There are 14 messages totalling 819 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. HL Sequels (was Fanfic & Morals0 2. Fanfic & Morals (10) 3. HL Trivia--season 3 part 2 ANSWERS 4. HL Trivia--season 3 part 3 5. UNSUBSCRIBE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 22:17:54 -0400 From: Ace!Miracle <> Subject: Re: HL Sequels (was Fanfic & Morals0 SenseiRob wrote: > you could choose to blame the scripts of Highlander 2, 3, and 4 solely > on fanfic writers) I think 3 & 4 suffered from typical sequel-itis: let's try and milk this franchise for all it's worth. But what second movie? --Miracle (I still maintain there is no second movie, and any videotapes you may see from time to time have fallen in through some alternate universe) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "They say the biggest problem in the world is apathy. But really, who cares about that?" --Jeremy Lloyd, Laugh-In ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor Major Miracle: Time Lady, Jedi Knight, Occasional English Professor ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 18:06:09 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals Annie-- > and then there are several pro SciFi > books that were illustrated by Leah with original illustrations and cartoons. So Leah does some "original" work. How nice. What do you 2 call the other stuff? "Rip-offs"? Also, a marketing question. You know the cartoon collection you sell on your website as Highlander calendars--how much of the purchase price do you have to give to DPP? Smart move calling them "Highlander" calendars, as opposed to something boring like "Leah's Parodies"--why confuse people? Leah-- >>>I know the actors and production crew who wrote the stories in AN EVENIGN AT JOES, but the entire concept of the book had an onionskin's division between pro and fanfic. If D-P could be guilty of anyone's accusation of stealing fanfic, it would be this example of where they acknowledged that the HL fans enjoy the collateral tales written about their universe, and are willing to pay for a batch of them that D-P legitimizes.>>> Since DPP did in fact legitimize this particular book & got it published, what does it have to do w/ fanfic, etc.? Indeed, this precedent indicates, as did the authorized HL novels, that DPP wants to keep control over published HL stories, even those written by the people closest to the show. Leah-- >>>Further to Marina's anecdotes on the subject, when Bill Hupe was running this enormous fanzine distribution network for dozens of fanzine publishers>>> Which goes to show that fanzines are big business--just not for the legal owners. me before-- > Situational ethics? Like relative morality? I'd think certain > folks here would object to that idea. Rottie? Dawn? Oh--maybe it's OK for > fanfic, or for Carmel. ..>> Rottie-- > You can leave me out of this. I don't *do* fanfic so I'm under the radar of > your ire on *this* issue. I wasn't asking your opinion of fanfic. I was wondering what happened to all that righteous indignation you & others had exhibited so recently over morality--relative or absolute. Rottie-- >>>... I see no harm in people playing with the characters as long as they don't distort them [e.g. slash] or sell their work for money. >>> Like Leah's HL calendars? John-- > Nina seems to think all fanfic is sad and immoral. I know it's vastly easier for some people to paint it that way. Unfortunately for you, it isn't accurate. I have said over & over that the only issue I have is w/ the _unauthorized distribution_ of fanfic. That will continue, unless someone comes up w/ a sensible reason that genre TV properties are undeserving of the copyright protections automatically afforded other intellectual property, or until I am convinced that fanfic purveyors are special & so above the law & morality. John-- >>>Other than the above important distinction, I'd rather tend to agree with Rottie and the official Highlander site>>> Note: The official site doesn't say--Go forth & fanfic. It says--Post your fanfic HERE. Put it on OUR site, losers, where WE control it, it arguably becomes OUR property, & YOU can't sue US if anything used officially later on looks like what you posted. Actually, John, it says--"The place for fans to collaborate on Highlander-themed stories." As in the only authorized place for fanfic. It also sounds like they think fans write their little stories together, in kindergarten fashion, which makes me wonder what TPTB really understand about fanfic. But, despite Carmel's flights of fancy, there is nothing in that to indicate DPP approve of HL fanfic distribution elsewhere. John-- >>> it's only a problem if people seek to profit for something they haven't purchased the rights for (with the mentioned parody/individual cartoon excepion under law) >>> Like Leah's HL calendars? Nina ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 18:12:40 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals me before (to John)-- > You DO know what they say about assuming? If > you MUST assume something, why not assume that DPP _only_ will tolerate HL > fanfic publicly at their own site, so that this "official word" is trying to > discourage fanfic being distributed elsewhere?... Carmel >: Because if DPP *only* tolerate HL fanfic on their own site then I > would assume that they would take 30 seconds to