There are 14 messages totalling 803 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. multiple HL roles (was-- HL Trivia--Season 2 pt. 4) (2) 2. The Lamb or "They DIDN'T Kill Kenny!" (7) 3. OT: Robin of Sherwood 4. Eurominutes - Cross of St. Antoine 5. Spike TV revisited (2) 6. Eurominutes - Rite of Passage ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 22:07:00 -0400 From: Subject: Re: multiple HL roles (was-- HL Trivia--Season 2 pt. 4) I said: >>(Extra credit - Hyde returns later as what character?) Nina asks: >The actor? He does? I've got a particularly obsessive list of 60-odd HL >repeat actors, & Michael Siberry isn't on it. What other role does he >play? Come to think of it, I think it was Raven, not HL:TS. He was in one of the Paris episodes...was he Amanda's husband? What was that called? "The Rogue?" >(I always thought Hyde looked like a Dr. Seuss character--the hair, I >think.) He has too much hair- too thick and untamed. > (extra-extra credit--who played the largest # of different HL:TS >roles? _speaking_ roles, actually, to rule out stunt doubles, extras, & glorified >extras) Oh dear...I should know this. Umm....the Father Bernard guy? Wendy(It's possible there were only ever 5 HL actors and we just never noticed.) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 22:19:20 -0700 From: Gregory Mate <> Subject: Re: The Lamb or "They DIDN'T Kill Kenny!" At 05:19 PM 6/24/2003 -0700, FKMel wrote: >I can see both sides, really. He is a sneaky, no good, >low down, underhanded creep, but OTOH, it's really not >like he has much of a choice. He'd get picked off in >no time in direct combat. He just needed to realize >that every Immie he met wasn't out to kill him. I can True, but he's lived for over 800 years and we've really only seen a few snapshots of that life. Could be that he trusted one or a few adult Immortals who turned on him. Could also be that one of his "guardians" was killed by a stronger Immortal and made Kenny feel that any attachment made to another Immortal was doomed one way or another. Unlike many people, I really, really like the Kenny character. There is certainly an underlying evil that is probably more pronounced precisely because of its deceptiveness, but I would find it so interesting to explore how he got there. Undoubtedly there have been other child Immortals (the episode name does not come to mind, but I believe it was a Duncan flashback to the civil war) but by the way Joe describes him, he's pretty unique in that he has managed to survive for such a long time and has managed to outwit all of his potential enemies so far. >This ep brings up a lot of things...assuming a child >Immie could survive long enough, there'd be a lot of >problems besides "how do I keep my head?".....Children >weren't valued all that much in some ancient cultures, >(IE the Kurgan....he's a good example)and today, he >wouldn't be able to buy property, have a bank account >or drive....legally anyway. He did it anyway...LOL. Today he would probably, with difficulty, be able to pass himself off as an adult with a rare genetic condition. No doubt he could gain a set of false identification and have a legitimate bank account for racketeering purposes. I'm sure he knows how to drive if he can gain access to a car. >I can understand him not getting whacked.....I >remember someone somewhere bringing up that Duncan >might not look good killing a kid. Any comments there? I remember Adrian Paul saying something like that once. To paraphrase Terry Jones in the Whizzo's Candies skit, "Our ratings would plummet!" And Pat Lawson added: >When the episode first aired I was kinda hard on Kenny. Sure, he's had a >hard life. OTOH why should he still act like a child? That doesn't track >for me It's been awhile since I've seen Kenny on screen, so bear with me if my memory is good but short. I seem to recall that Kenny only acted as a child when it suited the deception. I always pictured Kenny as an 800-year old man trapped in the shell of a boy's body trying to make the best of the situation (evil, deceptive, but in his eyes he was doing what he had to do). Whenever I saw Kenny away from outside influences, I saw the calculating look in his eyes, and considering the actor was around 10 years old at the time, he did an excellent job portraying that malevolence. If there was any unintentional childlike behaviour, I attributed it to the challenge of a 10 year old actor trying to play the part. ....Greg.... He Who Believes That Kenny Is Still Alive Out There...Somewhere... