There is one message totalling 54 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Adrian Paul, Davis-Panzer and HLWW come together for IMMORTAL AID ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 23:40:04 -0800 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: Adrian Paul, Davis-Panzer and HLWW come together for IMMORTAL AID Wow, the Immortal Aid auction & raffle has been incredible! They're already up to $39,920! It ends soon, so I thought I'd pass on this post from Nancye & the HLWW list. I also added the main links at the bottom. Peace, Rachel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Are you going to be the person to push it over $40,000???? Make sure you check out the HLWW home page from time to time. <bg> <> Just a little less than 1 hour and 15 minutes to go!!!! Bid now before it is too late. <bg> Be a part of this incredible effort. :-) :-) :-) Please pass this message on to whichever lists you think appropriate. :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <> Of course if none of these appeal you could bid for one of the bracelets... <> or buy a raffle ticket.... <> or if you are so inclined you can make a straight donation to... <> -- Rachel Shelton @}->->->- "I think you need a taste of life..." Duncan MacLeod ~Justice~ Highlander:TS ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 16 Feb 2005 to 20 Feb 2005 (#2005-19) **************************************************************