put up a statement saying > so. .... If I felt as strongly as you suggest DPP might feel, Nina, > then why would I not take the time to put such a statement up????? Who knows? If I could read DPP's collective mind, I'd understand why HL:TS season 6, Raven, & Endgame all sucked. > John's and my assumption and the assumptions of all HL fanfic > writers is a legitimate assumption. No, it's the assumption that lets you merrily do want you want to do, just like the mind-reading exercise you went through in your post. It's convenient, not legitimate. me before-- > I didn't get an answer to my question to you on that--about DPP's > website feature for fanfic & all the HL fanfic on YOUR site--& I played > along w/your scenario so nicely.... Carmel-- >Was this your question? "Maybe DPP have no clue about that feature > on the site;"??? If so, I thought it too silly to even comment on. It is > their Official website therefore I feel it is perfectly reasonable to assume > that they know what is on it. It's just lazy to attempt to throw aside what > you cannot give a sensible answer to. If you can take a break from insulting me, I'll note here that my clearly stated (& restated) question was about your using DPP's "The place for fans to collaborate on Highlander-themed stories" website feature to rationalize you posting HL fanfic on your OWN site. As I noted to John, that isn't a blanket blessing of fanfic at all, even assuming DPP is aware of this particular website feature. If, as stated, the official site is "the place" for HL fanfic, then logically a fan's website is NOT the place for it. Unless you have special permission from DPP? Carmel-- > Why not take your arguments to a > fanfiction list and universe where the owners *do* mind?? Are you telling me to shut up, Carmel? Why ARE you so insecure about this issue as to get so very worked up & belligerant? It's unbecoming. Relax--this is just a discussion. me before-- > we never saw him boffing Methos. Or heard him extolling > the virtues of distributed fanfic... Carmel-- > Who mentioned Duncan boffing Methos?? I certainly didn't. I'm not > discussing slash so please don't turn this into a slash discussion. Do you have a problem w/ discussing slash? > I did see him as a > situational ethicist yet I still regard the man portrayed on our screens as > a highly moral person. Like all of us, he is flawed. Well, unless he had a stated view of distributed fanfic, I don't see his attitude as relevant, which was my point earlier. me before-- > Unauthorized use of someone else's property IS stealing. > Copyrighted material is no different from anything else. You seem to want > to think fanfic is _nice_ stealing, but there's no magic, personal exception > for fanfic or for you. If you _really_ need to do it, then I guess you > have to rationalize it, but don't expect me to go along.... Carmel-- > but haven't I already admitted that I breach DPP's copyright? Yes, you have admitted it, & that's stealing. > No - I don't steal from > shops. I write fanfic. And distribute it. So, you steal from DPP. Whether or not they notice, whether or not they care, whether or not they let you steal for one reason or another, whether or not they ever do anything about it. But, as long as you are having a good time.... Nina ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 18:21:11 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: HL Trivia--season 3 part 2 ANSWERS HL Trivia--season 3 part 2 Courage What Richie has bartender Mike do for Cullen--call him a cab What Anne drops on the bike path--her pager What Cullen sings as he stalks Richie--"Danny Boy" Establishment where Catherine lived in the flashback-Mrs. Fotheringill's Residence for Women How Anne describes her own dancing--"like a giraffe on roller skates" The Lamb Where Kenny says he is from--Wisconsin Who is the little drummer boy--Immortal Sean What Kenny suggests putting on the fishing line--bird feathers Kenny's get-away vehicle at the end--school bus The other episode Kenny appears in--Reunion Obsession Name of David Keogh's ex-fiancée & how she "kills" him--Jill, she hits him w/ her car David Keogh's gift to Duncan--custom-made rocking chair What holiday celebration includes square-dancing by Duncan--July 4, 1882 Name of Sarah's husband--Henry Carter Which episode 1st used the kata footage seen in this episode--Turnabout Shadows Richie's guitar player/client--Cory Litman What Duncan called the official at the witch trials--Sassenach What Anne's computer check on Duncan did not find--any medical records What Anne returns to Duncan at the end--elevator key How Duncan finally recognized the hooded figure as Garrick--his ring Blackmail Joe's biggest complaint while on "stake-out" w/ Duncan--he has to go to the bathroom Where Kurlow & Duncan fight in the flashback--inside a shrub maze Name of the attorney who tries to blackmail Duncan--Robert Waverly What Kurlow uses to strangle the attorney--scarf Who plays Kurlow, & the other episode the actor appears in--Anthony DeLongis, Duende Nina ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 18:26:15 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: HL Trivia--season 3 part 3 HL Trivia--season 3 part 3 Vendetta Name of the 1938 club? Peggy McCall's song? The famous gangster Benny Carbassa got killed? Where Duncan sends Benny Carbassa off to at the