There are 29 messages totalling 816 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. 2 x DVD season 2 (4) 2. AP & T-Bird#2 (14) 3. the stupid fanfic discussion AGAIN again again (6) 4. THREE versions of season 2??? (3) 5. the stupid fanfic discussion (no, let's discuss the good bits in Chivalry) (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 19:21:29 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: 2 x DVD season 2 Kamil-- >>>I know better than to do this... That said, it's amazing the people who actually do like and appreciate fanfic, even the NC-17 variety. >>> People "like" all sorts of stuff, good & bad, legal & illicit. So, your point is??? Kamil quotes Joss Whedon-- >>>when asked what Buffy fans should do with their time now Joss said, "Write fanfiction!", and I think we know where Joss stands at this point; >>> Really? Does he think it's OK for people to distribute/sell fanfic? Based on HIS intellectual property? He really doesn't mind that? I'd be very interested to see _that_ quote from him. Or from anyone who isn't distributing/selling fanfic. It's very telling how people who are pro-fanfic gloss over the enormous difference between WRITING it & spewing it publicly for notoriety, ego, $$$ profit, or whatever it is that people do it all for. Nina (who wonders why certain people on this list are so obsessed w/ fanfic but is rather pressed for time these days....) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 02:52:03 -0700 From: Gregory Mate <> Subject: Re: 2 x DVD season 2 >Nina (who wonders why certain people on this list are so obsessed w/ fanfic >but is rather pressed for time these days....) Well, you were the one who brought it up again in reference to beccaelizabeth's post (which had nothing to do with fanfiction, btw), so I guess you're on the list as well! Back on topic...I'll have to check out the Best Buy (they have one here in town finally). Mind you it's Canadian (the store, not the orientation) so I might have to do a special order. Still, DVD's have a much longer "play life" than videotape, so I would probably buy seasons 3-6 (as well as replace my 1 & 2 VHS collection) on DVD. Even if they just have the episodes, that's good enough for me. And I've never heard Bill Panzer's voice, let alone on the commentaries, but for some reason I get the impression he sounds like Harvey Fiernstein (now I'd buy the DVD just for THAT, baby!) ....Greg.... He Who Is Too Far Behind On His Unread Books To Ever Consider Reading Fanfiction ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 00:03:21 -0700 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 >Go here for an article- > > Sounds like AP's going to do HL5.... -R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sweepstakes Hypes Highlander Highlander TV star Adrian Paul told SCI FI Wire that Anchor Bay Entertainment is sponsoring a sweepstakes in which the winner will drive away with the 1964 Thunderbird that his character, Duncan MacLeod, drove on the series. "I think you just turn in a form, and if they draw your name out of the hat, you win Duncan's car," Paul said in an interview. The actor was in Las Vegas at an event supporting the sweepstakes and launching Anchor Bay's promotional campaign for its Highlander: Season Two DVD collection, which is in stores now. Sweepstakes entries may be obtained at retailers. "It's a beautiful car," he said. "They've restored it. It's got a new engine, new seats, new brakes, new paint work, new everything. They've redone it from top to bottom. It's the car I had on the series, but it never seemed to work. They've made it better than it ever was when we used it on the show. They've fixed it up and made it very drivable for many years to come." Paul added that he's waiting for a script for a proposed Highlander 5 feature film. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Rachel Shelton * @}->->->- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 00:08:09 -0700 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 At 7:57 PM -0500 7/30/03, samantha copeland wrote: >I saw a commercial for this the other night on AMC (during a showing of >HL-I). I had been under the impression that the T-Bird was a 1965 10th >anniversary edition not a 1964, or is this like so many car things where it >was made in 1964 but is a 1965 model year? Or is this the same kind of >typo like the back of the box for HL-III that said "John MacLeod"? Nope, not a typo - it's not the same car. The original 1965 10th Anniversary Edition T-Bird was auctioned off at The Celebration in Anaheim in '98. DP must've picked up a similar one for this promotion. Rachel -- Rachel Shelton * @}->->->- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 10:06:38 +0100 From: Jette