There is one message totalling 53 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Adrian Paul to attend HLDU Workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 12:40:25 +1100 From: Carmel Macpherson <> Subject: Adrian Paul to attend HLDU Workshop Hi everyone We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Adrian has agreed to attend our Workshop. He is looking forward to the *different* nature of the event. Numbers to this event are **strictly limited** so first in first served. You should acquaint yourself with the nature of the event at: On line registration: A special thank you to all the early registrants who had faith in us :-)) Lynn won't be able to deal with the Westin until Monday so don't panic if you aren't able to make the room booking this weekend. We will expand the block of rooms on Monday. A special email loop has been set up for all those who have registered. If you have registered and haven't been receiving posts from: then let Monica Duff know at: Indeed, any queries regarding registration should be directed to Mon. Kind regards @ Carmel Macpherson <<<@{}=================>>> @ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LA Walkabout Workshop: Sat 28 - Sun 29 Feb 2004 HLDU6: Sydney, Fri 29 April - Sun 1 May, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 2 Nov 2003 to 7 Nov 2003 (#2003-9) ***********************************************************