There are 7 messages totalling 232 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Debbie? Debbie? "Book of Daniel" DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!! (3) 2. Debbie? Debbie? "Book of Daniel" DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!! Aries 3. HIGHLA-L Digest - 28 Jan 2006 to 29 Jan 2006 - Special issue (#2006-22) 4. Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 14:35:32 -0800 From: Danni Butterfuss <> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? "Book of Daniel" DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!! Bless you Wendy! The burning times were really bad. Same as today. they are just going to take more time get their religion to kill women off one at a time. bare foot and pregnant is where they think women should be. The righteous indignation in any thing that helps to preserve women's right's. But then again the one mom or dad that doesn't want the pledge in school classroom's and brings a law suit?? That is a big WTF w/ be too. The military chaplains have women and Pagans represented now. That is the same military that has the Don't ask, don't tell. And contrary to JAG and NCIS we don't kill small animals, children, and I don't foster my beliefs on anyone that doesn't ask me about it. Sorry for going off Miz Weezel ma'am! ............. Bows to mz Weezel as i clime off my soap box and going back into deep lurkers mode again.......................... OHR wasn't one of Baal jaffa one of the kimme from BDABA? Stargate R, Apophis plays a cop on Da Vinci's Inquest! Strange to see him w/o glowing eyes and power voice. And I do what cheese w/ my whine from my other post. Danni ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 15:03:17 -0800 From: Danni Butterfuss <> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? "Book of Daniel" DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!! Aries I shouldn't post if I can't remember the rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY DEBBIE, Yoo Woo DEBBIE! Maybe it I make my first mistake again it will get her attention. I have not seen a post today to completely quote just to add " Me Too" .... runs cackling pass ZK's cane and white gloves. Tea time anyone? DEBBIE DEBBIE DEBBIE DEEEEBBBIIIEE!!! We are going to have roast newbie for tea sandwiches!!!!!! Oh hey I know can we start a flame war? If that doesn't bring her out of the woods, I don't know what will. Bunny ears isn't here and I think Jannet is gone too. OO OO I know, I don't Like you calling Evil Duncan , MR. ED Wendy! ....... dusting cobwebs off the old Evil Duncan Flag off. Boy I hope the flag is still in better shape I am. Wendy don't run too fast, i might have to have oxygen and a good looking young Paramedic lookin' like EDM!!! damn where is my golf cart................. :-D :-P Danni PS DeeDee is in 7th grade now! She couldn't even say "Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod", it came out Duncan de cloud of the clam de cloud. PPS Oldest newbie on list! as far as i know, the term was retired forcefully. In the first flame war in 96. or was it 95, 97? The mind is the first thing to go........... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 18:28:44 -0500 From: "Trudy B. Berry" <> Subject: Re: HIGHLA-L Digest - 28 Jan 2006 to 29 Jan 2006 - Special issue (#2006-22) Sorry to barge in here, I think I may have posted an introduction many, many, many moons ago and left it at that, but I have to ask: Does anyone remember the television show "Nothing Sacred" in the late '90s? It lived a longer life than BoD, but I think it suffered the same death: religious groups, specifically Catholic, asked that it be removed. Aside from the fact that oddly many people consider Catholics not Christian, the show depicted life in a parish, specifically around a younger, more liberal priest IIRC and dealt with, more or less, real life situations. As soon as the show wrestled with abortion, that was it. Off. Gone. Kaput. A TV Guide interview with two or three priests revealed that the show pretty much illustrated real life dealings in a real Catholic parish. I guess the truth hurt just too much and they didn't want their, should I say, dirty laundry (on) air(ed). - Trudy -----Original Message----- From: HIGHLA-L automatic digest system <> To: HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU Sent: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 17:31:44 -0500 Subject: HIGHLA-L Digest - 28 Jan 2006 to 29 Jan 2006 - Special issue (#2006-22) There are 18 messages totalling 809 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. Debbie? Debbie? "Book of Daniel" DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!! (13) 2. DVD Technical problems? 3. Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! (3) 4. OT major:!! Have a Trojan Worm on my laptop aries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [snipped] ----------------------------- End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 28 Jan 2006 to 29 Jan 2006 - Special issue (#2006-22) ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 19:40:02 EST From: Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! In a message dated 1/29/2006 4:43:09 PM US Eastern Standard Time, Tecnogypsy3@AOL.COM writes: >>Mary Magdalen, lover of Jesus (Imo), had NO SAY, like women then and to day. ah yes, another of those "believers" in the ancient Gnostic myths which form the basis for the FICTION of DaVinci code. Sigh. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 19:41:49 EST From: Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? "Book of Daniel" DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!! In a message dated 1/29/2006 4:54:40 PM US Eastern Standard Time, Immortals_Incorporated@COX.NET writes: T>>>he fat, smug, grinning self-righteous types who would happily light the fires of a million stakes in their crusade to make true religious freedom a thing of the past. LOL sounds just like those who use an entire email loop to badjer the list owner to appear when others don't really care and would like the badgering to stop. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 21:30:07 EST From: Freddy V <> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? RE: HL Alum HI Debbie!! =20 D=E2=80=99 says about little ole me:=20 ah yes, another of those "believers" in the ancient Gnostic myths which =20 form=20 the basis for the FICTION of DaVinci code. Sigh.=20 Sorry, D, I=E2=80=99m Not as clever as you. But don=E2=80=99t pin me a =E2= =80=9Dbeliever=E2=80=9D . I=20 have always known what the Da Vinci Code, was about before I read it. I n= ever=20 picked and choose any ancient codes or myths as Cannon or Scriptures. =20 Frankly, D you missed some major points, and need to get the mote out of=20 picking a detail for dismissing a sad sigh.=20 Point one:=20 Women, then, like a lot of women around the world have No say about their =20 lives.=20 Point two=20 I think, the Big three, Judaism, Christianism, and Islam are based on a mor= e=20 ancient religion, devised by men. =20 Its=E2=80=99 funny that one of the earliest Imagines of a male god is sitti= ng lotus=20 style, has horns on his head and a sizeable **** to show off to the world.=20= =20 D, I don=E2=80=99t you and you barely know me. =20 Imagine when everyone on earth would find out the ALL religion are based on= =20 lies?=20 All religion is Fiction? Yet I believe man would still find another reason= =20 to kill his brothers or sisters. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 16:39:58 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Debbie? Debbie? "Book of Daniel" DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!! someone said earlier-- > T>>>he fat, smug, grinning > self-righteous types who would happily light the fires of a million > stakes in their crusade to make true religious freedom a thing of the > past. Rottie looks rather desperate in reply-- > LOL sounds just like those who use an entire email loop to badjer the list > owner to appear when others don't really care and would like the badgering > to > stop. Hey, Wendy--Rottie just called you fat! Are you gonna take that blatant "ridicule & abuse"? Wendy wrote-- >>>"The Book of Daniel" wasn't great TV. But it wasn't an attack on Christianity by the godless hordes of Hollywood. Frankly, after listening for the past 30 years to people claiming to have a personal relationship with Jesus (WWJD?) I thought it was interesting to see that idea put into play on TV. I hear people (real people, not TV talking heads) tell about asking Jesus for advice and getting answers. I know people who go through their days having private conversations with Jesus. Why then is a minister who talks to Jesus so odd? The fact that there was a physical representation? No... it was the fact that this TV Jesus didn't say what some Christians wanted him to say. >>> Yes, & I think it was also that the show was going to make people think about God & religion in a context _outside_ organized religion's control. That made the show a threat. Nina (DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 29 Jan 2006 (#2006-23) ***********************************************