There is one message totalling 58 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Lots of Website Updates/Cartoons (Crosspost) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 12:50:58 EST From: Subject: Lots of Website Updates/Cartoons (Crosspost) I'm going to combine a message here. I'll have some more news for you and more photos and cartoons and updates later tonight, too. Feel free to pass these updates along to anyone who might be interested in our site(s). First off, a new Stargate cartoon! Our team as family: Yet more multi-media cartoons, in color for the first time! Two Babylon 5 cartoons (poor Starkiller...what he'll do for love), a Star Trek: Next Generation toon (Guinan and "Q" have an interesting history...) and a Star Wars cartoon: The Daniel Friendly zone has been updated with some awesome new buttons -- Daniel Jackson: Intergalactic Babe! We've also added a whole bunch more links to Daniel Friendly sites full of fan fiction, reviews, articles, news, editorials, pictures, and more: Our front page has been updated for Thanksgiving with a special Blakes 7, oldie but goodie, Thanksgiving cartoon and our traditional Highlander Thanksgiving cartoon: Of course, you can navigate through all of our various sites from that front page. Later tonight, I'll be updating the site with a convention report from Vulkon (including news and photos of an alumni of both Highlander and Stargate), a new Stargate cartoon, and photos of the prizes for our ongoing feedback raffle (I've added a few more prizes, too!) Annie Welcome Home Daniel Jackson and Michael Shanks! Stargate Season 7: Seventh Heaven! Thank you MGM, SciFi and Bridge Studios! **************** Stargate Solutions: Our Stargate Discussion Forum: Ashton Press: Gateway, A Stargate Slash Group: ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 18 Nov 2002 to 20 Nov 2002 (#2002-205) ***************************************************************