There is one message totalling 43 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Holiday Fanfic Archive & Contest Deadline ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 19:54:29 EST From: Subject: Holiday Fanfic Archive & Contest Deadline Please feel free to forward this information to any interested party or list(s). There's only one day left to get your feedback entries in for the Ashton Press Zine Feedback Contest: I'm very disappointed to say that, so far, only seven people have bothered to send feedback for all of the artists and writers of the six zines. It's that time of year again when the holiday stories start popping up right and left in every fandom. The Holiday Fan Fiction Archive, as many of you know, is open to all fandoms, all genre. We archive gen, slash, and ship (all stories are labelled accordingly on the site). I've made the first major update of the season today, adding stories for Stargate SG-1, Highlander, The Sentinel, The Professionals, Blakes 7, and Star Trek: Voyager. If you have a story or a poem or a link you'd like to contribute, please email me. Please pass the word along to friends in other fandoms. I am only actively involved in Stargate, at the moment, and to some extent in Highlander, but I welcome submissions from just any media based fandom. Annie Welcome Home Daniel Jackson and Michael Shanks! Stargate Season 7: Seventh Heaven! Thank you MGM, SciFi and Bridge Studios! **************** Stargate Solutions: Our Stargate Discussion Forum: Ashton Press: Gateway, A Stargate Slash Group: ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 8 Dec 2002 to 9 Dec 2002 (#2002-217) *************************************************************