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 22:34:20 -0400 From: Sandy Fields <> Subject: Re: The Lamb or "They DIDN'T Kill Kenny!" At 01:19 AM 6/25/2003, Gregory Mate wrote: >It's been awhile since I've seen Kenny on screen, so bear with me if my >memory is good but short. I seem to recall that Kenny only acted as a >child when it suited the deception. I'm working from a faded memory, too, but I seem to recall a scene where he acted quite childish. I think he was at a park with someone (his dad/protector maybe?) and he was playing with another child and got into a scrap. It was a childish thing like the kid didn't do something Kenny wanted him to do, or the kid was playing with something that Kenny wanted. Like I said.. short memory. But I do recall him exhibiting quite childish behavior in that scene. Does anyone recall the scene I'm talking about? And I agree that Myles' acting of that role was superb. -- Sandy ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 22:52:55 -0700 From: Gregory Mate <> Subject: Re: The Lamb or "They DIDN'T Kill Kenny!" At 10:34 PM 6/24/2003 -0400, Sandy showed her memory was better than mine: >I'm working from a faded memory, too, but I seem to recall a scene where he >acted quite childish. I think he was at a park with someone (his >dad/protector maybe?) and he was playing with another child and got into a >scrap. It was a childish thing like the kid didn't do something Kenny >wanted him to do, or the kid was playing with something that Kenny wanted. Yes, now that you mention it, I seem to recall a scene like that also. It's impossible to say whether such behaviour is a side-effect of becoming Immortal as a child and retaining the vestiges of child-like behaviour, or whether Kenny was suffering from a mental illness such as schizophrenia from the stress of trying to play a complex, deceptive "Game" for centuries. I would imagine that his strength of will would be phenomenal to be able to survive so long under such conditions. >And I agree that Myles' acting of that role was superb. Thanks again for the memory jog. The name Myles Ferguson just popped into my head. <Sigh> It's been too long. ....Greg.... He Who Is Too Old To Play Kenny On Screen ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 20:11:13 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: The Lamb or "They DIDN'T Kill Kenny!" > > >I'm working from a faded memory, too, but I seem to > recall a scene where he > >acted quite childish. I think he was at a park > with someone (his > >dad/protector maybe?) Duncan and he was playing with > another child and got into a > >scrap. It was a childish thing like the kid didn't > do something Kenny > >wanted him to do, or the kid was playing with > something that Kenny wanted. The skateboard. > > Yes, now that you mention it, I seem to recall a > scene like that > also. It's this ep. So is the Civil War flashback scene. Sean, the drummer boy, got whacked while Mac was trying to help some slaves. There must've been another Immie around somewhere that Mac wasn't close enough to sense. > > >And I agree that Myles' acting of that role was > superb. > I think he was having fun. I like the blooper where he forgot his lines during the scene where he was telling Mac his parents took him somewhere, and Adrian said "you can't remember where they took you?" and he said "to a gay bar." LOL. I didn't know that he died for real later on. > I agree with a lot of the points that have been brought up...that genetic problem thing never even entered my mind. Shows how much I think LOL. I still think some of the stuff was Amanda's influence....the book says she "taught him to survive by his wits and his sword".....we know she was doing that for quite a while...the wits part even before she became an Immie. Must've been a combo of that and a lot of other stuff he picked up along the way. >He Who Is Too Old to Play Kenny On Screen LOL! Mel She Who Is The Wrong Sex (but does look like somewhere around 13 or 14 instead of 21) ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 17:15:14 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: multiple HL roles (was-- HL Trivia--Season 