There are 2 messages totalling 80 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Season Six DVDs: Sins of the Fathers 2. OT: Movie Clear-out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 10:23:27 -0500 From: Heidi <> Subject: Re: Season Six DVDs: Sins of the Fathers From: kageorge <kageorge@EROLS.COM> I thought the Alex Raven character was a good basis for a smart, sassy, kick-ass kind of woman who wasn’t too cutsy or a Wonder Woman type. She seemed a bit too much of a stereotypical cookie-cutter `tough chick' character to me. Wears black, rides a motorcycle, attitude, cheesy dialog. So much of the character herself (not her story) seemed like the writers just took the easy route and used a `right out of the box' character instead of writing their own tough character who seemed like they fit on HL. People have mentioned before how bad they thought the actress herself was. When I was watching the episode a week or so ago I noticed that there's something odd about her dialog. The audio, not the words. I'm not sure what it is though. I know dialog often has to be redone in a studio because of noise and such during the filming. There's something about her dialog that reminded me of that, but in this case it was almost all her lines. Did anyone else notice anything about her sounding odd, or is it just the way the actress did the lines? =}{= ( ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 17:55:06 -0000 From: "a.j.mosby" <> Subject: OT: Movie Clear-out. As some of you may know I decided that packing for HLWW6, helping set-up HLWW7, editing Impact and Verbatim simply wasn't enough work for me, so I'm moving out of my house in the next month too! This means that I have to clear a LOT of memorabilia etc. Some of that stuff is going up on eBay. For example: Blake's 7: Watchmen: But I also have some other items that I'd thought I'd mention here to give people a chance. There's no Highlander stuff (HLWW will be running their own auction soon and I don't want to conflict with that) but there's some good stuff. The first batch includes: Alexander Press Notes: Offers above £25.00 The Client Pen and case: Offers above £15.00 Fargo Snow Scraper: Offers above £20.00 Mystic River jacket (limited edition): Offers above £60.00 Troy press notes and L.Edition silver / bronze key-rings: Offers above £30.00 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Press brochure: Offers above £30.00 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. L.Edition promotional watch and case: Offers above £100.00 Harry Potter & P's Stone press-kit, pix, transparencies and notes: Offers above £30.00 Harry Potter & Chamber of Secrets press-kit, pix, many transparencies and notes: Offers above £35.00 Harry Potter & Prisoner of Askaban leather case and t-shirt and press-kit Offers above £40.00 I can supply images of each on request. If interested e-me at the usual address ( I'm going to wait a few days before putting things up on eBay, so (given above amounts) I'll accept the highest offers by Tuesday am (UK time). I'll e anyone who bids the state of play. John ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 24 Mar 2005 to 26 Mar 2005 (#2005-30) **************************************************************