There are 10 messages totalling 1020 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. The Last Samurai - again 2. New Cartoons (2) 3. The Hunters (or maybe it should be ' Here come the Watchers') (2) 4. HL Trivia--ANSWERS 5. season 1 trivia--part 1 (2) 6. Highlander Downunder Photos 7. Darkness ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 07:24:16 -0500 From: Laura Tarwater <> Subject: The Last Samurai - again I was perusing Apple's new trailers tonight when I came across one for The Last Samurai, with Tom Cruise. No real plot revealed by the trailer, just that it looks set in the 1800s perhaps and he somehow gets involved with Japanese swordsmen. IMDB doesn't give me any other big names involved. I'm a sucker for swordplay just like the rest of you, but I'm afraid this one might be too much to swallow. Laura "It is difficult to make a living in the American economy these days unless you sell duct tape or premillennial dispensationalism." --Floyd Kemske ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 12:11:36 EDT From: Subject: New Cartoons Please feel free to forward this to any interested parties. In keeping with tradition, Leah has done a couple of new cartoons right before we leave for MediaWest. Daniel just never seems to learn that strange things happen when he goes fishing with Jack -- an X-Men/Stargate crossover cartoon: Ground Force encounters a few difficulties when they attempt to plant a few things in Sunnydale -- a Ground Force/Buffy the Vampire Slayer toon: Annie "I'm back!" -- Dr. Daniel Jackson **************** Our Stargate Discussion Forum: Ashton Press: Gateway, A Stargate Slash Group: Stargate Solutions: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 12:26:39 -0700 From: Becky Doland <> Subject: Re: New Cartoons These are great!! I'm a big fan of Leah's cartoons. Thanks for the links, Annie! Becky ***Save the Earth. It's the only planet with chocolate.*** "Wuss. Where's your sense of drama?" - Methos ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 15:47:57 -0400 From: Subject: Re: The Hunters (or maybe it should be ' Here come the Watchers') Nina (?)wrote: >>And the whole Watchers-not-getting-involved was irksome. So, Watchers >>watch, over & over, the murder of innocents & other mayhem, keeping quiet >so that they can keep a record of Immie doings. Pat says: >Isn't that pretty much what Darius did? Except for the record keeping of >course. He tried to convince the relatively small number of people he came >in contact with to stop fighting, and he ministered to their spiritual >needs. Other than that, he was a watcher. I'm not sure how what Darius did translates into being a watcher. Watchers keep detailed records of Immortals for future use. Darius keeps no records. Watchers allow the Immortal Game to run its course without interference. Darius works for world peace - mortal and Immortal. Watchers are non-secular. Darius worked from a spiritual stance. Ummm..nope..I can't see how Darius fits the Watcher model at all. Pat: > Were the Watchers right to "observe & never interfere"? First you'd have to define "interfere". Do you mean report crimes committed by Immortals? Or do you mean step in and punish those Immortals that were seen as a bad element? I assume you mean report to the authorities, since any Watcher attempt to join the Game is so far outside what a Watcher is suppose to be that it negates the whole concept. Second, you would have to define"right". Do you mean legally? Morally? Ethically? Practically? Practically: There are two practical reasons for "observe & never interfere." The first is that any interference changes the Game. If your purpose is to merely study and record a phenomena, then you can't interact with it or you skew the results. Second, any interference might bring the Watchers to the attention of the Immortals - some of whom would object violently to being Watched. Legally: This would vary wildly depending on the year and the country. Is here an affirmative duty to inform the legal authorities that a crime (a beheading) is about to occur? Not always by any means. Is there an affirmative duty to inform the police of your knowledge of who committed a crime after it has occurred? Again..not always. Plus, if one sees Immortals as a race apart from human society- does one even consider their duels to be murder? As for those instances when an Immortal commits a crime against a return to the question of whether one is *legally* required to inform the police. (As well as the practical aspects of trying to apprehend and hold an Immortal suspect) Morally/Ethically: These two are basically the same, merely rooted in different basis - one religious, one intellectual. Here again, the question of whether one considers Immortals to