2 pt. 4) me before-- > >The actor? He does? I've got a particularly obsessive list of 60-odd HL > >repeat actors, & Michael Siberry isn't on it. What other role does he > >play? Wendy-- > Come to think of it, I think it was Raven, not HL:TS. He was in one of the Paris episodes...was he Amanda's husband? What was that called? "The Rogue?" I'd totally forgotten, but Siberry WAS in The Rogue--not as Amanda's hubby (like THAT could ever happen...) but as Frank, the Immie baddie Nick shot in a (cheesy) Central Park FB to save Bert's life... That was the ep w/ Lysette Anthony (who also co-starred w/ AP in the Dark Shadows remake) in it as the passe screamer queen. And, Amanda slugged Brennan inside a church, so Holy Ground took a beating there (as did credulity...). Siberry was one of the better HL:TS casting retreads in Raven, actually--w/ Phil Akin as Not-Charlie the worst. > > (extra-extra credit--who played the largest # of different HL:TS > >roles? _speaking_ roles, actually, to rule out stunt doubles, extras, & glorified > >extras) > > Oh dear...I should know this. Umm....the Father Bernard guy? Nope--he had just 3 roles (of course, he had the bad luck to die fairly early on, so...). A female had 4 speaking roles--Lisa Butler was Kenny's mother in Reunion, Amanda's friend Melissa in The Colonel, Genevieve in Haunted, & Jillian O'Hara in Not to Be. F. Braun McAsh also had 4 roles, but only 2 were speaking (hooded demon in Shadows, derelict in Blind Faith, innkeeper in Through a Galss Darkly, & Hans Kerschner in Modern Prometheus.) Nina (even the Raven _trivia_ is boring) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 00:56:40 EDT From: lynnann Ward <> Subject: Re: OT: Robin of Sherwood In a message dated 6/24/03 8:43:21 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes: > lynnann Ward wrote: > > > > At todays rate $195, but that includes shipping and handling. Very > tempting. > > Thanks Barbara! Gonna have to think about this one. > > At that rate, it might well be cheaper to buy a region-free DVD player > and then buy the much, much cheaper British edition. Plus, you could > play all the other British DVDs too. > > I was looking at them lately, and was amazed at how inexpensive they are. > > Just a thought... > > Jen (my friend who knows such things recommends Sampo)(I haven't tried > one yet myself though) > > But the 10 British pounds is for VHS tapes. The British format of the DVDs actually looks more expensive. Series 1, Series 2, and Series 3 (2 parts) are 30 pounds each (okay, 29.99) = 120. Unless I'm looking at it totally wrong, I think we would get a deal with the Region 1 version.. Still thinking, though lynnann ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 08:55:25 +0200 From: T'Mar <> Subject: Re: The Lamb or "They DIDN'T Kill Kenny!" Pat wrote: >When the episode first aired I was kinda hard on Kenny. Sure, he's had a >hard life. OTOH why should he still act like a child? That doesn't track >for me. I think he acted like a child when it suited him. And never really having had a mentor in 800 years (he was only with Amanda for one year, I think), I think he probably missed a lot of social niceties. I doubt he even bothered to hang around with children much, so when he did he acted nasty. Also, yes, he was an adult in a kid's body but when people *treat* someone like a child they often end up acting like one. So that could also be a factor. I saw Myles Ferguson on "The Outer Limits" last week (the one with the alien criminal who crashes on Earth - Stranded, I think it was) and boy, he really looked different, especially without the Kenny hairstyle. I liked him as an actor and I'm still sad that he died. - Marina, who actually likes Kenny. \\ "I'm like every other kid in America. We all ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // wanna be astronauts... 