end, & the mode of transportation? Duncan to Anne--"Well, let's just say my family is _______." They Also Serve Name of the Watcher bartender at Joe's? Descriptive name of the style of fighting that May-Ling Shen taught Duncan (as opposed to "the way of the bull")? How long Ian Bancroft watched Darius? Immortal Trent's occupation? According to May-Ling Shen, a man's greatest asset & greatest liability? Blind Faith The crime Matthew served prison time for? John Kirin's old name? Duncan's job during the Spanish Civil War? What Kage evacuates from Cambodia rather than the orphans? Years the 2 flashbacks are set in? Song of the Executioner Name of the friend Duncan was supposed to meet at the monastery? The book Duncan uses to learn to read English? What Joe is arrested for? The 2 medications Kalas uses to kill Anne's 2 patients? Name of the building where Anne sees Duncan die? Star-Crossed Type of car Fitz flips while taking Duncan from the airport to the barge? Fitz's literary endeavor & his final job? Name of the Prince's daughter who lost her honor long before Duncan was hired to protect it?What Duncan & Fitz set off together to do in Verona? The memento Duncan has of Fitz? Fitz' last words to Kalas? Nina ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 22:27:21 -0700 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals At 06:12 PM -1000 7/8/03, MacWestie wrote: >Carmel >>: Because if DPP *only* tolerate HL fanfic on their own site then I >> would assume that they would take 30 seconds to put up a statement saying >> so. .... If I felt as strongly as you suggest DPP might feel, Nina, >> then why would I not take the time to put such a statement up????? > >Who knows? If I could read DPP's collective mind, I'd understand why HL:TS >season 6, Raven, & Endgame all sucked. Ah. . .may I remind you that this is only your opinion - some people enjoyed HL:TS #6, Raven and Endgame. At 06:12 PM -1000 7/8/03, MacWestie wrote: >If you can take a break from insulting me, I didn't see any insulting done in that post. At 06:06 PM -1000 7/8/03, MacWestie wrote: > Put it on OUR site, losers, where WE control it, it arguably If anyone's being insulting on this thread it seems like it's you calling fanfic writers losers & thieves. If you don't like it, ignore it & don't read it - what could be simpler? Such a tempest in a teapot... Rachel ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 01:58:32 -0700 From: Gregory Mate <> Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals I'm not going to join in the debate on whether fanfiction is legally or morally right, because I'm a relativist (and I've contributed to the genre in the past so I'm an immoral thief in the eyes of some...although I prefer the term "pirate"...there's something infinitely more cool about a tricone hat and an eyepatch...). But really, how far does copyright actually extend in written works? If I wrote a story about Duncan and Richie living in the year 2112, that's considered copyright infringement. If I wrote a story about a mentor and protege named Albert Bigglesworth and Percy Jones, two men who just happened to have an uncanny ability of living for hundreds or even thousand of years and virtually mirrored the plot of "Highlander II", would that be considered copyright infringement? I don't know what the limitations are. After reading "Sword of Shannara" by Terry Brooks, I saw so many parallels between it and "Lord of the Rings" that I wondered why he wasn't sued for plaigarism. However, I am going to say that I attended a writing seminar conducted by Janet Pack (and another writer whose name eludes me...memory is good but short) three years ago. One point Ms. Pack put firmly in my mind: If you're going to write, you might as well make money at it. She didn't mean selling fanfiction, either. Basically she meant that if you're going to take the time and effort to write for someone other than yourself, you might as well make it marketable. Granted, some people enjoy writing just for its own sake. YMMV. ....Greg.... He Who Hasn't Enough Fans To Be Written About ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 08:24:25 +0200 From: T'Mar <> Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals Leah wrote: >Don't have access to the book at this moment, but I'm guessing >it's in the chapter named "Beauty May Be Only Skin Deep, But Chopped >Liver Can Get You Anywhere or Six Glorious Days on the Star Trek Set." And how scary is it that you actually remember that? <g> - Marina, who knows "Ode to Spot" off by heart. \\ "And we are scatterlings of Africa on a ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // journey to the stars. Far below we leave || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever dreams of what we were." - Juluka ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //|| \\ \\============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============// "Blair's always working the room, going for the golden opportunity. Jim just waits until they show up at his door all needy." - Grey ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 08:24:27 +0200 From: T'Mar <> Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals Mel wrote: ><ggl> Nice one, Marina. Yeah... wish it was mine. I think it originated with Elaine Walker (on a DS list) but I could be wrong. On one list I was on, we all had