be subject to mortal laws and practices comes into play. The Game does not, at least at this stage, concern mortals. Immortals kill each other...if that is all they do, do mortal shave any reason to get involved? I'd say no, others might differ. When Immortals cross that line and have an impact on mortals, one has to weigh that which one feels is more important: punishing any one Immortal or protecting a multi-thousand year old project? In addition, reporting to the authorities would involve either sending mortals to apprehend Immortals without full knowledge of what they were walking into *or* telling those authorities about Immortals and risking the safety of all the other Immortals in the world. If one assumed that, over time, good Immortals weeds out the bad Immortals, than those bad Im! mortals *are* punished for their crimes..the punishment is simply delayed. > Was Darius more/less right than the Watchers? (Or moral if you prefer >that term) Why? Since I don't see Darius and the Watchers as being at all similar, I couldn't answer that particular question. I do have an opinion about Darius and his stay on HG. Do you want to hear it? Of course you do. Darius' stay on HG was "financed" by those good Immortals who stayed out in the Real World and fought the bad guys. If all the good Immortals laid down their swords, the bad ones would simply swoop in and have a field day beheading swordless good Immortals. If all the good Immortals moved to HG, the bad Immortals would be free to rampage across the mortal world with no one to keep them in check. Short of every bad Immortal having an epiphany and becoming a good guy, the only was for Good to triumph over Evil is for some guy with a sword to whack the bad guys. Darius was all for peace but he wasn't adverse to sending Duncan off to kill Grayson. It really wasn't fair for Darius to play on Duncan's loyalty and admiration to use Duncan as a weapon. Wendy(Do we get to talk about Light and Dark Quickenings now?) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 09:50:22 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: HL Trivia--ANSWERS Ok, people seemed to enjoy the trivia, so I'll post the several-questions-per-ep stuff, probably on Fridays (covering the eps shown on TNN that week), w/ answers on Mondays. This week, I'll post those questions covering season 1 already aired on TNN, so the new people who've only seen those eps can play. Answers below-- > For last week's ep The Hunters-- > --What Duncan & Fitz drink atop the barge? mead > --Where Tessa cuts herself? back of her hand > --Who pretends to step in doggie poop? Richie (of course..) > --How Darius marked the Chronicle's location for Duncan? w/ a scrap of his clan tartan > --Fitz to the killers--"It's been a grand ____." romp (always struck me as a perfectly Fitzy comment) > --Who plays Fitzcairn, & what's his day job? Roger Daltrey, of The Who other show trivia- > --When did we see DM in the tub? (2 eps) Samurai FB & Chivalry FB (can't wait for DVD versions of those scenes..) > --DM's 2 Desirees? his pal Lucas Desiree in Innocent Man, & his lover Desiree in The Ransom of Richard Redstone FB > --Episodes where we saw DM riding a horse in BOTH current action & > flashback? (2 eps) Lady & the Tiger, Homeland > --The 2 men who kissed Duncan, & the one man Duncan kissed? Alexei Voshin Russian-style in Sea Witch FB & Fitz drunkenly in Stone of Scone kissed DM; Evil DM planted a wet one on RR's curly head during the dojo fight in Something Wicked > --The episode w/ the longest title, & the episode w/ the shortest title? The Ransom of Richard Redstone; To Be > --The 2 names on the barge's plaque? Nobile; Amadeus (& don't get me started on THAT stupid production error..) > --The ep mentioning both Springsteen & Queen? Till Death/Methos complaining about DM's music selection on the barge > --Who did these tombstone inscriptions belong to? > ----"My Romeo" Fitz/Unusual Suspects > ----"Friend" Richie/Avatar > ----"In Loving Memory" Michelle Webster/Rite of Passage > ----"Beloved Husband" Alec Hill/Haunted > ----"Eternal Peace" Jeanette Colbert/Turnabout FB > ----"Beloved" Alexa Bond/Through a Glass Darkly >----"In Loving Memory" (yep--there were 2 of these) Carter Wellan/End of Innocence > ----"Better Than He Deserved Melvin Koren (AKA Kronos/Comes a Horseman FB > --The 6 eps Richie's in jail? Gathering, Family Tree, Innocent Man, Eye of the Beholder, Prodigal Son, End of Innocence DM quotes-- > 1--"Why can't I just smile? ... I just made love to the most devious, > scheming, deceitful, beautiful woman in history." Amanda/Return of Amanda > 2--"You're a true beauty." Peggy McCall/Vendetta FB > 3--"You don't get out much, do you? ... Too busy being the sword of > justice?" Katya/Justice > 4--"I