'to boldly go where || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ no man has gone before'." - Matt Sikes to ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // Cathy Frankel; Green Eyes (Alien Nation) || \\ \\|| // //=============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie=============\\ "Just because a guy's in his underwear, you think the worst." - Trip to T'Pol; Acquisition (Enterprise) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 10:26:38 -0400 From: Subject: Re: The Lamb or "They DIDN'T Kill Kenny!" Mel wrote: >I can see both sides, really. He is a sneaky, no good, >low down, underhanded creep, but OTOH, it's really not >like he has much of a choice. Now, now..everyone has a choice. Perhaps not a *good* choice, but a choice nonetheless <g> >He'd get picked off in >no time in direct combat. He just needed to realize >that every Immie he met wasn't out to kill him. I can >think of a lot of kimmies who would, but a lot of good >immies probably would've helped him. I think As someone else said (Greg?) we don't know how many times he trusted someone only to be betrayed or trusted someone only to be left behind when that person was killed (think of poor Mickey when his protector was killed). After 800 years, he probably decided that taking action first was better than waiting until the sword fell. OTOH, you can't discount the fact that he seemed to be enjoying the Game. He had turned a disadvantage into a great advantage. If a Quickening is a pleasurable experience (and at least some Immortals seemed to suggest it was) then why shouldn't Kenny want more? And, imagine the bitterness of being 10 forever? As Kenny himself said- he's always dependant, always too "young" to do most of the things that give long life its pleasurable moments. Even if we assume that his mind does not mature any past the physical age of ten, he was (is) old enough to think about sex, old enough to have ambitions beyond the playground, old enough top know that adults have richer lives than children. 800 years of life experienced from the "outside" that could make anyone testy. > I see >some of Amanda's influence....can anyone else? We know >she was an expert at survival by wits. Even in the relatively short time they were together, Amanda passed on the essential bit of advise for Kenny's survival- use what you have. If you can't be bigger, use your smaller size as an advantage. If you can't be stronger, be smarter. >This ep brings up a lot of things...assuming a child >Immie could survive long enough, there'd be a lot of >problems besides "how do I keep my head?".....Children >weren't valued all that much in some ancient cultures, >(IE the Kurgan....he's a good example)and today, he >wouldn't be able to buy property, have a bank account >or drive....legally anyway. He did it anyway...LOL. If he was exceedingly clever, he could arrange his life to have houses, bank accounts, etc. All he would need to do was find a pliable attorney and pay him to set up trust funds and bank accounts, buy property, etc all with the false premise that Kenny did have adult supervision that was elsewhere. In a large city, if Kenny was careful, he could live alone and unbothered by authorities so long as the bills were paid and he stayed out of trouble that drew attention to himself. If needed, he could always pay someone to play the part of doting uncle or caring benefactor. >I can understand him not getting whacked.....I >remember someone somewhere bringing up that Duncan >might not look good killing a kid. Any comments there? Killing children on TV is always iffy. They can be murder victims if the killer is caught and punished. They can't be killed by the good guy - even if they deserve it. It's pretty hypocritical- TV viewers will watch children being abused, victims of rape or torture or watch them gunned down by drug dealers - just so long as the cops catch the bad guys in the end. They won't watch a show where an evil "kid" gets what's coming to him in the context of the series universe. Don't ask me to make sense of that. Wendy(Why does Kenny always remind me of The Omen?) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 10:30:03 -0400 From: Subject: Eurominutes - Cross of St. Antoine Cross of St. Antoine This bit of dialogue was filmed at the end of the cooking crepes scene, but didn't make it into either version. I'm putting it in because it gives meaning to MacLeod's later line when he says "I asked you to keep Joe out of this." AMANDA (re the stew) And he cooks too... Amanda kisses him lightly on the lips. AMANDA Maybe somebody whacked him. (beat) It's been known to happen. MACLEOD Maybe. AMANDA Doesn't your friend Joe have a Who's Who on Immortals. MACLEOD Let's leave Joe out of this. This is the end of the scene where Joe is drowning his sorrows in the bar with Amanda. DAWSON The