that in our .sig files. >I've heard about the slashy Dueniverse subtext but >didn't know that about PG. How about CKR? (Callum >Keith Rennie for the uninitiated)? Oh, PG read slash even before the third season and apparently thought it was a cool idea to put some slashy subtext in when he became Executive Producer. But (even including the buddy breathing) it's the kind that non-slashers can ignore if they want to. I don't know about CKR, but since he and PG are friends I would think that he doesn't mind. >I've also heard rumors of so-called slashy subtext in >the Forever Knight universe, but haven't seen it >myself....I know there's a couple other FK fans on > notice any? Not really. I suppose you could look at Lacroix's possessiveness as being slashy, but then Nick *was* always trying to get away from him. >... doesn't like the idea of Nick and LaCroix >togther (and who's hoping no members of the Unnamed >Faction heard that LOL) Some of the slash stories are pretty good, but I haven't read FK for years. I always looked at their relationship as being father and son. Lacroix is like any parent tryng to stop their child from committing suicide, because that's how he sees Nick's search for mortality. (And Nick, IMO, always confused mortality and redemption...) - Marina. (A Dark Knightie. I'd let Uncle bite me!) \\ "And we are scatterlings of Africa on a ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // journey to the stars. Far below we leave || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever dreams of what we were." - Juluka ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //|| \\ \\============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============// "Blair's always working the room, going for the golden opportunity. Jim just waits until they show up at his door all needy." - Grey ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 08:37:53 +0200 From: T'Mar <> Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals Greg wrote: >Granted, some people enjoy writing just for its own sake. YMMV. Right, that's the "creative urge"/"art for its own sake" argument that Nina hates so much. But I think that it's a good argument, and can be backed up by historical examples. I'm really not interested in the fanfic argument (had that discussion once already; it gets boring the second time) but I would argue that the creative urge that *some* people have makes it that they *have to* write or paint or whatever. They can't *not*. You get an idea and you have to get it down on paper or canvas or a sculpture or whatever just to get the idea *out* of you. If you don't, you can't rest. And it doesn't matter whether you get monetary rewards or not, because you weren't doing it for the money in the first place. I mean, Vincent Van Gogh painted obsessively his whole life and didn't make any money off painting while he was alive. Or take the early Impressionists. They were painting in a style that wasn't accepted, but they kept doing it. - Marina. \\ "You've heard it said that living well is ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // the best revenge? Au contraire - living || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever is the best revenge." - Lacroix ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //|| \\ \\=============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============// "Blair's always working the room, going for the golden opportunity. Jim just waits until they show up at his door all needy." - Grey ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 06:57:41 GMT From: Jerry Durrance <> Subject: UNSUBSCRIBE Please remove me fom the list. Please Unsubscribe-- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 10:23:24 +0100 From: "John Mosby (Out&About)" <> Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals Gee, that Mulberry bush is looking familiar.... > John-- > > Nina seems to think all fanfic is sad and immoral. > > I know it's vastly easier for some people to paint it that way. > Unfortunately for you, it isn't accurate. I have said over & over that the > only issue I have is w/ the _unauthorized distribution_ of fanfic. That > will continue, unless someone comes up w/ a sensible reason that genre TV > properties are undeserving of the copyright protections automatically > afforded other intellectual property, or until I am convinced that fanfic > purveyors are special & so above the law & morality. and to Carmel: >If you can take a break from insulting me Oh. come on, Nina. You want a great and passionate debate, that's peachy and there are plenty of people here who are happy to engage in passionate and extensive debate - but don't complain that people take potshots when you regularly pepper your posts with them yourself. Part of a good debate is having the opposite number wanting to discuss a subject. Insulting people merely tires them and is a poor subsitute for wit (and I know you do wit well) . All depends whether you are here to debate or provoke. If it's the former, I'm right here. The latter gets boring after a while because people see through it. But, hey, it's 'vastly easy to paint it that way' because you've consistently insulted people who write fanfic without making that important distinction clear. Many fanficers don't make a profit from their work and may only show it to friends (rather than 