There are 3 messages totalling 161 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. New Cut of Endgame? (2) 2. Highlander Mentioned in Tremors: The Series ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 20:41:40 -0400 From: Sandy Fields <> Subject: Re: New Cut of Endgame? At 08:08 PM 4/18/2003, Becky Doland wrote: >I don't think he lied, but a ceremony, reception, and one night of sex >doesn't make a marriage. It was one moment in 400 years that went bad, and >it didn't count as a real marriage. Yeah, but it does mean that you're married. So.. according to the 1.5 hour movie, Duncan was married. According to 6 seasons of wonderful tv, Duncan has never been married. I'd say the movie screwed up. >Even 119 eps doesn't tell us everything that happened during Duncan's entire >lifespan. That's true, but it sure did tell us definitely that Duncan had never been married. >The key to your statement here is "for the DM we knew in the series". >Duncan changed a lot over the years, and by the time he was with Tessa he >had grown, learned from his mistakes, become much wiser. He handled these >things better. When he first knew Kate he was young & inexperienced at >relationships and life in general. I'll go with Duncan messing the whole thing up by springing it on Kate after the wedding. A younger Duncan would do that. But he wouldn't let her run out screaming in the middle of the night while he just sat there on the floor feeling guilty and sorry for himself. He would have gone after her. Just how old *was* he when this unmarriage happened anyway? Wasn't he supposed to be in his early 30's when he died? -- Sandy ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 17:15:44 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: New Cut of Endgame? Sandy- >>> Just how old *was* he when this unmarriage happened anyway? Wasn't he supposed to be in his early 30's when he died?>> He was born in 1592 & so was 29-a couple months shy of 30-when he died in 1622. And he met Kate in 1712 & then had that messy unwedding night in 1715. Apparently, a 3-year courtship was less than eventful, Immie-wise, or DM & Connor traveled a lot. Or, Kate was really dense & just didn't notice all the bloodied clothing, unnatural affinity for long blades, frequent assignations w/ solemn-faced strangers who then suddenly disappeared, flashes of light in stormless days & nights, etc. Of course, no one else noticed these things either.. Becky- >>> I don't think he lied, but a ceremony, reception, and one night of sex doesn't make a marriage. It was one moment in 400 years that went bad, and it didn't count as a real marriage. And probably not something he'd want to explain.>>> Well, a marriage is a marriage, especially to someone like DM. He could have said something else, if he didn't want to admit being both a dolt & a lout, rather than flat out lie to Richie about it, particularly right then when he thought he had lost Tessa. It doesn't track for me at all. >>> Even 119 eps doesn't tell us everything that happened during Duncan's entire lifespan.>>> But several of those eps, one way or the other, DID tell us DM never married. >>> The key to your statement here is "for the DM we knew in the series". Duncan changed a lot over the years, and by the time he was with Tessa he had grown, learned from his mistakes, become much wiser. He handled these things better. When he first knew Kate he was young & inexperienced at relationships and life in general.>>> But he really wasn't THAT young, at 123 years old, & he certainly didn't stay inexperienced romantically for very long. (And I don't even mean Really Young DM & the Wicked Witch of Donan Woods.) By the time he met Kate, he'd loved & lost (or simply left) Debra, Kyra, various Italian ladies, Kristin & the painteress, & Gina (sort of, anyway)-that we know about. It's impossible to call DM inexperienced after Kristin, alone.. We saw him MUCH younger in the series lots of times. We never saw him the Endgame level of stupid or unfeeling, particularly where women were concerned. In Homeland (1618-nearly 100 years before Endgame's 1715 FB), DM was still mortal & in his mid-20's; his attitude & actions re: Debra & Robert were vastly more mature than we saw in Endgame. In FBs in the eps Archangel, Black Tower, Hunters, Finale, End of Innocence, Song of the Executioner, Chivalry, Timeless, Shadows, Till Death, Reluctant Heroes-all those eps showed DM as an Immie in the years leading up to Endgame's 1715, & he had SOME wits about him in the series. Just not in Endgame. Nina ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 00:02:03 -0700 From: Jen <> Subject: Highlander Mentioned in Tremors: The Series I was thinking this was a hokey series (and I still to, to a certain = extent), but it has gained two steps in being less hokey in my book. = Both steps are because of the MEGA fanboy character. The first time, he = brings up B5, and even mentions a specific character (Commander = Sinclair). The funny thing is that Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin) was the = guest star in this ep, and he was in the scene that the B5 reference was = made. The second time was the HL reference. The fanboy mentioned = something about being a convention and seeing "Highlander severed head = mugs." I assume he meant those REALLY awful, gag-gift quality Duncan = head mugs. I don't remember hearing any fanboy quips like this in = previous episodes, but I hope the writers keep it up. =20 Jen, a very happy fangirl. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 18 Apr 2003 to 19 Apr 2003 (#2003-61) **************************************************************