There are 13 messages totalling 437 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. safe Immie sex (was--Re: Mac's Barge) 2. Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM 3. Legacy (3) 4. Bruce Payne chews more scenery 5. Fantasy fodder for AP fans (2) 6. Seacouver RepCo/was: Re: Bruce Payne chews more scenery 7. Question 8. Seacouver Rep Company (2) 9. Counterfeit 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 20:33:06 -0700 From: mama bear <> Subject: Re: safe Immie sex (was--Re: Mac's Barge) At 11:01 PM -0400 6/7/03, jjswbt@EARTHLINK.NET wrote: >1) Her clothes and demeanor: Are they, generally, what one would >expect of a RL doctor? No, not generally. Are they impossible? No. >Are they in keeping with the way Hollywood sees people or thinks >that the audience *wants* to see people? Yes. Not sure I should but can't resist commenting on the clothing and demeanor that TPTB chose for Dr. Anne. Female physicians in my small corner of the world seem to wear clothes that the rest of us peons wouldn't dare - and nothing like what their male counterparts would. Like the doc who every winter, every day wears Pippi Longstockings socks - yes with red and white stripes. And the female cardiologist who makes sure everyone around knows her suits cost thousands and who scoffs at the nurse who mentioned how much she was struggling to send her child to parochial school for only $1500 per year, and the female family practice doc who after 5 years can't figure out how to get to the 3rd floor. I could go on . Point being, Anne grated but wasn't too far from reality, at least from this corner of the world. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 22:14:32 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM I got my copy of the Watcher Chronicles CD-Rom today (off Ebay)and I think I could've spent all evening on it if my eyes hadn't gotten tired. It's a great resource. I just have to watch out as it's temprimental....likes to give me glitches sometimes. I notice a few Immies, like the Kurgan, missing, and it doesn't cover Endgame, but it does cover most everything else. Does anyone know if they're ever going to release the rest of the novels? Just curious. I've actually gotten quite a bit of HL stuff off Ebay-not all of it here yet though. Mel ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 23:42:57 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Legacy John-- > I didn't say it was definitive. In fact, I think I said it was anything but. Actually, you said-- >>>Rebecca and Amanda sharing a bed was the only ONSCREEN inference that there was ever a same-sex reltionship going on with any of the main characters.>>> You also said-- >>>a relationship was actually text, rather than subtext - even if not exactly made canon.>>> But I'm not sure where you were going there. >>> Nothing to infer anything either way apart from the location and *possible* context.>>> The concept of "possible context" is just too slippery for me this late at night. > I don't think it proves or disproves. I don't think it is even relevant. > The same way that if we had a scene in which Methos and Duncan were seen > together in a bed If we had that scene, pigs would be aloft & hell would be decidedly nippy. (Or, a VERY happy Amanda would be snuggled in between them.) Nina (anyone see the crewman atop the hay bales during the final swordfight? maybe he was a really inept Watcher) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 23:59:47 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Bruce Payne chews more scenery Bruce Payne (Endgame's Kell) was on Fox's strange show "Keen Eddie" tonight, as one of the baddies, of course--named Yellow, I think. He's got hair again (not _good_ hair) & still whispers mostly. Because that's SO scary.... Lisa B. wasn't in tonight's ep, though, so no HL:EG reunion for them. ("I REALLY miss Romania in the winter!" "What was that whole Holy Ground thing about?" "Yeah--Adrian IS hot...." "What do you mean--HL5? No one could want another movie from those loons!" ) Nina (BP was bad in LFN, too) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 07:35:42 -0400 From: "" <> Subject: Re: Legacy Okay - it was late at night for me too. So let me clarify. There's lots of slash material around which is based on many people's wishes about the characters, their preffered genre of fiction or what they see as scenes which might indicate such. Mostly I think it's harmless projection or simple taste of fiction. My comment was that this was one of the few ocassions where two characters of the same sex were ever shown sharing a bed. It occurs to me that this was the one time that Highlander showed anything ONSCREEN which might back-up the notion of a same-sex relationship. It would take someone connected with the show to officially go on the record as to whether this was intended, inferred or not. Simply makign an observation, not any sort of judgement or moral point. John Original Message: ----------------- From: MacWestie Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 23:42:57 -1000 To: HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU Subject: Re: [HL] Legacy John-- > I didn't say it was definitive. In fact, I think I said it was anything but. Actually, you said-- >>>Rebecca and Amanda sharing a bed was the only ONSCREEN inference that there was ever a same-sex reltionship going on with any of the main characters.>>> You also said-- >>>a relationship was actually text, rather than subtext - even if not exactly made canon.>>> But I'm not sure where you were going there. >>> Nothing to infer anything either way apart from the location and *possible* context.