There are 4 messages totalling 197 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. We're Not Just For Ferrets.... (3) 2. Well & truly a slash thing now (was--We're Not Just For Ferrets....) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 15:57:37 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: We're Not Just For Ferrets.... me <stupidly> before-- > >Yet, I always picture _weasels_ as... well... nekkid. Wendy-- > Excuse me? That's a bit too Canadian for my taste. :::makes a note to stay clear of Hawaii for a bit:::::makes further note to > send a stoat Nina's way:::::: A stoat? That can't be a good thing. Must warn the cats. As for Canadian, no--not that there's anything wrong w/ that. In my vague understanding of the endearingly demented weasel/ferret aspect of list culture, I never thought of you AS a weasel--more like presiding OVER the weasels, in a goddess sense. And rest assured that I always picture you fully clothed--in leather w/ a maniacal grin & a cattle prod, sometimes, but STILL not in a Canadian way. > You just don't get it. It's there just don't see it. All TV writers insert slashy moments into all TV shows so that fans of > "that" persuasion (whatever "that" persuasion is) can enjoy the show equally well as those of us who blanch at the idea > of Hop Sing boinking Hoss. EWWW!!! Is NOTHING sacred? That image will haunt me. (See below.) > > Ferret/weasel is just messy, though I'm sure it's been done. > It's not generally spoken of in polite company. Well, that's probably how it came up here. > Wendy(10 years and 1000 conversations and I *still* can't wrap my head around slash.)(Marina has done her best to educate me.)(Stubborn, I am.) Stay strong. Nina (I read that Rygel's going for Rob Lowe's spot on West Wing & can't get THAT perverse image out of my head. Ben Browder could do it, though.) Save Farscape Frell Sci Fi, just on principle. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 08:06:55 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <> Subject: Re: We're Not Just For Ferrets.... I said: >> But, Nina, it would take all the fun out of it if we couldn't >> annoy you with them!! And Nina replied: >Great. Now I'm a slash enabler.... Well, my work here is done. <eg> You didn't think we wrote slash just for its own sake, did you? No, no, I sit writing slash cackling evilly at the thought of the nice colours you'd turn if you knew about it... Hehehe... (Like that.) - Marina. \\ "You've heard it said that living well is ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // the best revenge? Au contraire - living || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever is the best revenge." - Lacroix ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //=====Marina|| \\ \\=============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============// "There is a Daniel Jackson-shaped hole in that show." - My brother, about the sixth season of Stargate SG-1. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 08:15:33 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <> Subject: Re: We're Not Just For Ferrets.... Wendy wrote: >You just don't get it. It's there just don't see it. All TV >writers insert slashy moments into all TV shows so that fans of "that" >persuasion (whatever "that" persuasion is) can enjoy the show equally >well as those of us who blanch at the idea of Hop Sing boinking Hoss. I have no idea who those people are... sounds like Bonanza or something. (We did have that here. In the '70s. I was a teeny flag waver then.) Seriously, what Wendy says below is right: >(10 years and 1000 conversations and I *still* can't wrap my head around >slash.) I think, with slash (or some truly weird het pairings), you either see it or you don't. And if you don't, well, you don't. Just don't jump on me for seeing it. I remember Sandy eventually getting across to me (last time we had a scheduled slash discussion) that TPTB didn't intend it. I quote from Wendy's Dead Horse FAQ: "As if we care that they intended!" <g> I'm sure Shakespeare didn't intend half the things that 'experts' see in his plays, either. But we all bring our own preconceptions and ideas to any work, which, to me, just makes that work richer. Even if it does make *me* think of Duncan and Methos doing strange things on the barge in the dark. :) >(Marina has done her best to educate me.)(Stubborn, I am.) Oh well. At least I tried. :) - Marina. \\ "You've heard it said that living well is ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // the best revenge? Au contraire - living || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever is the best revenge." - Lacroix ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //=====Marina|| \\ \\=============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============// "There is a Daniel Jackson-shaped hole in that show." - My brother, about the sixth season of Stargate SG-1. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 11:18:26 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Well & truly a slash thing now (was--We're Not Just For Ferrets....) Marina-- > I think, with slash (or some truly weird het pairings), you either see > it or you don't. And if you don't, well, you don't. Just don't jump > on me for seeing it. OK--go ahead & see what you want to see. And that's really the thing, isn't it? I maintain there's a vast difference in what you see & what is truly there. NOT a matter of personal taste or perspective or insightfulness or broadmindedness. I just think the fact you SEE it doesn't mean it's there onscreen as much as it's in you--for whatever reason you want to see a slashy vibe between DM & Methos, so of course the nose painting scene screams "pass the lube" to you. What is onscreen is a couple friends talking about a serious & uncomfortable subject & one then breaking the tension w/ a joke--anything else you added. > I remember Sandy eventually getting across to me > (last time we had a scheduled slash discussion) that TPTB didn't > intend it. And, to me, if TPTB (writers, actors, etc.) didn't intend a same-sex vibe between characters/in scenes, then it isn't there. Except in your head, & so you added it to the onscreen story. And, of course, what goes on in your head is your business, & what you create from it & even share privately w/ a few appreciative friends is also your business. But, when you distribute slash fanfic worldwide & in perpetuity via the internet you make it EVERYONE's business. > I quote from Wendy's Dead Horse FAQ: "As if we care that > they intended!" Well, if TPTB screwed up on a detail (various HL:TS production goofs, for instance) or decided later to lie to cover their asses on something important (like Holy Ground in Endgame), then I agree w/ that. But re: the central character's sexual orientation that's been pounded into viewers over 6 seasons & in 118 eps as hetero & only hetero like DM's was--no, what they clearly intended rules. See--it's THEIR story--NOT OURS, no matter how much you love the story or like feeling like a part of creating the story. I think that's the crux of the matter w/ fanfic writers in general. In my opinion, fanfic writers take what doesn't belong to them & use it for their own purposes w/o TPTB's consent. It's more obvious w/ slash writers in particular, because in most people's view they drastically change an important element of the HL fictional universe when they have DM drooling over Methos or begging Richie for a boink. Nina Save Farscape Frell Sci Fi, just on principle. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 20 Sep 2002 to 21 Sep 2002 (#2002-150) ***************************************************************