cops'll never find him. They need things like motives and witnesses. (beat) She wasn't robbed. She wasn't raped. Someone just opened the door and killed her. Dawson pours himself four fingers. AMANDA I've lived a long time, Joe. What goes around comes around. DAWSON You really believe that's true? AMANDA I believe it should be. (off Joe's half-smile) So, those records you keep on us. How accurate are they really? And off his look -- This comes at the end of the scene where Amanda was cutting flowers in the Loft. AMANDA Since when do I do everything you ask? (beat) C'mon Mac. Somebody he loved has been killed. He wants to do something about it. You know how that feels. The telephone rings. MacLeod answers it. MACLEOD (into phone) MacLeod... Yes, I'm still interested. Where?... That's fine. MacLeod turns to Amanda. MACLEOD That was the curator. Thorne's agreed to meet me... He's sending a car. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CATHEDRAL - DAY A Limo is already parked, waiting, as another Limo pulls up. Two men, well trained BODYGUARDS, cover the front and rear of the Limo. These men are very skilled and practiced professionals. A DRIVER opens the door of the Limo and MacLeod steps out. MacLeod feels the BUZZ. DRIVER Mr. Thorne is waiting inside. MACLEOD You don't say. This scene is just before the "Practice makes perfect" scene practicing with the rigging in the Dojo. INT. DOJO - DAY (E) MacLeod and Amanda are returning at the same time. She's laden with packages; he hastily grabs the door to let her in. MACLEOD Do you really need all this stuff? AMANDA Tools of the trade. He opens one of the packages. A lot of hardware. Grappling hooks, pulleys, suction cups, a glass cutter. He picks up a couple of mysterious-looking electronic devices. MACLEOD Remember when all you had was two lock picks and a crowbar? AMANDA You've got a lot to learn. The surveillance cameras and the alarms are triggered by laser beams. MACLEOD (impressed) Where do we start? Amanda takes the devices from his hand, hands him a harness. AMANDA With this. This whole section takes place at the beginning of Act 4: INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT (E) Thorne is ready to leave. THORNE Time to go, Mr. Dawson. DAWSON Drop dead. (beat) You won't get away with this. He gestures to the Bodyguard. Dawson doesn't exactly have a choice. THORNE You think not? (beat) I'm a well-known man in this town, Mr. Dawson. I doubt you'll be believed. DAWSON It's not the police you'll have to worry about. THORNE You mean MacLeod. (beat) He'll try. (cryptic, he thinks) Combat is for barbarians. A civilized man protects himself. DAWSON (disgusted) You're not civilized, Thorne. You're a barbarian in a better suit. Thorne gives him a look -- Does Dawson know something? Dawson meets his gaze squarely, giving nothing away. INT. MACLEOD'S LOFT - NIGHT (E) MacLeod and Amanda are up and dressed. AMANDA Do you think Thorne'll do what he said? Trade Dawson for the stuff? MACLEOD He's not after my head, or anyone's-- he wants what's his. AMANDA (fondling one of the pieces) I guess the son-of-a-bitch wins this round. We just give the stuff back and walk. No answer. She reacts to MacLeod's dark look. AMANDA I said, we have to give the stuff back, right? (beat) Hello, MacLeod? (beat; not sure she's going to like this) What are you thinking? Off his brooding expression -- EXT. CATHEDRAL - ALLEY - NIGHT Thorne's car pulls up in the alley. Thorne and Dawson get out. The Driver and the Bodyguard follow. INT. CATHEDRAL CORRIDOR - NIGHT Thorne gets the BUZZ. His eyes go to the door of the holy building. THORNE (quiet) Good. (to the Driver and Bodyguard) It's all right, I'll be perfectly safe. Wait outside. (to Dawson) After you. He ushers Dawson into the church. This bit of extraneous butt-kicking takes place in the middle of the scene in the church, right before Dawson (trying to protect Amanda from discovery, although that's not real clear in the final cut) threatens to beat up Thorne's treasures. THORNE I can feel you. EXT. CATHEDRAL - ALLEY - NIGHT The Driver and Bodyguard lean on Thorne's car, smoking and jawing. MACLEOD crouched low, sneaks along behind the car, out of their sight. He chooses his moment, then springs over the hood of the car, catching the Bodyguard in the back, driving him to the pavement. NEW ANGLE He rolls him over and delivers a hard right to the jaw that takes the man out. ON THE CAR The Driver has the door open and is prone across the front seat, scrambling in the glove box for a gun. MACLEOD grabs him by the ankles and hauls him out of the car. The Driver tries to bring the gun around to bear; MacLeod kicks it out of his hand and, holding the Driver down, reaches into the open car door and pops the trunk. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 08:54:11 -0600 From: Firefly <> Subject: Spike TV revisited LOL. Well, it's happened. Spike Jones Jr has joined forces with TNN against Spike Lee. Barbara ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 11:47:23 EDT From: Robin Tidwell <> Subject: Re: Spike TV revisited In a message dated 6/25/2003 11:40:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > LOL. Well, it's happened. Spike Jones Jr has joined forces with TNN against > Spike Lee. > > Hah! Didn't we all see this coming? *BG* Robin ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 16:27:53 -0400 From: Subject: Eurominutes - Rite of Passage Rite of Passage There are really only two full scenes that are additional. To fill the rest of the time, there are a couple of bits without dialogue -- long look at the funeral, Michelle's walk down the gangplank to Axel's boat which seems like it takes 5 minutes, etc. INT. HOSPITAL - MORGUE - DAY A MORGUE ATTENDANT opens a drawer. MacLeod shakes his head after looking inside. Another drawer opens. MacLeod shakes his head. The CAMERA pulls back to reveal Anne in the doorway, watching. MacLeod moves toward Anne. ANNE How come you got this job? MACLEOD (self-deprecating) Guess I'm a glutton for punishment. ANNE That makes two of us. (beat) Maybe you're just a helluva friend. As they share a look together -- Then there's the scene where Michelle gets the BUZZ. There's no extra dialogue, she just goes to the window, opens it, and watches Axel in the alley. At the beginning of Michelle's "burial" we stay on the family and Duncan (what, this girl had no friends?) a good long time while the minister says a prayer that was actually added in Post Production, so we don't have the words. This next bit comes at the beginning of the second set of flashback scenes, after the transition from the rear view mirror. INT. GILDED SALOON - SHARON'S ROOM - BOSTON - 1896 - DAY Sharon's hand grips Axel's arm desperately. He's holding his sword to her neck. She's frozen. Terrified. He's tight with anger. AXEL You were supposed to seduce him. You were supposed to bring him here and put a smile on his face. SHARON Don't hurt me, Axel. Please. AXEL You were supposed to separate him from his sword and leave the rest to me. SHARON I'm sorry... AXEL I'm trying to protect you, Sharon. If I don't take his head, he will gladly take ours. (beat; hard) Is that understood? She manages a nod. Axel's face softens at her fear. AXEL (cont'd) Beautiful Sharon... I'm lost without you... Once so innocent... (beat) So lovely. He kisses her tenderly, and... INT. GILDED SALOON - BOSTON - 1896 - LATER THAT DAY MacLeod enters and feels the BUZZ. Sharon approaches. ============================================================== Wendy( Was I the only one who was *so* happy that Duncan didn't sleep with this twit?)(Of all the new-born Immortals we saw, I wanted her dead the most.)(The lack of friends at her funeral proved she was an atrocious person.)(Even her parent's friends didn't show up)(Too bad Axel didn't whack her.) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 17:39:16 -0700 From: Pat Lawson <> Subject: Re: The Lamb or "They DIDN'T Kill Kenny!" you wrote: >As someone else said (Greg?) we don't know how many times he trusted >someone only to be betrayed or trusted someone only to be left behind when >that person was killed (think of poor Mickey when his protector was >killed). After 800 years, he probably decided that taking action first was >better than waiting until the sword fell. After watching the episode again I believe I've figure out the key to Kenny. 800 years of people patting & rubbing your head the way Duncan did repeatedly would make anyone want to kill. Pat ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 24 Jun 2003 to 25 Jun 2003 - Special issue (#2003-121) *******************************************************************************