Goldie <> Subject: Re: 2 x DVD season 2 Pj5OaW5hICh3aG8gd29uZGVycyB3aHkgY2VydGFpbiBwZW9wbGUgb24gdGhpcyBsaXN0IGFyZSBz byBvYnNlc3NlZCB3LyBmYW5maWMNCmJ1dCBpcyByYXRoZXIgcHJlc3NlZCBmb3IgdGltZSB0aGVz ZSBkYXlzLi4uLik8PA0KDQogDQoNCnllcywgTmluYSwgd2UgQUxMIHdvbmRlciB3aHkgeW91IGFy ZSBzbyBvYnNlc3NlZCB3aXRoIGZhbmZpYyB0aGF0IHlvdSBicmluZyBpdCBpbnRvIGV2ZXJ5IGNv bnZlcnNhdGlvbiwgZXZlbiB3aGVuIHRoZSBjb252ZXJzYXRpb24gaGFzIG5vdGhpbmcgdG8gZG8g d2l0aCBmYW5maWMuICANCg0KIA0KDQpKZXR0ZSANCg0KDQoNCg== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 08:21:19 EDT From: Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 Hi They used two t-birds on the series. There are photo's of both cars from Janeens wonderful site visit. Mary ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 09:10:32 EDT From: Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 In a message dated 7/31/2003 2:04:28 AM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Sounds like AP's going to do HL5.... -R > I think that is premature. He did have a right of first refusal for another movie in his contract for Endgame, which means he will have the script submitted to him, but that is no guarantee he'll agree to it. He is not contracted to actually do the movie, only to be considered for it. According to a supposed "insider" on the official Highlander board, the new script [still in revision] has been written with Duncan in the lead. If for any number of reasons he does not agree to HL 5, it will be most interesting to see if they rewrite from scratch or dare to recast. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 10:51:03 -0400 From: Sandy Fields <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 At 09:10 AM 07/31/2003 -0400, wrote: >If for any number of reasons he does not agree to HL 5, it will be most >interesting to see if they rewrite from scratch or dare to recast. Recast the role of Duncan MacLeod?!?!?!?!? Adrian Paul *is* Duncan MacLeod. Dotiran, for uttering such blasphemous words, you are ordered to go and wash out your mouth with soap. :-) -- Sandy ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 10:58:27 EDT From: Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 In a message dated 7/31/2003 9:51:48 AM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Dotiran, for uttering such blasphemous words, you are ordered to go and > wash out your mouth with soap. :-) > I know. Heresy, isn't it? Perish the thought. I'll go thwap myself :) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 11:06:31 EDT From: Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 Dotrain You should be banned from this list for that post. Come here TWRAP Mary ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 11:18:56 EDT From: Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 In a message dated 7/31/2003 10:07:43 AM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: > You should be banned from this list for that post. Come here TWRAP > ouch. but well deserved for even thinking the thought out loud. I am quite able to think TPTB might do such a thing, however. Adrian Paul is Duncan MacLeod. I would accept no other. But, in fact, the draft script is alleged to have the lead role for DM. What do they do if AP says no way? Rewrite the whole thing for Methos? Possible. But they have already advertized............and sold merchandise for [blech] a movie called "The Source". They *will* make a movie. Of some kind. My only hope is that if Adrian Paul agrees to yet another Dimension horror film, that he get paid major, major, major bucks because even money may not be enough to repay him for losing yet another year or more of his life and career in this way. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:29:48 +0100 From: "John Mosby (Home)" <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 Just because they've released a ton of merchandise on the back of it being called The Source should in no way convince anyone that it would definitely be called that. After all, more mugs etc to be sold to completists. John Original Sin-ical. ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 4:18 PM Subject: Re: [HL] AP & T-Bird#2 > In a message dated 7/31/2003 10:07:43 AM US Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > > > You should be banned from this list for that post. Come here TWRAP > > > > ouch. but well deserved for even thinking the thought out loud. I am quite > able to think TPTB might do such a thing, however. Adrian Paul is Duncan > MacLeod. I would accept no other. But, in fact, the draft script is alleged to have > the lead role for DM. What do they do if AP says no way? Rewrite the whole > thing for Methos? Possible. But they have already advertized............and sold > merchandise for [blech] a movie called "The Source". They *will* make a movie. > Of some kind. My only hope is that if Adrian Paul agrees to yet another > Dimension horror film, that he get paid major, major, major bucks because even > money may not be enough to repay him for losing yet another year or more of his > life and career in this way. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 11:23:21 -0700 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 At 9:10 AM -0400 7/31/03, wrote: >I think that is premature. He did have a right of first refusal for another >movie in his contract for Endgame, which means he will have the script >submitted to him, but that is no guarantee he'll agree to it. He is >not contracted to >actually do the movie, only to be considered for it. I'm sure this is true, but he must be seriously considering it or he wouldn't have been quoted in the article: "Paul added that he's waiting for a script for a proposed Highlander 5 feature film." I also heard it was written with Duncan in the lead; and not to be disparaging, but I don't see/haven't heard of AP doing lots of other stuff right now. IMHO, it's doubtful he'll say no to the work & the money. I know he supposedly didn't like the way Endgame turned out, but if he felt *that* strongly about it he probably wouldn't even consider doing another HL movie, not to mention speaking out about it to the press. He has to know what DP's like by now, and that no matter what his feelings are they'll make the movie the way *they* want it done in the end. Rachel -- Rachel Shelton * @}->->->- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 11:29:24 -0700 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 At 8:21 AM -0400 7/31/03, wrote: >They used two t-birds on the series. There are photo's of both cars from >Janeens wonderful site visit. Ooops, yes, you're right - I just read on another list that this one belonged to Peter Davis. Rachel -- Rachel Shelton * @}->->->- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 08:46:15 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: 2 x DVD season 2 Jette > yes, Nina, we ALL wonder why you are so obsessed with fanfic that you bring it into every conversation, even when the > conversation has nothing to do with fanfic. As I stated, the point was the poster's glaringly inconsistent attitude. She is fine w/ other people's stuff (an entire fictional universe) being used w/o permission in fanfic--just not w/ HER stuff (a single post) being used w/o permission. The interesting fanfic obsession is w/ the folks who need to read it. And write it. And publish it. And who dance around exhaustively trying to rationalize it as OK. Nina ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 20:37:04 +0100 From: "John Mosby (Home)" <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 > Ooops, yes, you're right - I just read on another list that this one > belonged to Peter Davis. > > Rachel Cool. Guess the Highlander Store profits are up. ;) John ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 19:37:14 +0000 From: beccaelizabeth <> Subject: the stupid fanfic discussion AGAIN again again MacWestie wrote: > As I stated, the point was the poster's glaringly inconsistent > attitude. She is fine w/ other people's stuff (an entire fictional > universe) being used w/o permission in fanfic--just not w/ HER >stuff (a single post) being used w/o permission. I was not being inconsistent. As I said, fanfic is an entirely different situation- they are creating something new out of old parts. Reposting the whole of someones work without alteration is a different thing entirely. There is also a difference between making up stuff about fictional people and saying stuff about real people. Fictional people dont exist so they dont mind. What you do is make up stuff about real people and then criticise it. I DIDNT say they'd done something wrong, I pointed out to them I'd like to be told what they'd done. Which IS quite different. beccaelizabeth ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 20:47:44 +0100 From: "John Mosby (Home)" <> Subject: Re: the stupid fanfic discussion AGAIN again again Sooooooooooooooo...previously on the HL List 1) Nina reminds anyone who doesn't know that she has strong opinions on fanfic. 2) Joss has said he doesn't mind fanfic based on Buffy . Nina says she doesn't really believe him and even if he did, he's wrong. 3) A post was reposted without permission to the main list. That's usually a no-no. Sure it wasn't intentional, but let's be careful out there. 