh. Think what you will, I usually do <efg> >but though this list was once a > backbone of fandom, in *today's* world, 90% of all the very > very active fans I've met at the last 4 conventions never > heard of this "big list". Shrug. Oh, of that I have little doubt. HL has passed into that stage of fandom where it is more a social club than anything else. The people on HLWW are not so much active in the HL fandom as they are active in traveling to whatever spot Carmel has picked for her next vacat...I mean...convention. Yes, it's nice to see an old actor and hear the old stories again but mostly it's about seeing other fans and seeing England or Australia or Bora Bora <g>. They seem honestly interested in each others new jobs, new babies, sick relatives and the weather outside everyone's windows. HIGHLA was never really about being a social club. While long-term friendships and even a few marriages sprang up among the folks here, it was never the place to blather on about your personal life or random non-HL related crap. It stands to reason that when HL went off the air, a place designed for serious discussion would fade whereas a place for happy-talk would thrive. And that's OK. > But hey, Earl, welcome. In case anyone forgot to mention it, > *some* of us are looking forward to the next HL movie due out > probably in the fall. I think more than a few of us are looking forward to a new HL movie. It may well be god-awful but at least we'll have something new to talk about for a few weeks. And we could get surprised - it could be a good movie. Odder things have happened. The fact that Duncan and Methos start off the film herding sheep gives me real hope. The fact that they later dress as geishas gives me some pause. The talking lion is disturbing but I like the question of whether an Immortal would willingly cut off his own leg to avoid decapitation. The mimes worry me. I'm not convinced that Claymation was the way to go but, hey, it's a chance Panzer/Davis had to take. Above all, I'm glad that we will finally be seeing those twin Immortals we always wondered about. Wendy (Flying twin Immortals at that!) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:53:32 +0200 From: TMar <> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! >The fact that Duncan and Methos start off the film herding sheep gives me real hope. Well, the *other* recent movie that features two hot guys herding sheep was nominated for an Oscar, so there's hope. - Marina. (Sorry. Had to do it.) (Movies to slit your wrists by.) (Based on a *short* story.) (Short.) (And the movie is still over 90 min.) (That's 90 min of my life I'm not getting back.) (Only one scene worth watching.) (That's okay, you need not guess.) \\ "I'm like every other kid in America. We all ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // wanna be astronauts... 'to boldly go where || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ no man has gone before'." - Matt Sikes to ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // Cathy Frankel; Green Eyes (Alien Nation) ||````````````````\\ \\||,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,// //=============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============\\ "Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh and it's cruel, but that's why there's us ... We live as though the world were how it should be, to show it what it can be." - Angel ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 10:26:27 -0500 From: Katie King <katking@UMD.EDU> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:43:00 -0500, Wendy <> wrote: >I think more than a few of us are looking forward to a new HL movie. It >may well be god-awful but at least we'll have something new to talk >about for a few weeks. And we could get surprised - it could be a good >movie. Odder things have happened. The fact that Duncan and Methos >start off the film herding sheep gives me real hope. The fact that they >later dress as geishas gives me some pause. The talking lion is >disturbing but I like the question of whether an Immortal would >willingly cut off his own leg to avoid decapitation. The mimes worry me. >I'm not convinced that Claymation was the way to go but, hey, it's a >chance Panzer/Davis had to take. Above all, I'm glad that we will >finally be seeing those twin Immortals we always wondered about. > >Wendy (Flying twin Immortals at that!) This is why I'm spending Saturday morning, sunny day outside my window, with my laptop in my lap, reading HIGHLA-L. It brings a warm smile to my face reflecting the bit of my heart that just can't resist weaseling. Katie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 17:40:02 +0000 From: Earl Heinrich <> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! This sounds like it has the possiblity of becoming as good a script as the Highlander IV one that was assembled so long ago. I like the part where the Hunters return to kill off the questing Immortals (and their sheep), but are foiled when Duncan and the gang (sheep included) all file into a Blue Police Call Box, which then disappears, leaving the Hunters to face the strange pepperpot shaped creatures which have just arrived bent on world conquest. "Exterminiate!" ZAP! Dead Hunters. Earl J. Heinrich -------------- Original message -------------- From: Wendy <Immortals_Incorporated@COX.NET> > I said: > > >>>If one eliminates all the bullshit posts on HLWW, I'd say the > > same number of people on both lists actually add any > > substantive content. . > > Rottie: > > sigh. Think what you will, > > I usually do > > >but though this list was once a > > backbone of fandom, in *today's* world, 90% of all the very > > very active fans I've met at the last 4 conventions never > > heard of this "big list". Shrug. > > Oh, of that I have little doubt. HL has passed into that stage of fandom > where it is more a social club than anything else. The people on HLWW > are not so much active in the HL fandom as they are active in traveling > to whatever spot Carmel has picked for her next vacat...I > mean...convention. Yes, it's nice to see an old actor and hear the old > stories again but mostly it's about seeing other fans and seeing England > or Australia or Bora Bora . They seem honestly interested in each > others new jobs, new babies, sick relatives and the weather outside > everyone's windows. > > HIGHLA was never really about being a social club. While long-term > friendships and even a few marriages sprang up among the folks here, it > was never the place to blather on about your personal life or random > non-HL related crap. It stands to reason that when HL went off the air, > a place designed for serious discussion would fade whereas a place for > happy-talk would thrive. And that's OK. > > > But hey, Earl, welcome. In case anyone forgot to mention it, > > *some* of us are looking forward to the next HL movie due out > > probably in the fall. > > I think more than a few of us are looking forward to a new HL movie. It > may well be god-awful but at least we'll have something new to talk > about for a few weeks. And we could get surprised - it could be a good > movie. Odder things have happened. The fact that Duncan and Methos > start off the film herding sheep gives me real hope. The fact that they > later dress as geishas gives me some pause. The talking lion is > disturbing but I like the question of whether an Immortal would > willingly cut off his own leg to avoid decapitation. The mimes worry me. > I'm not convinced that Claymation was the way to go but, hey, it's a > chance Panzer/Davis had to take. Above all, I'm glad that we will > finally be seeing those twin Immortals we always wondered about. > > Wendy (Flying twin Immortals at that!) > > Immortals Inc. > > "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 10 Mar 2006 to 11 Mar 2006 (#2006-52) **************************************************************