There are 19 messages totalling 808 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. (OT) Another one bites the dust..... (5) 2. Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) 3. Guest appearances/was: Re: (OT) Another one bites the dust..... (2) 4. Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) 5. Qs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) (2) 6. PW in Vancouver video 7. Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander5?")) 8. Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) (3) 9. Final Dragoncon report 10. PoRA 11. Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander5?")) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 17:29:43 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: (OT) Another one bites the dust..... ZK-- > WHAT?!? Are they nuts? Yes--cancelling Farscape proves that pretty well. "The Best Sci Fi Show on TV"--& The Sci Fi Channel kills it. And, I think Simcoe mis-spoke about the axer being EM/Henson Group; Kemper & Co. said Friday that it was Sci Fi Channel, & THEY would know. Kemper said/typed--"Sci Fi was not going to exercise it's option to pick up the 5th season of Farscape." > I haven't gotten as intrigued by a show for as long as I did on > HL since HL. Ditto. I DO think we'll likely get a FS film, & I am SURE it'll be a hell of a lot better than any HL film. Moya & John Crichton's butt on the big screen....the stuff of dreams.... But, still. It's a crushing blow, personally, to someone who loved FS & thought--was TOLD in Sci Fi press releases!--that it was renewed through season 5. Maybe it's just not worth caring about something as whimsically out of our control AND clearly in the paws of morons as a TV show. Looking at the larger picture, I CANNOT fathom that all the immensely talented people who make Farscape are unemployed as of next week. > (Clancy Brown is in Breaking News)(Looks good) Yep--he cleans up nicely. Both he & Michael Ironside (Zeist-Man from HL2) surprised me in Starship Troopers the other day. GORY flick & somewhat laughable, but they really had some nice effects going. Nina (finishing up my stack of FS protest letters) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 18:07:04 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) Elaine-- >>>Dr Anne needs someone to defend her here. :-) Why? Because you liked her as a character? OK. I mean--I liked Amanda as a character (well--HL:TS/Amanda--not Raven/Amanda so much). But, you could say 10 uncomplimentary things about her, & I'd probably agree w/ most of them & add several more barbs of my own. I'd still like her, & it wouldn't bother me if you didn't, for your stated reasons. > Miniskirts & tight sweaters sabotaged the character << >>> I agree with this, but I do also realise that was wardrobe that did that. OK, but it's still ANNE, for our purposes. Just like DM's boots, long coats, tight jeans, white briefs.... OK--just like ALL the characters' clothing defined them in part. (Even Methos' droopy sweaters & that puke green jacket Richie wore early on....) > Anne violated her lover's privacy by seeking out his medical > records w/o permission. >>> Okay it was unprofessional - but the man you have just started seeing you >>> are really interested in him and then you start to realise there is >>> something odd about him, no I don't think she did anything most of us >>> wouldn't do in the same situation. Nope--or if we did as medical professionals we should be sanctioned. She assumed there would be medical files of his to find & so MUST have planned to look through them, chat w/ docs, etc. That's not allowed w/o the patient's permission, at least in the US. She wasn't even his physician! > She also prescribed sleeping pills to said > lover--despite NOT being his doctor, << > At that point she was dealing with him as a lover and friend. How often > have you given someone asprin or any other bit of medicine without knowing > if they have an allergy - I know I have. She could have given him an aspirin. But I'm betting it would be judged malpractice to hand over a full bottle of prescription sleeping pills w/o being his doc, w/o an examination or diagnosis, KNOWING he was already dangerously distraught, etc. What if he had been mortal & died from eating the whole bottle? > Then, she "accidentally" got pregnant; admittedly, that's personal > rather than professional, but in a DOCTOR & in these circumstances, I find > it to be overwhelmingly dumb. << >>> In normal circumstance yes, but how many women have got themselves into > >>trouble of one sort or another while suffering through grief, she was >>> trying to recover from losing Duncan - and before you throw stones at her >>> for that what was the first thing Duncan did after losing Tessa - Annie >>> Devlin. Point is Anne wasn't thinking straight and personally if she had >>> been the cold perfect person that people seemed to want her to be Duncan >>> would never have looked at her twice. Anne's having sex w/ an old friend after DM died isn't the issue. Anne GETTING PREGNANT from a one-night-stand, w/ the implication being that she--a DOCTOR--didn't bother w/ birth control, is what I found to be dumb. > Worst of all, probably, she risked herself, the life > of her soon-to-be born child, & the lives of emergency workers << >>> So now she behaves