love you. I do. . You make my heart glad." Amanda/Not To Be > 5--"What do you expect me to do--pat you on the head & send you out to die?" Amanda/Legacy > 6--"Duncan MacLeod is who I am, not some silken fop!" Kristin Gilles/Chivalry FB > 7--"You're the love of my life, ______________, but it's too hard a thing to > see that which I cannot have." Debra Campbell/Homeland FB > 8--"The whole world is about to crash down around our ears, & you want to play games?" Amanda/Finale 2 > 9--"Anything you need, anything I can do--I'll always be there for you, all > right?" Amanda/The Colonel > 10--"I can never have children. And if you stay w/ me, you will never have children. It will never happen, no matter how much I want it to." Nora/Bless the Child FB > 11--"I can't die, ________. ... I was born Duncan MacLeod of the clan > MacLeod 400 years ago in the Highlands of Scotland. . I'm immortal. I'm > human just like you, but I don't age. . I can't have children, & you won't > have any either. It's the price you'll pay for being w/ me. Still love > me?" Tessa/Counterfeit 2 FB > 12--"What can I say-you bring out the best in me." Amanda/To Be > 13--"I may have to teach you a lesson." May-Ling Shen/They Also Serve FB > 14--"It's good to see ya." Amanda/To Be > > 15--"Yeah, but I'm obsessed w/ you." Tessa/Eyewitness > 16--"I look at you sometimes, & I realize just how beautiful you are." Tessa/The Darkness > 17--"One of you is all I could handle." Amanda/The Colonel > 18--"I'm at peace for the first time since I can remember." Little Deer/Line of Fire FB > 19--"You can't fight for me, & I won't allow you to die for me." Amanda/Finale 1 > 20--"I swear I'll marry you & love you 'til the end of my days." Debra Campbell/Homeland FB > 21--"Let's get married. ... Will you marry me? Will you marry me?" Tessa/The Darkness > 22--"We could get married. ... Be together. ... We could honeymoon in Paris, or China." Sarah Carter/Obsession FB > 23--"You've always been very important to me. ... I'm so proud of > you--always have been." Linda Plager/Studies in Light > 24--"Talent is something you have, it's not who you are." Claudia Jardine/Timeless > 25--"And I'll follow you wherever you go, as long as you live." Tessa/Eyewitness > 26--"You don't buy loyalty with sex." Nefertiri/Pharaoh's Daughter > 27--"You don't *have* a mother!" Amanda/Return of Amanda > 28--"Because one little prick is all it takes." Juliette Fitzcairn/Unusual Suspects > 29--"Have ye no shame?" Kristin/Chivalry FB > 30--"We're linked & locked for all time." Felicia Martins/Free Fall > 31--"I bathe once a month." Maia Koto/The Samurai FB > 32--"Well, let's just say my family's Scottish." Anne Lindsey/Vendetta > 33--"Never forget you have 2 hands." Felicia Martins/Free Fall > 34--"I love coffee. Let's go make some coffee right now." Tessa/Eyewitness > 35--"I *am* a man." Amanda/Dramatic License > 36--"You always did have a knack of getting in trouble with men in > shorts." Reagan Cole/Deadly Exposure > 37--"I came for the food." Alice Ramsey/Wrath of Kali FB > 38--"I expect sharks to bite, too--don't take it, personally." Amanda/Return of Amanda > 39--"Once it gets going, there's nothing can stop it. ... Two hands to hold the thing. ... The bloody thing wouldn't fit through the door." Kyra/Patient Number FB > 40--"Were you planning to say goodbye?" Amanda/Lady & the Tiger FB Nina ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 13:28:47 -0700 From: Stephen Bryce <> Subject: Re: The Hunters (or maybe it should be ' Here come the Watchers') > Watchers are non-secular. > Darius worked from a spiritual stance. Then you mean the Watchers WERE secular, don't you? Stephen ===== "If we want to make any decent time, I say we ditch the cripple. No offense, Vriess." (Vriess gives him the finger) "None taken." -- Dominque Pinion and Ron Perlman, "Alien: Resurrection" __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 10:32:36 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: season 1 trivia--part 1 SEASON ONE-THE SEACOUVER EPISODES The Gathering Duncan's very 1st line of dialogue? Fill in the blank--"I'm Connor MacLeod-same clan, different _________ ." How long have Duncan & Tessa been together? What Richie calls Connor? Name of the cop? Interesting thing about the chairs in Duncan's office? Family Tree Name of the store Richie remembers fondly from childhood? Names of Richie's 1st known foster mother & her husband? Name of Joe Scanlon's rooming house? Cause of Duncan's 1st death? Duncan's 1st words as an Immortal (to Ian)--"It is a _________ !" Road Not Taken Name of the rare plant Kiem Sun experiments with, & how long it takes to process? Name of Kiem Sun's mortal assistant? Location of the art show Tessa goes to? Names of Richie's 2 friends from the