There are 5 messages totalling 243 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Eye For An Eye (3) 2. Eurominutes - The Zone 3. James Horan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 18:12:02 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Eye For An Eye > While I'm at it, can anyone guess this trivia bit? > There's an actor who has a minor part in this ep who > shows up again 4th season in a different, somewhat > larger role. Anyone know who it is and what other ep > he's in? Callum Keith Rennie plays Annie's goon Neal, & in The Innocent he plays Immie Tyler King. Speaking of familiar faces, NYPD Blue has had Chandra West (RR's squeeze Donna in Line of Fire) as a recurring character the last few eps--a doctor that young Det. Clark dates. She was oh, so sweet last night.... > Mel (The Zone is over and boy am I glad!! Yuck.) Yeah, but I do enjoy seeing Michael Shanks bite the dust. Nina ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 06:01:47 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: Eye For An Eye Yup. I probably only know that one because I'm a big fan of Due South, the series he was a regular on for 1(or 2 depending on which country you're in...only some divided them up that way)season. Hm.....a DS/HL cross could be interesting when you consider that a MacLeod and a Fraser would probably work together...just that it'd be slightly ironic considering the two clans were enemies a long time ago. Now, if I only could get a plot going, I'd be in business. I ordered those two eps (Innocent and Eye for and Eye) from a DS friend to see CKR, and after that, fuhgiddaboudit....I was desperate for more Highlander. Good thing TNN came to my rescue, 'cause watching the same two eps to see Duncan was getting tiring LOL. Mel > Callum Keith Rennie plays Annie's goon Neal, & in > The Innocent he plays > Immie Tyler King. > ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 10:19:28 -0400 From: Subject: Eurominutes - The Zone I think I deserve a medal for sitting through The Zone twice. The twitch may never go away. There *have* to be 4 extra minutes in the Euro-version. There have to be. But damned if I could find them. I can account for about 45 seconds. After must be dozens of micro-cuts of one or two frames- and if you think I'm watching that thing again to count frames..... ************************************** (1) After Charlie and Duncan leave Asia's clinic the first time Duncan meets her, they walk through the Zone.. TNN: Charlie: People around here don't trust outsiders, ya know what I mean? Duncan: I can see why. <shot of woman with two children) <shot of people warming hands over a fire> <cut to the dojo office. Joe writing Duncan talking> Euro: <shot of woman with two children) <shot of people warming hands over a fire> Charlie:I'm beginning to hate this place. I didn't spend this much time down here when I lived down here. Duncan: I told you you didn't have to come. Charlie: If you're dumb enough to come down here, the least I can do is be dumb enough to keep you company. <another sot of people warming hands over a fire> <cut to the dojo office. Joe writing Duncan talking> (2) After Asia has lured Duncan down to the Zone. Duncan gets tossed in freezer, Asia gets tossed in the freezer. Teo gets shot. TNN: Canaan: Pick up the body. We have a meeting to go to. <Canaan and crew head for the door> <cut to Asia kneeling to check Duncan's pulse. Gets up and kicks the locked door> Euro: <Canaan and crew head for the door. Canaan pauses and looks around with a satisfied look. He exits.> <cut to Asia in freezer. She checks the door. Walks to Duncan and kneels to check his pulse. Gets up and kicks the locked door.> (3) The final fight with Canaan has a few extra blows thrown. ********************************************* That's it. No missing cool "tag". Nothing. But I suppose we should be glad because who amongst us would really want 4 more minutes of this crap? Wendy(The Zone is only notable for the appearance of Michael Shanks as Jesse.)(And that's hardly enough to save this horrid episode) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 16:37:04 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <> Subject: Re: Eye For An Eye Wendy wrote: >I don't see it as having anything to do with Richie's latent >immortality. It probably has more to do with the idea that a man >ought to protect a woman. If it was the middle ages, the highlands of Scotland in the 17th century, or the 1950s. Not in the '90s when such attitudes have (I fervently hope) bitten the dust. >That Richie should have been able to do *something* to protect Tessa. Oh, I agree there. Duncan *is* who he is. And no doubt he thinks that subconsciously even though he may know intellectually that Richie couldn't have done anything. >I just never got any feel that Duncan >regretted not telling Richie-for any reason. Me neither. I just think that maybe afterwards he might have subconsciously thought that if he'd told Richie, Richie wouldn't have been scared to take the guy out or something. >I never blamed Richie for acting 19. I blamed him for acting like a >dumb 19 year old. (There are smart 19 year olds) And I blame him for >still acting like a 19 year old when he was 23. Well, he *is* frozen at that age. Just like Duncan seems to be frozen in his attitudes to women. "A couple of medieval songwriters come up with the idea of chivalry one rainy day, and you embrace it as a lifestyle." >I'm not sure how this is germane to the discussion. Just an example. >Richie gets blamed for being in the same place on the day Duncan >beheaded him as he was on the day he became Immortal. He wandered... >he raced ..he orbited Duncan like a satellite..but he didn't ever >seem to start thinking that he *might* be alive a long time and so >he *might* want to think about learning a skill and saving some money. Right. And three years after becoming Immortal Duncan was still wearing filthy clothes and hanging out in the woods. Why didn't he get cleaned up and start thinking about the future? Highland barbarian. >But..Richie didn't really give it a fair chance and in the end, he >died long before he needed to But he was learning there. Unlike Duncan's other friends, Richie was the one who supported Duncan and stood by him. And got himself killed for his trouble. He would have been better off running away again. Yes, he'd get called a coward and a bad friend, but he'd still be alive. Funny how no one calls Methos and Joe bad friends for discussing Duncan's mental health and thinking he was nuts. >> (Justifying that title she gave herself for once. <g>) >If not you, who? Heh. :) Nina wrote: >Yeah, but I do enjoy seeing Michael Shanks bite the dust. But Saint Michael is the only decent thing in the whole episode! :) - Marina. "We all have our little faults. Mine's in California!" - Lex Luthor; Superman The Movie ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 20:29:46 -0400 From: Becky Doland <> Subject: James Horan James was on Enterprise again last night. Those Trek casting agents = really seem to like him. :-) ~ Becky --->> Save the Earth. It's the only planet with chocolate. <<-- *** "Comfy? I'm chained in a bathtub drinkin' pig's blood from a novelty mug. Doesn't rank huge in the Zagat's guide." -- Spike *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------- ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 21 May 2003 to 22 May 2003 (#2003-87) **************************************************************