There are 7 messages totalling 229 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. An Example For Debbie Douglass to Follow! 2. Holy Ground Threatened By Scottish Godlessness! (3) 3. Tolerance. (2) 4. religious tolerance, my ass ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 15:20:16 -0500 From: Wendy <> Subject: An Example For Debbie Douglass to Follow! Richard Sarner asks: >Virginia Foster, are you here? I have a question or two for you And within 24 hours, Virginia responds: > you rang? I might have an answer or two. Now...was that so hard? Virginia lurks. She has a very busy life. But when someone directs a question to her, she responds as any polite person would do. We could all :::looks pointedly toward Debbie :::: learn from Virginia's shining example. Wendy(DEBBIE!)(OBHLR: Duncan is usually polite.) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 21:08:17 -0000 From: Jette Goldie <> Subject: Re: Holy Ground Threatened By Scottish Godlessness! From: "Ginny Gibbs" <> Heh - I monitor an archeology blog written by a friend in Germany, and had to chuckle over this one: CONSERVATIONISTS are calling on entrepreneurs to take over Scotland's abandoned churches and turn them into everything from petrol stations to bars in an effort to save them from ruin. Hundreds of rural churches and city steeples are under threat from the country's increasing Godlessness. Dwindling congregation numbers now pose the largest threat to Scotland's historic character and must be countered through innovative business planning, say conservationists. They pointed to a variety of successful church conversions, including bars and nightclubs, activity centres and the popular Oràn Mór arts venue in Glasgow. The article is at Darn those Godless Scots! There will soon be no place for an Immortal to lay his or her head without someone taking it off. I've seen some excellent house conversions from old churches - bit on the draughty side sometimes, but lots of space. Jette Goldie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 16:28:24 -0600 From: Kamil <> Subject: Re: Tolerance. On 2/4/06, <> wrote: > > In a message dated 2/4/2006 8:16:20 AM US Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > >>>Personally I think that Jesus is bigger than petty vengence - and > didn't > he > teach "forgiveness"? > > Yes, thank heavens. And it will also be the reason why it will always be > easier to "pick on" Christians. They'll forgive. Not that you could tell it from the uproar over "Book of Daniel" including the slobbering masses calling for the heads of all those involved, looking forward to the day they get their just reward; apparently so the people who suffered so much and so deeply (just by knowing that the show was out there= , airing somewhere that others could watch it if they chose) could watch the punishment and be satisfied. -- Kamil Spanky: "You pathetic little fairy." Angel: "Hey! I'm not little!" "Conviction" Angel the Series *sigh* I miss my dead gay show. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 15:24:02 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Holy Ground Threatened By Scottish Godlessness! > They pointed to a variety of successful church conversions, > including bars and nightclubs, activity centres and the popular Oràn > Mór arts venue in Glasgow. A bar located on holy ground would be Methos' idea of heaven. Beer, no sword fights, more beer, the occasional barmaid, more beer, game of darts, more beer. He'd be a lock for last Immie. Nina (Methos would use The Prize to turn ALL churches into bars) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 15:27:01 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Tolerance. John warbles on at length about religious tolerance (I think that was it--it was rather like an episode of SG-1; unless they toss in a shot of Ben Browder in his skivvies, I'm gonna nod off.)-- >>>We DO have to be sensitive to the fact that there is a growth in people >>>who take religion *very* seriously... seriously to the point that that >>>any criticism or levity aimed in its diction is seen as blasphemous and >>>that is seen as carte blanche for any retalitaion or action.>>> What you are describing there is terrorism. People who retaliate to a cartoon w/ bombs are terrorists who have hijacked a religion for their own purposes. Being "sensitive" about religion isn't the answer, because terrorists are going to find some excuse to bomb people who disagree w/ them, until there no longer are such people, or until they run out of bombs. John-- >Christians, in my experience, can take a joke. Not really. That's why religion jokes are always tricky & why religion is one of those no-no topics, even banned right here on this very list (unless closely tied to HL:TS) (when there's a list owner around to enforce the rule). Overall, Christians haven't proven themselves to be any better on this point than those of other religions. And recently, it's become trendy for Christians to whine about "abuse" & make reprisals. For example, Rottie here on the list last week, & the whole Book of Daniel fiasco. Guess we should be glad the Christians didn't bomb the set. Rottie-- > Yes, thank heavens. And it will also be the reason why it will always be > easier to "pick on" Christians. They'll forgive. As others have noted already--really? Just last week you were gloating over a faith-based victory in TV programming. You weren't exactly oozing forgiveness or tolerance. You & yours really need to practice what you preach. Nina (do unto others) (turn the other cheek) ("Vengeance is _mine_," sayeth the Lord) (infinite diversity in infinite combination--no, wait, that's Star Trek) (but the other 3 apply) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 19:35:18 -0600 From: Kamil <> Subject: Re: Holy Ground Threatened By Scottish Godlessness! On 2/4/06, MacWestie <> wrote: > > They pointed to a variety of successful church conversions, > > including bars and nightclubs, activity centres and the popular Oràn > > Mór arts venue in Glasgow. > > A bar located on holy ground would be Methos' idea of heaven. Beer, no > sword fights, more beer, the occasional barmaid, more beer, game of darts, > more beer. He'd be a lock for last Immie. Exactly. He'd never shift his arse out, and so would win by default. Huh. So maybe that's what Methos is up to these days, backing this entire movement. Figures. -- Kamil Spike: ". . . because Angel and I have never been intimate . . . well, except for that one . . . " "Power Play" Angel the Series *sigh* I miss my dead gay show. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 16:52:20 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: religious tolerance, my ass Oops, they did it again. NBC has bowed to religious pressure yet again, this time futzing on a story line for guest star Britney Spears. Is nothing sacred?,1002,271|99868|1|,00.html Nina (who finds the pop tart offensive because she can't spell her own name) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 4 Feb 2006 (#2006-30) **********************************************