>>> The concept of "possible context" is just too slippery for me this late at night. > I don't think it proves or disproves. I don't think it is even relevant. > The same way that if we had a scene in which Methos and Duncan were seen > together in a bed If we had that scene, pigs would be aloft & hell would be decidedly nippy. (Or, a VERY happy Amanda would be snuggled in between them.) Nina (anyone see the crewman atop the hay bales during the final swordfight? maybe he was a really inept Watcher) -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at . ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 07:02:20 -0500 From: Debra Douglass <> Subject: Fantasy fodder for AP fans >From an interview with Samantha Danson, stand-in for Rose McGowan on Charmed: Q - What have been some of the biggest highlights of working on Charmed? SAM - ...when I photo-doubled Rose getting her back rubbed by Adrian Paul of Highlander fame. OMG! She has a large tattoo on her back and the make-up would have been smeared so they had me do it. I kept my cool during the shot but had to confess that I'd had a crush on him for like ten years! He gave me a signed photo afterwards. I still have the picture of us taken on the set by one of the wardrobe girls. [] -- .------------------------------------------------------------------. |Debra Douglass| `------------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 08:47:04 -0700 From: Danni Butterfuss <> Subject: Re: Fantasy fodder for AP fans Could I share this w/ the other AP lists I'm on, Debra? Danni ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 13:13:46 -0400 From: KLZ3 <> Subject: Seacouver RepCo/was: Re: Bruce Payne chews more scenery I was flipping channels a couple nights ago and came on the Stunt Awards on - um - USA? There was an award for "best fight", and a movie was mentioned with Nia Peeples (Neferteri). They showed the stunt ppl, of course, but I believe there was a shot of her. Does anyone know the movie, and was that really her? (It was a movie that my grandma would have called "Shoot-bang"). ZK (did she speak Latin in the movie?) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 10:51:01 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Question I have a question. I know HLFIC-L is kinda....dead....but I was thinking of posting something and I'm trying to figure out to which list. Do challenges go to HLFIC-L? And anybody can post one right? Mel ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:24:40 -0700 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: Seacouver Rep Company At 01:13 PM -0400 6/11/03, KLZ3 wrote: >I was flipping channels a couple nights ago and came on the Stunt >Awards on - um - USA? There was an award for "best fight", and a I saw part of this Z - the best fight went to Blade II. I haven't seen the movie I don't think I'd seen any of the movies 'cept Minority Report (won for best high-work, I think). >movie was mentioned with Nia Peeples (Neferteri). They showed >the stunt ppl, of course, but I believe there was a shot of her. Didn't notice her, but I can't remember all the films nominated. >Does anyone know the movie, and was that really her? (It was a >movie that my grandma would have called "Shoot-bang"). Wasn't NP in Segal's last flick Half Past Dead? Haven't seen that either (not an SS fan), but it would certainly fit grandma's description. :) Rachel ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 09:59:32 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Legacy John-- > My > comment was that this was one of the few ocassions where two characters of > the same sex were ever shown sharing a bed. And, I suspect that Amanda has had more sex OUT of beds than in them. A scene of her & anyone else in a _kitchen_ could be "suspect." > It would take someone connected with the show to officially go on the > record as to whether this was intended, inferred or not. Perhaps they were intentionally winding up certain fans. ("Ooh--they'll go NUTS if we have A & R in the same bed!!!") > Simply makign an observation, not any sort of judgement or moral point. And what's the fun of that? Nina ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 15:02:12 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Counterfeit 1 I'm really anxious to see how this one plays out. Question: How long has it been in HL time since the events in 'Darkness'? I've discussed this ep with some people who said they didn't like Meilani Paul's acting. Overall though I think it's a pretty good ep so far. That Horton sure is a sneaky son of a gun, isn't he? I'll be glad to see Mac get rid of him, though with Horton we can never tell. He still might not stay dead LOL. Mel ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 23:34:58 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: Seacouver Rep Company Blatant plug. Impact was invited to the awards and we have a report in the issue just going to the printers (139) John ----- Original Message ----- From: "R. Shelton" <rshelton2@EARTHLINK.NET> To: <HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:24 PM Subject: Re: [HL] Seacouver Rep Company > At 01:13 PM -0400 6/11/03, KLZ3 wrote: > >I was flipping channels a couple nights ago and came on the Stunt > >Awards on - um - USA? There was an award for "best fight", and a > > I saw part of this Z - the best fight went to Blade II. I haven't > seen the movie I don't think I'd seen any of the movies 'cept > Minority Report (won for best high-work, I think). > > >movie was mentioned with Nia Peeples (Neferteri). They showed > >the stunt ppl, of course, but I believe there was a shot of her. > > Didn't notice her, but I can't remember all the films nominated. > > >Does anyone know the movie, and was that really her? (It was a > >movie that my grandma would have called "Shoot-bang"). > > Wasn't NP in Segal's last flick Half Past Dead? Haven't seen that > either (not an SS fan), but it would certainly fit grandma's > description. :) > > Rachel ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 10 Jun 2003 to 11 Jun 2003 (#2003-108) ***************************************************************