'distributing' it), so - to be clear - they're okay, right? Carmel-- > Why not take your arguments to a > fanfiction list and universe where the owners *do* mind?? >Are you telling me to shut up, Carmel? Why ARE you so insecure about this issue as to get so very worked up & belligerant? It's unbecoming. Relax--this is just a discussion. Oh - and again with the slights. That just tends to lend weight to the idea you like provoking rather than debating. Kinda like watching Fox News: great if you want to throw things at smug faces, but eventually you need hard news. I think Carmel is saying that if you care as passionately as you obviously seem to and the posts are meant to relfect what you think rather than *just* provoke, then why not put your money where you mouth is and campaign, taking it to people who share your aims and could help you acheive your target? You comment on the lack of interest I'm showing in promoting your cause, but all I see so far is one lone agitator wearing a very loud dress rather than someone actually willing to move forward with her ideals as well. You complain about fanficers. You grumble about TPTB not being clearer. But Carmel has a point. So far, we've all heard what WE should be doing. We haven't heard what NINA is doing to make things right only . C'mon Nina, are you suggesting the SaveDanielJackson ladies can do something you can't? > John-- > >>>Other than the above > important distinction, I'd rather tend to agree with Rottie and the official > Highlander site>>> > > Note: The official site doesn't say--Go forth & fanfic. It says--Post your > fanfic HERE. Put it on OUR site, losers, where WE control it, it arguably > becomes OUR property, & YOU can't sue US if anything used officially later > on looks like what you posted. Actually, John, it says--"The place for > fans to collaborate on Highlander-themed stories." As in the only > authorized place for fanfic. It also sounds like they think fans write > their little stories together, in kindergarten fashion, which makes me > wonder what TPTB really understand about fanfic. But, despite Carmel's > flights of fancy, there is nothing in that to indicate DPP approve of HL > fanfic distribution elsewhere. Which if you read my post fully, is the very thing I go on to point out. That it establishes they don't innately hate the idea of fanfic (as you've suggested) and in fact encourage it. But I agreed that isn't carte blanche to write whatever fanfic you want and where you want. However, it's hardly the best deterrent either. > John-- > >>> it's only a problem if people seek to profit for something they > haven't purchased the rights for (with the mentioned parody/individual > cartoon excepion under law) >>> See? > > Like Leah's HL calendars? Actually, that's an interesting and fair point. I honestly don't know where I'd draw the line. Starlog has used a collection of Leah's cartoons on one page and there's no problem. Leah sells her individual cartoons and there's no problem. While I'd have no problem personally with a selection of Highlander cartoons collected together, I guess there is a potential grey area because it will make a profit using the Highlander name and it's not an offical product. However, I might compare it to the 'Unauthorised Episode Guide books' that are out there and are absolutely legal (and usually very good) and get around the copyright law by not using any official photos or press material, while still being a good read. They fit under the 'fair comment' clause and I think 'parody' might fit that too. Leah doesn't use any official art and all the work used is her own. I think for this *particular* case if she merely put *unauthorised*, then she could well be covered. (Same get-out doesn't really work for fanfic as they are extensive works of fiction) John ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 07:46:47 EDT From: Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals In a message dated 7/9/2003 2:00:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > But really, how far does copyright actually extend in written works? If I > wrote a story about Duncan and Richie living in the year 2112, that's > considered copyright infringement. If I wrote a story about a mentor and > protege named Albert Bigglesworth and Percy Jones, two men who just > happened to have an uncanny ability of living for hundreds or even thousand > of years and virtually mirrored the plot of "Highlander II", would that be > considered copyright infringement? You know, if D-P let them get away with that Lorenzo Lamas TV show THE IMMORTAL a couple of years ago without a lawsuit, I don't think anybody's in danger around here. Leah ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 07:47:42 EDT From: Subject: Re: Fanfic & Morals In a message dated 7/9/2003 2:24:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Leah wrote: > >Don't have access to the book at this moment, but I'm guessing > >it's in the chapter named "Beauty May Be Only Skin Deep, But Chopped > >Liver Can Get You Anywhere or Six Glorious Days on the Star Trek Set." > > And how scary is it that you actually remember that? <g> > > Nah; Google remembers that. Leah ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 8 Jul 2003 to 9 Jul 2003 - Special issue (#2003-146) *****************************************************************************