There are 8 messages totalling 296 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. HL Season 2 sets? (4) 2. Something Wicked, FK and hayotas (4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 22:15:22 -0400 From: Heidi <> Subject: HL Season 2 sets? Now that the Anchor Bay Season 2 box sets are out, has anyone actually gotten the ones from Best Buy that have the extra interivew? The set I ordered from BB showed up yesterday but judging by the packaging it does seem to have it. From what I've read elsewhere those sets have a black band that says something about `exclusive bonus interivew' or something like that. So if anyone did get it, is it on a separate disc or one of the existing ones? And how long is it/is it anything all that notworthy. All I've heard is that it's an interview with AP, AV and SK. I'm trying to decide if it's worth trying to hunt down a copy or just stick with what I got. I went to two BB stores in an attempt exchange mine for one of those. One only had the same as the set I got and the other didn't have any at all. If any of you have found the bounus one in the general Mass/ southern NewHampshire area, which BB store did you find it? =}{= ( ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 22:33:22 EDT From: Subject: Re: HL Season 2 sets? Hi I got mine at Best Buy in Dedham. I think tey were all gone by the next day. I think the bonus stuff is worth it eturn them for the other set. from what i have been told Best Buy. com is a differntent enity. you can return the set to best buy store for te bonus one. mary ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 17:20:44 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: HL Season 2 sets? >From what I've read, the top of the outer box w/ the bonus material says-- "Exclusive Bonus Material Interviews with Adrian Paul, Stan Kirsch, and Alexandra Vandernoot." And disk #4 itself says (in addition to listing 3 eps)-- "Interviews with Adrian Paul, Stan Kirsch, and Alexandra Vandernoot." Also, from what I've read, this bonus version is ONLY available at Best Buy STORES; the sets are all the plain ones like you get from the HL Store (IF you get anything at all from them other than a major headache), Deep, Borders,, etc. Best Buy commissioned & paid for the bonus material/interviews, but they are only selling the bonus set versions through their walk-in stores & NOT online. It would have been nice to know that earlier, before so many people who wanted S2 DVD sets pre-ordered them online (& now are stuck w/ an inferior product). Here's a thought--DPP could have been the ones to step up & get the extra material done, for all their loyal fans, so that the DVD sets are something more than space-savers, compared to all the VHS sets we bought from them. Just another example of Highlander merchandising insanity. Nina (West Wing starts airing on Bravo, from the beginning, on 8-10; even better--Sports Night airs on Comedy Central, pretty much in perpetuity; cable TV, cats, & chocolate--life is good) > Now that the Anchor Bay Season 2 box sets are out, has anyone > actually gotten the ones from Best Buy that have the extra > interivew? The set I ordered from BB showed up yesterday but > judging by the packaging it does seem to have it. From what I've > read elsewhere those sets have a black band that says something > about `exclusive bonus interivew' or something like that. So > if anyone did get it, is it on a separate disc or one of the > existing ones? And how long is it/is it anything all that > notworthy. All I've heard is that it's an interview with AP, AV > and SK. I'm trying to decide if it's worth trying to hunt down > a copy or just stick with what I got. I went to two BB stores > in an attempt exchange mine for one of those. One only had the > same as the set I got and the other didn't have any at all. > If any of you have found the bounus one in the general Mass/ > southern NewHampshire area, which BB store did you find it? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 15:15:38 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Something Wicked, FK and hayotas I finally got to see the SW/Deliverance story arc....whoa. Good acting and though I like good Duncan better, I enjoyed ED. AP does evil quite well. I've seen the hayota concept before on Forever Knight's "Blackwing" but what was said there is that they were supposed to put the evil into something else, like a river or an animal or a tree...wonder which one's right. When Mac trashed the barge what was all that "nothing! nothing!"? I don't know what he meant there. Mel, contemplating watchign Chivalry tonight ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 18:23:58 -0400 From: Sandy Fields <> Subject: Re: Something Wicked, FK and hayotas At 06:15 PM 8/4/2003, FKMel wrote: >I've seen the hayota concept before on Forever >Knight's "Blackwing" but what was said there is that >they were supposed to put the evil into something >else, like a river or an animal or a tree...wonder >which one's right. Since there's no such thing as an immortal or a vampire, could either of them really be right? Also I'm guessing that since the hayoka in the HL ep was an immortal -- and immortals take the essence of other immortals into themselves -- that would be the reason this hayoka took the evil into himself as opposed to putting it into something else. Just guessing here, cuz I had never heard of a hayoka until I saw that HL episode. >When Mac trashed the barge what was all that "nothing! nothing!"? I don't >know what he meant there. I don't remember that. Maybe I should start watching these eps on TNT. >Mel, contemplating watchign Chivalry tonight Chivalry is airing tonight? Um... yes... I think I most definitely will watch. <eg> -- Sandy ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 16:17:09 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: Something Wicked, FK and hayotas --- Sandy Fields <> wrote: > At 06:15 PM 8/4/2003, FKMel wrote: > >I've seen the hayota concept before on Forever > >Knight's "Blackwing" but what was said there is > that > >they were supposed to put the evil into something > >else, like a river or an animal or a tree...wonder > >which one's right. > > Since there's no such thing as an immortal or a > vampire, could either of > them really be right? Good point. I'm inclined to agree. > > Also I'm guessing that since the hayoka in the HL ep > was an immortal -- and > immortals take the essence of other immortals into > themselves -- that would > be the reason this hayoka took the evil into himself > as opposed to putting > it into something else. > > Just guessing here, cuz I had never heard of a > hayoka until I saw that HL > episode. Could be. And they never actually said what it was called in FK BTW. I didn't really know anything until the HL ep. > > > >When Mac trashed the barge what was all that > "nothing! nothing!"? I don't > >know what he meant there. > > I don't remember that. Maybe I should start > watching these eps on TNT. > > > >Mel, contemplating watchign Chivalry tonight > > Chivalry is airing tonight? Um... yes... I think I > most definitely will > watch. <eg> > > -- Sandy No, it's not airing, it's on my tapes if I can find it. I was away at camp for ten days but I programmed the VCR and mom made sure it taped for me. Though SW had a few glitches in the channel and she missed ten minutes of one ep. Mel ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 20:10:55 -0400 From: Heidi <> Subject: Re: HL Season 2 sets? From: MacWestie <> And disk #4 itself says (in addition to listing 3 eps)-- "Interviews with Adrian Paul, Stan Kirsch, and Alexandra Vandernoot." I found a Best Buy store today that had that version so I was able to exchange mine. For anyone who's curious the interview section seems to be roughly 40 minutes. Also, from what I've read, this bonus version is ONLY available at Best Buy STORES; And from what I've seen it's not all BB stores since the first one I went to had the regular non extra feature version. =}{= ( ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 20:16:25 -0400 From: L Cameron-Norfleet <> Subject: Re: Something Wicked, FK and hayotas >When Mac trashed the barge what was all that "nothing! >nothing!"? I don't know what he meant there. He meant that none of it meant anything to him....he was looking for a tangible contact to his former self and nothing in the barge provided it. Liser (who also just re-watched the arc) -- -- L Cameron-Norfleet ** "I find tongues in trees, books in running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything." Shakespeare: As You Like It ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 2 Aug 2003 to 4 Aug 2003 (#2003-176) *************************************************************