like the professional everyone wants her to be and that > >>is wrong too, can't win can she. The point is--it WAS NOT professional behavior to defy the emergency chief & go into the collapsed subway. As a surgeon, she should have stayed outside & tended to victims being brought out by rescue workers. She risked her life, that of her soon-to-be-born child, her assistant, emergency personnel who might have to rescue HER, etc. And her assistant died down there, in large part because of her very unprofessional decision. > I think the primary complaint against Anne was that she wasn't Tessa or > Amanda. Just my opinion. Well, I tried to explain that wasn't the case for me. My problem w/ Anne wasn't that she wasn't Tessa or Amanda--it was that she WAS Anne, who I found to be completely unlikable for both personal (her appearance & attitude) & professional (the fact she violated her profession's ethics) reasons. Nina ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 03:35:24 -0400 From: KLZ3 <> Subject: Guest appearances/was: Re: (OT) Another one bites the dust..... Jeepers. Where the heck is Rygel going to get another acting job?!? There just isn't much work for a 24" slug with delusions of royalty. Which speaking of, Little Deer's tribe's location made a guest appearance in Dead Zone tonight, rocks and all. I swear I saw some of the same ppl - oh - wait - that was the Seacouver RepCo. <g> They had a lighted Holy Hot Tub, too, but it didn't look very hot. ZK (I recognized the stretch of road from an ep. of MacGyver, if not from HL) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 22:43:14 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Guest appearances/was: Re: (OT) Another one bites the dust..... > Jeepers. Where the heck is Rygel going to get another acting > job?!? There just isn't much work for a 24" slug with delusions > of royalty. He could fill in for Kelly Ripa during her maternity leave; I can see Rygel bantering w/ Regis now--& using his ThroneSled to bop Regis off his stool. Or, maybe Rygel could sit in over at The View. Join the next group on Survivor? The Bachelor? REALLY freak out Adrian Monk? Take over as The Slayer next season? Are they still casting for the new Batman movie? Or, he could go the commercial route--maybe taking over as Geico's spokesalien, after eating the cute talking gecko. Sigh--I just KNOW that right now Moya is very afraid. > Which speaking of, Little Deer's tribe's location made a guest > appearance in Dead Zone tonight, rocks and all. I swear I saw > some of the same ppl - oh - wait - that was the Seacouver RepCo. > They had a lighted Holy Hot Tub, too, but it didn't look very > hot. > ZK (I recognized the stretch of road from an ep. of MacGyver, if > not from HL) That was a weirder-than-usual DZ ep, but I DID enjoy all the HL scenery. Nina ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 06:56:04 -0400 From: Judy Schneider <> Subject: Re: (OT) Another one bites the dust..... > >Scifi said that they didn't want anymore space shows and it seems that they >are kicking out the current space shows, too. > Excuuuuse me???? What are they going to show???? Space shows are the meat and potatoes of science fiction. Unless they come up with a good fantasy (as in magic, dragons, wizards, etc.), what do they consider science fiction????? Bother! Judy, the Chocolate Slayer "I never met a chocolate I didn't like"--Deanna Troi _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 07:03:48 -0400 From: Judy Schneider <> Subject: Re: Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) Elaine wrote: <snip> > Actually, someone else wrote this part, but I lost track of who. 8) > >> Worst of all, probably, she risked herself, the life >of her soon-to-be born child, & the lives of emergency workers << > >So now she behaves like the professional everyone wants her to be and that >is wrong too, can't win can she. > Sorry, but I _completely_ disagree here. Anne was NOT an emergency worker. She had no business being at the scene in the first place. She _should_ have been at the hospital, ready to do HER job, which was treating the wounded that the professional rescue workers were able to safely remove from the scene of the accident. That's even if she wasn't pregnant. Being pregnant made it just so much worse. One of the lines I hated the most about that episode, was when she decided to go into the subway and her friend asked about her baby she said "She'll just have to get used to it." Used to what? Mommy not thinking? Mommy risking her life? Mommy risking _my_ life???? Sorry, but that was just plain criminally stupid. Most parents will risk their own lives for the children, not the opposite. Not to mention the fact that she had been told to stay out by the incident commander, and her actions led directly to the death of her friend. I'm not a Doctor Anne hater, I'm kinda Anne neutral, but in this episode, I wanted to turn her over my knee and give her a spanking! Judy, the Chocolate Slayer "I never met a chocolate I didn't like"--Deanna Troi _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 07:37:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: (OT) Another one bites the dust..... In a message dated 9/8/02 3:01:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << So..they gave up a unique concept of