old neighborhood? Kiem Sun to Duncan--"Your ________ has been prickling me like a thorn in my side across the centuries." Innocent Man Who plays Crowley, & the other episode where the actor plays a different Immortal? Series regular character who debuts in this episode? What Crowley's deputy arrests Richie for? What Duncan pretends to buy from Leo Atkins? Richie to Duncan--"Don't you ever get _____ ?" Free Fall What is the made-up middle initial Richie put on his business card? How much Duncan pays for the Matsumuni sword? Richie to Tessa-"I'm young. My ___________'s in meltdown." According to Duncan, where all the old Immortals keep their money? Name of the cop? Bad Day in Building A Who plays Bryan Slade, & the other episode the actor appears in? Belinda to Duncan-"I have to go to the ________." What is the subject of Duncan's story for Belinda? Name of Richie's con man friend & his medical problem? Duncan's weapon of choice against the criminals? Mountain Men Where Duncan has been on business? What Immortal hermit Carl taught Duncan, & what Duncan taught him? What Tessa sees her 1st & only of in this episode? Name of Caleb Cole's adopted son? Duncan to Caleb--"Whatever gods made you & me, made us _______." Deadly Medicine What Duncan is carrying when he is hit by a car? What Duncan goes diving for? What Greek letter incriminates Dr. Wilder? The drug Dr. Wilder uses to sedate Duncan? Who plays Dr. Wilder? Sea Witch What Richie is supposed to pick up from Hellman's Antiques? How much drug money Nikki has? What Duncan does w/ the drugs? Name of Nikki's daughter, & what Tessa gives to her? Duncan to Niva--"_______ is mad man; he kills those he fears, & he fears everyone." Revenge is Sweet Where Duncan hides Reinhardt's sword on his way to the New Year's Eve party? Who Richie calls "an Immortal groupie"? Price of Angie's new/used car? What is graffitied on Tessa's sculptures? The footage of Duncan driving the T-Bird to & from the car dealership to see Richie is taken from what previous episode? See No Evil The year Marcus Korolus terrorized Seacouver as the original Scalper, & the name of the theater where Duncan beheaded him? The "fast as hell" motorcycle brand ridden by both Scalpers? Name of the victim's little dog? Randi's TV channel? Name of the play Duncan uses to trap the modern-day Scalper? Eyewitness Name of Richie's art chick? Where Duncan is on a trip at the start of the episode? Name of the cop? Duncan to Tessa on why he followed her-"Yeah, but I'm __________ w/ you." What Duncan & Tessa do at very end? Band of Brothers The war/battle during which Duncan 1st met Darius? Duncan to Darius-"I was raised a warrior. I choose battles I believe to be ____." Name of Darius' mortal student targeted by Grayson but saved by Duncan? What Grayson leaves at Duncan's door to taunt him? Site where Duncan beheads Grayson? Nina ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 16:57:32 EDT From: Subject: Highlander Downunder Photos We're leaving tomorrow for MediaWest so I've put up a temporary photo site and posted a few teaser pictures of the convention and the trip, so head on over there if you'd like to see: Leaping Crocodiles Peter Wingfield dancing a lot... Peter Wingfield doing Rocky Horror... John Mosby (of IMPACT Magazine) demonstrating good knife technique... Peter Wingfield and Jim Byrnes being adorable... <A HREF=""></A> Annie "I'm back!" -- Dr. Daniel Jackson **************** Stargate Solutions: Our Stargate Discussion Forum: Ashton Press: Gateway, A Stargate Slash Group: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 14:58:19 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Darkness Waaaaaahhhhhhhh! This is the saddest ep I've seen yet. I was crying afterward, just as I'd expected. Poor, poor Dunkie. (I don't know why, but I've been stuck on that nickname ever since someone used it somewhere else) What was Mac doing at Wolf's computer...getting into the Watcher files or something? I was confused by that part. The saddest part is the song montage at the end. Kinda illustrates the sad part of being immortal, that they're always having to say goodbye to the ones they love. I understand why they did it, but I didn't wanna see it happen. I like Duncan and Tessa together. By the end, I just wanted to hug him and hold him and kiss him and make him feel better. Mel, who gets *way* too emotional over these things LOL ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 18:23:28 -0400 From: Subject: Re: season 1 trivia--part 1 Without reference to note: >The Gathering >Duncan's very 1st line of dialogue? I feel something! >Fill in the blank--"I'm Connor MacLeod-same clan, different _________ ." Vintage >How long have Duncan & Tessa been together? Since 1980. >What Richie calls