4) Should anyone write some fanfic about HL regulars that repost without permission, Nina will explode. My favourite color is blue. I think that says a lot about fanfic. Discuss. Or not. John ----- Original Message ----- From: "beccaelizabeth" <> To: <HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 8:37 PM Subject: [HL] the stupid fanfic discussion AGAIN again again > MacWestie wrote: > > As I stated, the point was the poster's glaringly inconsistent > > attitude. She is fine w/ other people's stuff (an entire fictional > > universe) being used w/o permission in fanfic--just not w/ HER > >stuff (a single post) being used w/o permission. > > I was not being inconsistent. As I said, fanfic is an entirely different > situation- they are creating something new out of old parts. Reposting the > whole of someones work without alteration is a different thing entirely. > There is also a difference between making up stuff about fictional people and > saying stuff about real people. Fictional people dont exist so they dont mind. > What you do is make up stuff about real people and then criticise it. > I DIDNT say they'd done something wrong, I pointed out to them I'd like to be > told what they'd done. Which IS quite different. > > beccaelizabeth > ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 21:01:09 +0100 From: Jette Goldie <> Subject: Re: the stupid fanfic discussion AGAIN again again > Sooooooooooooooo...previously on the HL List > > 1) Nina reminds anyone who doesn't know that she has strong opinions on > fanfic. > 2) Joss has said he doesn't mind fanfic based on Buffy . Nina says she > doesn't really believe him and even if he did, he's wrong. > 3) A post was reposted without permission to the main list. That's usually a > no-no. Sure it wasn't intentional, but let's be careful out there. > 4) Should anyone write some fanfic about HL regulars that repost without > permission, Nina will explode. > > My favourite color is blue. I think that says a lot about fanfic. Discuss. > Or not. > > John <sigh> I miss the old round-robin stories we used to have when I first joined this list. sometimes those "wars" nearly did start a fire-fight! ;-) Jette Never bet on Star Trek trivia if your opponent speaks Klingon. - Ancient Kung Foole Proverb ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 20:05:23 +0000 From: beccaelizabeth <> Subject: THREE versions of season 2??? according to posts on the Holyground forum theres actually a third set, with genuine extra material on disc four, available only from some place called Best Buy. THREE versions??? And why would the set from the HL store not be the one with the most stuff? annoying wierdness beccaelizabeth ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 14:05:52 -0600 From: Donna Gum <> Subject: Re: the stupid fanfic discussion AGAIN again again >My favourite color is blue. I think that says a lot about fanfic. Discuss. >Or not. > >John > And you look so well in blue. :> DJ Gum ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:08:14 -0400 From: L Cameron-Norfleet <> Subject: Re: the stupid fanfic discussion AGAIN again again Jette said: ><sigh> I miss the old round-robin stories we used to have >when I first joined this list. sometimes those "wars" nearly >did start a fire-fight! *Sometimes*? Were you ever on the Chief Flag Waver's lists during one of those things?! Liser (dump a little yak poop on someone and suddenly you've crossed a line)(sheesh)(ah)(good times) -- Lisa Cameron-Norfleet ** -- The difference between truth and fiction: fiction has to make sense --Mark Twain ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:13:52 -0400 From: Subject: Re: the stupid fanfic discussion (no, let's discuss the good bits in Chivalry) After a.j. mosby's most helpful recap of the current discussion of f*nf*c on the list, he went on to say: "My favourite color is blue. I think that says a lot about fanfic. Discuss. Or not." I would rather listen to Vogon poetry whilst having my head nailed to a coffee table than read anything further on f*nf*c, from any viewpoint, positive, negative, or on the fence. But that's JMO. Topic? Chivalry and Adrian's nekkid butt. Thank you, TiVo! With your 6-second instant replay button, I can make AP do a little dance in the bathtub. Lather, rinse, repeat. And yes, that's K.C. and the Sunshine Band playing in the background. Off topic, but more serious - did anyone watch the pilot of "The Peacemakers" the other night? The production values look so familiar - reminds me a lot of "Lonesome Dove" or even a Western-era flashback of HL. I couldn't read the credits, but it looks like it was filmed in the Canadian Rockies, standing in for Colorado. Ginny ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 13:21:25 -0700 From: Stephen Bryce <> Subject: Re: THREE versions of season 2??? > And why would the set from the HL store not be the > one with the most stuff? Because that would be concise, convenient, cool, and