There are 2 messages totalling 150 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. trivia--Season 2, part 1 2. Where The Heck Did That Link Go? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 16:38:29 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: trivia--Season 2, part 1 OK some of these are probably lame, but hey, it's my first attempt. I have so much fun with MacWestie's that I thought it'd be nice to try my own hand. > > Who plays James Horton? > Dr Seuss? > Names of Horton's daughter & her Watcher boyfriend? > Jenny and Giles? > >The disease Doc Gregor fights in the flashback? > Stupid Writer Disease-it was responsible for eps like The Zone and Nowhere to Run Turnabout > How Quentin Barnes is executed in 1960 & for what > crime? > Wooden stake through the heart. Getting overexcited on the job and mauling someone to death > > Specific problem Charlie is having w/ the dojo > facilities? > inability to use them? using them too much? Oh wait, not *those* facilities.... > Name of Michael Moore's murdered lover, & the > sentiment on her tombstone? Janette. I'm not sure of the sentiment, but the birth and death dates were *really* far apart. She was born sometime in the late 900s AD....oops, that's the other Janette. > > Who plays Moore/Barnes? > Moore is a guy named Nick Knight, a Toronto homicide cop who's definately an immie, but shall we say a very different *kind* of immie. Barnes is a renegade alien scientist named Zin, who's angry because he never got no respect back home. > > > > What Duncan uses to blind the renegade Watcher, & > who gives him the item? > Bright yellow computer font?...(ok, it's lame, but if you've ever seen yellow font, you may know what I mean lol) > Eye for an Eye > Cost of a new water heater for the dojo? > An arm and a leg? > Names of Annie's 2 dead husbands? > Tweedledee and Tweedledum? > Rendezvous point for Annie's gang? > Daddy Warbuck's place? Oh wait, that's something else entirely.... > > > > Duncan to Richie (about the sword)--"Take good care > of it. Live w/ it. > Make it part of you. It might be the only ______ > you have." > > razor? > > > Name 2 of the 4 martial arts forms Duncan & Charlie > demonstrate at the dojo? > The bad action flick style of one guy taking them on at a time while everyone else is standing around like idiots? >The Return of Amanda > Duncan's cranky small appliance? > vibrator? (ok, it's a bit naughty, but I couldn't help it....) > Duncan to Amanda-"I expect _______ to bite, too. > Don't take it personally." > myself? Oh, wait that's a different movie > Name of Amanda's Berlin club? > Stalag 13? (lol if you didn't get it, it was a Hogan's Heroes joke) > How Amanda gets Duncan to tell her the name of his > hotel? Threatens to force him to eat her cooking? > > > Name of the corrupt FBI agent? > Mulder? > > > Revenge of the Sword > > What is the Black Hand? The opposite of the White Hand? > ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 18:41:51 -0700 From: Prodipto Roy <> Subject: Where The Heck Did That Link Go? So here I am mildly browsing around and I find a link to my Highlander pictures, but (oh, my) it is horribly out of date. So for those who miss Pro's Highlander Images, the new location is: If lots of people ask me really nicely, I'll even add some more. Maybe I'll finally get those Methos images posted. Cheers! --Pro Prodipto Roy CFW for Ursa "There can be only...ooh, pretty" Founding Member of the UDC ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 23 May 2003 (#2003-90) ***********************************************