There are 2 messages totalling 57 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Roots of the Highlander Older then Methos. . . .(a historic perspective) (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2005 05:11:10 EDT From: Freddy V <> Subject: Roots of the Highlander Older then Methos. . . .(a historic perspective) The red cloud or MacLeod's Light then Darkness Savor of the World, (Freddy Mercury sing of it "I'm not adopted!" Shrine of Zoroastrian, at the tomb of Darius Two fire-altars are carved in the stone by the tombs of the Achaemenian kings, at Naksh-i Rustam. This site is near the ruined city of Stakhra, forty miles south of Persepolis. Here, cut into a cliff face, are the tombs of four succeeding kings: Darius, Xerxes, Artaxerxes I, and Darius II. About five miles south is a great platform which once housed the royal palaces, plus three other Achaemenian tombs of somewhat later date. At the foot of the cliff are seven panels depicting Sasanian kings--five showing scenes of battle on horseback or kings mounted receiving tribute, from which the site was mistakenly named Naksh-i Rustam, Rustam's Horse. Was Metheos there, with even an older immortal? "Upon the land of Persia I died and became born again. . ." was the cave hermit, who took his own head for Duncan' s sake been one from the Magi who looked for the holy one whose Star rise from the east then they followed it to Israel or Scotland? Think. . . naw, it too Celtic. . ., too new age, too green for, for even us. . . ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2005 05:18:04 EDT From: Freddy V <> Subject: Re: Roots of the Highlander Older then Methos. . . .(a historic perspective) Bibliography: Bryce, James, Transcaucasia and Ararat, 1896 (brief mention of Baku). DeJong, Albert, Traditions of the Magi, 1971 (brief mention of the shrine near Darius' tomb). Jackson, Professor A. V. Williams, Persia Past and Present, 1906. Musil, Alois, The Middle Euphrates (an account of a 1927 survey expedition up the Euphrates, with mention of the naphtha springs at Hit). O'Donovan, Edmond, The Merv Oasis, 1879 (detailed account of Baku). Watters, On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India, 1904 (a description of Baku). ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 12 Aug 2005 to 14 Aug 2005 (#2005-102) ***************************************************************