There are 2 messages totalling 63 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. About those bodies 2. <No subject given> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 10:19:18 EST From: Subject: Re: About those bodies I have a theory about the bodies, but it involves the swords as well. I call it the Romulan Sword Caddy Theory. A sword caddy is a highly trained and highly respected member of a guild that is in service to Immortals. A caddy has a cloak that renders him/her invisible, hence the Romulan cloaking device name. They follow the Immortal that has employed their services and carry the sword, handing it to their Immortal at the appropriate time. They are also responsible for picking up the coats and protecting all cards with magnetic strips during the Quickening. Their final responsibility is seeing to the body of their Immortal should he or she lose the battle. Their guild has the connections to mortuaries that ask no questions and a section of spin doctors who have all kinds of explanations as to the why of the light show. I'm sure these competent people have other responsibilities but they seem to escape most notice due to the Romulan Cloak. I hope this clears things up. *G* ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 00:13:48 +0000 From: beccaelizabeth <> Subject: <No subject given> Hi all Fortean Times 167 page 48 Immortals Among Us a much abbreviated and changed by the editors version of my big highlander project- real life Highlander related Forteana. to be honest I'm very not happy with the version that got printed, but on the other hand I wrote a thing that got printed, and it is about Highlander. My website will be filling up with the research I used to write the original version of the article (seven thousand words, more than 150 seperate references) and maybe the long version of the piece if I knock it into proper shape (some of the edits were a good idea so I have to go back and fill in) but for right now the actual paper issue is on the stands. and I did graphics but they didn't print them so they're going on the web site too. and in case you're wondering, it isn't a letters column sort of thing, it was an article the editor said he'd like done. proper with payment and everything. so everyone go get it. but mistakes werent by me. later beccaelizabeth not a happy bunny but bouncy anyway ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 8 Jan 2003 to 9 Jan 2003 (#2003-5) ***********************************************************