space travel without those annoying space ships, a concept that could be applied to current times rather than in the future, for a sekrit, all-powerful, deadly, deceitful organization funded by who-knows-who, who keep tabs on the members of the SGC. Sound familiar? Yup, makes lots of sense to me. Sheesh. What's next, flying immortals? >> How about replacing one of the original characters with one who can hold his breath underwater really, *really* long? Word is that the writing crew began to alter the tone of the show as originally produced for the more sophisticated, adult Showtime audience, around about season 4, in order to cater to the younger teen demographic watching the Syndicated episodes. When this move diminished the number of new subscribers paying for Showtime to see SG-1, they cancelled it...and Sci-Fi picked it up on a save. Purely speculation on my part, but I suspect that Sci-Fi has decided to sacrifice FARSCAPE so that it can afford Season 7 of SG-1. With the current quality of SG-1, I'll be watching FIREFLY, thanks. Leah ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 09:41:09 -0400 From: Subject: Re: Qs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) Nina cheers: >Of course. WENDY'S #1!, WENDY'S #1! WENDY'S #1! WENDY'S #1! WENDY'S #1! Thank you. Thank you. >OK, who wants to try something a bit more challenging? Didn't do as well this time- I refuse to drag out the tapes or CD and check. >1--We were shown (on-screen) 3 Immies receiving their very 1st Quickenings. >Who & what eps? Richie - with Mako Duncan - with Mr. Scottish Hermit Who else? Um....not Amanda...not Methos...someone else. One of those horrid Spin Girls? >2--Twice we saw a Quickening go to a temporarily dead but still headed & >thus victorious Immie. Who & what eps? Duncan with Morgan in "Double Jeopardy" Um.....not a clue. >3--Once, an in-the-distance Q lightshow made Richie think DM had lost his >head, & the same thing happened once to make DM fear RR was a goner. The 2 >eps? They Also Serve - Duncan beheads Christian Testimony - Richie beheads Kristov >4--2 Q's happened on bridges (well, in one case the receiving Immie was >heading off the bridge...). Immies & eps? Duncan with Caspian Duncan with Slan >5--2 Q's happened in caves (well, one was in an underground rock-enclosed >space that _looked_ like a cave). Immies & eps? Duncan with Mr. Scottish Hermit Duncan with Cahill? Although any number of Quickenings took place sorta below ground or in tunnels....Killian in "The Colonel", Sendaro in "Saving Grace", Fitz in "Star-Crossed', Mickey in "The Innocent", etc Wendy(By Season 3 I tended to avert my eyes during Quickenings because they looked so stupid.) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 23:58:46 +1000 From: Sonja van den Ende <> Subject: Re: PW in Vancouver video Hi Mary, Thanks for your order. :) We'll have a copy set aside for you at Reno. cheers, Sonja At 09:20 AM 9/09/02, you wrote: >hi > > I am going to Reno.. Can I have a video please.. > >thanks > >Mary ************************************************************************ Sonja van den Ende, Co-convenor, Highlander DownUnder: The Official HL Club of Australia Our next con: HLDU5 Brisbane, Australia. 9-11 May 2003 GOHs: Peter Wingfield (commitments permitting) Others tba Visit the HLDU5 site: ************************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 11:07:15 -0400 From: KLZ <> Subject: Re: Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander5?")) > > One of the lines I hated the most about that episode, was when she decided > to go into the subway and her friend asked about her baby she said "She'll > just have to get used to it." Used to what? Mommy not thinking? Mommy > risking her life? Mommy risking _my_ life???? Sorry, but that was just plain > criminally stupid. Most parents will risk their own lives for the children, > not the opposite. I always put the whole Blitz scenario down to lack of knowledge on the part of writers/producers about roles of various medical personnel in emergency situations. The ER personnel do not go out into burning buildings; the rescue workers rescue the people, transport/paramedics stablize and transport, and the ER gets ready to work on them. But then, TV has never gotten medical roles right. The wardrobe/demeanor - I always assumed that Anne's awkwardness is dating/dressing casually/etc. was a function of her inexperience in anything but scrubs. I think she didn't have a life up till then, with med. school/internship/residency. She wouldn't have been out of her residency that long, in her mid-thirties. ZK ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 11:27:37 -0400 From: KLZ <> Subject: Re: (OT) Another one bites the dust..... > Word is that the writing crew began > to alter the tone of the show as originally produced for the more > sophisticated, adult Showtime audience, around about season 4, in order to > cater to the younger teen demographic watching the Syndicated episodes. :::: banging head on keyboard :::: When will they learn?!? It seems like shows (like HL, SG-1) start out original and unique, and then the relentless pull from programming execs. begins, to try to attract that elusive younger teen demographic and to bring the show into the realm of what the execs understand ("Stories ripped from the headlines!")