Connor? Sweetie? >Name of the cop? Idiot 1 >Interesting thing about the chairs in Duncan's office? They have the MacLeod tartan on them. >Family Tree >Name of the store Richie remembers fondly from childhood? Sullivans? Sweenies? Ye Olde Candy Shoppe? >Names of Richie's 1st known foster mother & her husband? Kate? Marie? Ellen? John? >Name of Joe Scanlon's rooming house? Wagon Wheel. >Cause of Duncan's 1st death? A nasty brawl with the Frasers. >Duncan's 1st words as an Immortal (to Ian)--"It is a _________ !" Miracle! >Road Not Taken >Name of the rare plant Kiem Sun experiments with & how long it takes to >process? couscous? >Name of Kiem Sun's mortal assistant? Wo Fat? >Location of the art show Tessa goes to? LA? >Names of Richie's 2 friends from the old neighborhood? Angie. ??? >Kiem Sun to Duncan--"Your ________ has been prickling me like a thorn in my >side across the centuries." Honor? >Innocent Man >Who plays Crowley, & the other episode where the actor plays a different >Immortal? >Series regular character who debuts in this episode? The annoying reporter Randi? >What Crowley's deputy arrests Richie for? Car theft? >What Duncan pretends to buy from Leo Atkins? Medal of Honor? >Richie to Duncan--"Don't you ever get _____ ?" Tired of killing me? No wait..that's not it. "Tired of being right"? >Free Fall >What is the made-up middle initial Richie put on his business card? S for Sidekick? >How much Duncan pays for the Matsumuni sword? $250,000 >Richie to Tessa-"I'm young. My ___________'s in meltdown." Libido >According to Duncan, where all the old Immortals keep their money? Mattress? Bank of England? Sock drawer? >Name of the cop? Idiot 2? > >Bad Day in Building A >Who plays Bryan Slade, & the other episode the actor appears in? >Belinda to Duncan-"I have to go to the ________." Bathroom >What is the subject of Duncan's story for Belinda? Immortal fairies >Name of Richie's con man friend & his medical problem? Bill? Bad heart. >Duncan's weapon of choice against the criminals? trash picker upper? >Mountain Men >Where Duncan has been on business? Japan. >What Immortal hermit Carl taught Duncan, & what Duncan taught him? Carl (not so much an Immortal <eg>) taught Duncan to track. Duncan taught Carl karate/judo/etc. >What Tessa sees her 1st & only of in this episode? Quickening. >Name of Caleb Cole's adopted son? Lonnie? Caleb Jr. Vinnie? >Duncan to Caleb--"Whatever gods made you & me, made us _______." Manly? Different? >Deadly Medicine >What Duncan is carrying when he is hit by a car? Dinner. >What Duncan goes diving for? Camera. >What Greek letter incriminates Dr. Wilder? Omega? >The drug Dr. Wilder uses to sedate Duncan? Morphine? >Who plays Dr. Wilder? That sleazebag from the Sopranos and Matrix...Joe Palindino? >Sea Witch > >What Richie is supposed to pick up from Hellman's Antiques? An ugly bust. >How much drug money Nikki has? $50,000 >What Duncan does w/ the drugs? Gives the sewer alligators a party. >Name of Nikki's daughter, & what Tessa gives to her? Belinda? Doll. >Duncan to Niva--"_______ is mad man; he kills those he fears, & he fears >everyone." Stalin. > >Revenge is Sweet >Where Duncan hides Reinhardt's sword on his way to the New Year's Eve >party? A potted plant. >Who Richie calls "an Immortal groupie"? Tessa? >Price of Angie's new/used car? $4000? >What is graffitied on Tessa's sculptures? Numbers? >The footage of Duncan driving the T-Bird to & from the car dealership to >see Richie is taken from what previous episode? Sea Witch? >See No Evil >The year Marcus Korolus terrorized Seacouver as the original Scalper, & the >name of the theater where Duncan beheaded him? 1891? Orpheum? >The "fast as hell" motorcycle brand ridden by both Scalpers? Indian. >Name of the victim's little dog? Toto? >Randi's TV channel? SBC? >Name of the play Duncan uses to trap the modern-day Scalper? Lolita? >Eyewitness >Name of Richie's art chick? She had a name? >Where Duncan is on a trip at the start of the episode? London? >Name of the cop? Idiot 3? >Duncan to Tessa on why he followed her-"Yeah, but I'm __________ w/ you." Obsessed >What Duncan & Tessa do at very end? Coffee...they make coffee. In the bedroom. >Band of Brothers >The war/battle during which Duncan 1st met Darius? Waterloo >Duncan to Darius-"I was raised a warrior. I choose battles I believe to be >____." Just? >Name of Darius' mortal student targeted by Grayson but saved by Duncan? Linus Pauling? >What Grayson leaves at Duncan's door to taunt him? Headless toy soldier >Site where Duncan beheads Grayson? Sulfur factory. Wendy (I could do better if I cheated) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 18 May 2003 to 19 May 2003 - Special issue (#2003-81) ******************************************************************************