all the other stuff that us fans would like for our enormous amounts of money <g>. Steve ===== "So you think that downloading music is a fact of life in 2001." "2001?! Bloody hell... what happened to the 80s??" ("Nancy Wilson" and "Keith Richards" on Napster, "Royal Canadian Air Farce") __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 13:23:09 -0700 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: the stupid fanfic discussion AGAIN again again At 8:47 PM +0100 7/31/03, John Mosby (Home) wrote: >Sooooooooooooooo...previously on the HL List > ><very reluctant snippage for bandwidth sake> >My favourite color is blue. I think that says a lot about fanfic. >Discuss. Or not. ROTFLMBO! Thanks John! I definitely needed that today. Is this week over yet? ;-\ Rachel (wiping away tears; and tea off keyboard) -- Rachel Shelton * @}->->->- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 14:33:19 -0600 From: samantha copeland <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 > At 7:57 PM -0500 7/30/03, samantha copeland wrote: > >I saw a commercial for this the other night on AMC (during a showing of > >HL-I). I had been under the impression that the T-Bird was a 1965 10th > >anniversary edition not a 1964, or is this like so many car things where it > >was made in 1964 but is a 1965 model year? Or is this the same kind of > >typo like the back of the box for HL-III that said "John MacLeod"? > > Nope, not a typo - it's not the same car. The original 1965 10th > Anniversary Edition T-Bird was auctioned off at The Celebration in > Anaheim in '98. DP must've picked up a similar one for this > promotion. > so they *are* mixing stuff up *again*... "Anchor Bay Entertainment is sponsoring a sweepstakes in which the winner will drive away with the 1964 Thunderbird that his character, Duncan MacLeod, drove on the series." .. "It's the car I had on the series, but it never seemed to work. They've made it better than it ever was when we used it on the show." -- Samantha Copeland The trouble with computers of course, is that they AIM: Nini V98 are very sophisticated idiots. --the Fourth Doctor --------------------------------- This e-mail contains information that may be confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please delete it immediately. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:38:36 -0700 From: Gregory Mate <> Subject: Re: AP & T-Bird#2 Sandy: >Recast the role of Duncan MacLeod?!?!?!?!? > >Adrian Paul *is* Duncan MacLeod. Oh, I don't know. Colin Farrell could do a passable job (ducking and running). ....Greg.... |-|3 |-|00 15 f33|1|\|9 50/\/\3\/\/|-|47 |337 70d4'/ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:07:02 EDT From: Subject: Re: THREE versions of season 2??? In a message dated 7/31/2003 3:37:35 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: > why would the set from the HL store not be the one with the most stuff because according to a post by Gillian Horvath on the ATH board, "it is brand new material, taped just a few weeks ago, paid for by the "Best Buy" folks" Note the key words here are "PAID FOR" *vbeg* ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:22:42 EDT From: Subject: Re: the stupid fanfic discussion (no, let's discuss the good bits in Chivalry) In a message dated 7/31/2003 3:40:14 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: > I would rather listen to Vogon poetry whilst having my head nailed to a > coffee table than read anything further on f*nf*c, from any viewpoint, positive, > negative, or on the fence. I tend to agree. And I don't want to cause you any more pain, but I truly do have a wonderment/question. Why do people write fanfiction? Now I don't want to talk legalities, and certainly not morality, but the creative process. I don't "do" fanfic. I don't write it. I occasionally read it if a friend sends me one of hers or if it is on an email list. What puzzles me [and I *am* a published writer, just not of fiction, and know how much time and work it takes] is....given the superb skill of some of the authors, why aren't they writing "for real." "for credit" "for art" "for money" I understand writing a few stories to have fun, to hone your craft, to relive the magic of the characters we love, but , but, but I'm serious. Such talent should not be "wasted" [maybe too strong a word...anytime you have fun and give joy to others it is not time wasted]. Some of these fanfic writers are so very very very good at what they do. Why settle for writing something that can never be truly their own, [or published ]? ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 30 Jul 2003 to 31 Jul 2003 - Special issue (#2003-172) *******************************************************************************