There is one message totalling 36 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. AP fan club ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 11:14:22 EST From: Subject: AP fan club I found a recent letter from the fan club about membership renewals quite interesting. I'll just quote the opening sentences. "We wanted to let you know that the Adrian Paul Fan Club is under new management and going stronger than ever. Many of you have not been members for some time because you were unhappy with the way things were being done. We want to offer you the opportunity of renewing your Fan Club Membership........etc." Celebrity Merchandise is the new management, [whose public face is Susan Gomez] and so far seems to be quite "user friendly," and responsive. Even better, as you know, Jenni Bohn, (Big) John Bierly and Cyndi Clemens are the staff for the magazine, and they are all recognizeable fans -- and competent professionals. It does seem like AP has "heard" the many complaints about the way things were and has worked hard to change things. The new magazine is smaller, yet more expensive [as if we needed proof that this is not 1993], but the quality is great. The photos are all in color, and there is always lots of material directly about or by Adrian himself. Check it out: <A HREF=""></A> [Note that they are looking for input from those who joined in the very beginning, '93 and '94] [This is an unpaid and unsolicited testimonial. *g*] ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 21 Jan 2003 to 24 Jan 2003 (#2003-9) *************************************************************