(Thanks; if I want headlines I'll watch CNN). I also think that actors should be legally prohibited from becoming executive producers, or influencing story lines. SG-1 changed when RDA's name started appearing in the credits. We can see how much good it did to have AP's heavy-handed input into HL - I still blame a lot of Duncan's beigeness in S6 on AP being tired of waving swords around and wanting to go in a different direction. I can't really blame him - I'm sure it's hard to play the same rather violent character for so long. The only direction that Duncan could go after Rit - Rit - Wryschiee's death was to renounce what has been the basis of his life for 400 years. AP has said at cons (paraphrasing heavily) that as you change as an actor, you change as a person. Remember Profiler? I've read that Ally Walker left because the subject of the show was so dark. I give her credit - she didn't try to turn the show into Miss Frances's Ding Dong School (hey, I still have my bells) - she left with Samantha Waters's head held high. In any case, AP changed as Duncan changed, etc. And HL was forever wounded by inserting things that were supposed to attract them thar dad-burned whippersnappers (like spurious motorcycles going around...and around...and around... a racetrack). ZK > When > this move diminished the number of new subscribers paying for Showtime to see > SG-1, they cancelled it...and Sci-Fi picked it up on a save. Purely > speculation on my part, but I suspect that Sci-Fi has decided to sacrifice > FARSCAPE so that it can afford Season 7 of SG-1. I cancelled Showtime because they stopped showing new eps for months at a time. I don't believe I've watched a full ep. since the 100th ep. show. I have copies, but still haven't watched them. ZK (No wonder Daniel ascended)(so he wouldn't have to see SG-1 disintegrate into Batman and Robin)("Holy frozen bad guys!") ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 13:17:32 -0400 From: Sandy Fields <> Subject: Re: Qs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) At 09:41 AM 09/09/2002 -0400, jjswbt@EARTHLINK.NET wrote: > >5--2 Q's happened in caves (well, one was in an underground rock-enclosed > >space that _looked_ like a cave). Immies & eps? > >Duncan with Mr. Scottish Hermit >Duncan with Cahill? How about Duncan with Evil Duncan? -- Sandy ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:50:40 -0400 From: Elaine Nicol <> Subject: Re: Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) >> I think, as Nina said, that Anne was supposed to be a great love for Duncan (as stated by Adrian in an AOL chat before Anne's first season), but she was written and acted contrary to that end. << I don't think so I once had a discussion with another friend about Anne, and I mentioned how she and Duncan made a typical Scottish couple, very little touching, bit grumpy with each other, not terribly romantic with each other. The reaction I got was WHAT! Anne isn't Scottish to which I replied her backround is with a name like Lindsey. No I'm not saying all Scottish women are dour etc, but most Scottish people have a very dry sense of humour that often comes over that way, they are also inclined to sometimes be sharp or grumpy sounding when they don't really mean to be. Both Jette and I have been caught with that one. >> But that's beside the point of the discussion. We're talking about Dr. Anne << Actually I did think we were talking about Dr Anne in relation to Duncan and the other characters - you can't really talk about them any other way. >> Making her cranky all the time doesn't serve to endear the character to the audience. << I didn't think she was. >> Me: I'm with Nina on that one. :-) No charm, no humor. << Your right - I don't agree. >> But again... that's not the point of the discussion. We're not analyzing Duncan. We're analyzing Anne << But in isolation that's just plain unfair. >> Doesn't this woman use birth control? << Probably not if she wasn't the type who expected to sleep with someone, they are the ones who usually get caught out. >> But I think I can be 99% sure that -- all things being equal -- I wouldn't have gone down into the bowels of that blown-up building. << I probably would have. Elaine. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:50:41 -0400 From: Elaine Nicol <> Subject: Re: Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) >> Uh, Elaine? This is a MAJOR no-no to a doctor - it's not quite in the same league as asking his mates about him. << Ah but the real question is not about looking it's about what you do with the information. She only looked out of curiosity, if she hadn't I would have thought her a very strange person indeed. Remember like you I have been in the position of being privy to private information - I've looked but I never divulge to anyone and I know you are the same. >> NOT a whole bottle of sleeping pills - WAY more dangerous than a couple of aspirins - as a doctor should know. << By that point I think she was so worried and had tried so much that she was willing to give anything a go. I think she also felt there was no way Duncan would use them to kill himself. I didn't say it was smart I just said it was understandable. Doctors are people too. Elaine. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:50:42 -0400 From: Elaine Nicol <> Subject: Re: Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?")) >> Why? Because you liked her as a character? << Why not, it's okay not to like her and have a go, but liking her and defending her is not. Actually even if I didn't like her I'd have felt the need to defend her. As it is she isn't my favourite Highlander character nor is she my least favourite. She was just a character with good points with bad points but just a person. >> OK, but it's still ANNE, for our purposes. Just like DM's boots, long coats, tight jeans, white briefs.... OK--just like ALL the characters' clothing defined them in part << Sort of exactly my point - why should the clothes she wears make you like or dislike the character. I liked very little of what Richie wore and some of Duncan's outfits were terrible but they were mere stage dressing and I never pay that much attention to that anyway. >> it was that she WAS Anne, who I found to be completely unlikable for both personal (her appearance & attitude) & professional (the fact she violated her profession's ethics) reasons.<< Fair enough, but I'm only putting an alternate viewpoint. Elaine. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:53:48 EDT From: Subject: Final Dragoncon report Please feel free to forward this to any lists or individuals who you feel might be interested. Apologies if you get hit with the crosspost. My "finale" Dragoncon report is finally posted. To go straight there: If you want to see all of the con reports, the photos, etc., start at: And tomorrow we're off to Vancouver and Gatecon. Stay tuned for lots more photos, reports and, no doubt, convention inspired cartoons. Annie "But as for Sam and Jack we did establish the feelings, but given they're in the military, and how we've already addressed this, we won't be having any further relationship moments in future episodes." -- Hank Cohen, July 2002 **************** Save Daniel Jackson: Ashton Press: Fan Fiction: Fanzines: Gateway, A Stargate Slash Discussion/Fiction Group: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 20:16:14 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: (OT) Another one bites the dust..... > How about replacing one of the original characters with one who can hold his > breath underwater really, *really* long? Word is that the writing crew began > to alter the tone of the show as originally produced for the more > sophisticated, adult Showtime audience, around about season 4, in order to > cater to the younger teen demographic watching the Syndicated episodes. When > this move diminished the number of new subscribers paying for Showtime to see > SG-1, they cancelled it...and Sci-Fi picked it up on a save. Purely > speculation on my part, but I suspect that Sci-Fi has decided to sacrifice > FARSCAPE so that it can afford Season 7 of SG-1. > > With the current quality of SG-1, I'll be watching FIREFLY, thanks. > > Leah Ah, the famous 'word is...' though I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone use the words who would be in am official position to actually know for a fact. Certainly I've seen my fair share of good and poor SG1 episodes and they are spread fairly evenly over the whole run to date. In fact I'd say episodes such as Beast of Burden were a sign that it was still possible to produce decent episodes later in the run. Danger of repetition and unorginality seem to be the problems, rather than poor storytelling. But also a long running show has to change by its very nature. You either start, continue and complete story-arcs - which instigate a moving direction or you have no forward momentum. Heck, if Stargate SG was doing the same thign it was doing in season one, I'd have given up on it a long time ago. Even Michael Shanks got tired of doing the 'let me read those hieroglyphics' role. Not a huge fan of Jonas, I'll admit (as I said I would on the SG1 list a while back, if I found it to be true) but as I've only seen around seven episodeswith him in, I'll see what my opinion is at the end of the year. I wouldn't dispute the assumption that Sci-Fi sacrificed Farscape to secure a seventh season for SG1 (I'd expect that announcement imminently!) and if that's the case, then I'd love to see a clearer explanation of their financial reasoning. Farscape's rather surreal start this year may not have helped it, but it's such a widely respected show that I smell some political fast-ball going on. John ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 15:43:01 -0400 From: L Cameron-Norfleet <> Subject: PoRA Judy: >> Can you PLEASE do me a huge favor and remind me what PoRA means? I've >> suffered from creative memory editing and that part of my memory was, well, >> creatively edited, and it's driving me NUTS! Well, nuttier, anyway. >> Zeek: >Liser made it up. It's her fault. I forgot, btw, to put (tm) >after it. It means Person of Recent Arrival (tm). ;-D > >ZK (She charges rent for that phrase)(You can pay me and I'll give >it to her) <eg> Nice try, Zeek. But I know as well as the next guy that any money given to you will be spent on RDA underoos and Daniel Jackson catnip toys for the smallest Zimmermans. Fork it over, woman. Judy, the acronym was made up during one of the many, many, MANY <ahem> discussions about G**zers and n* someone complained that the term n*wbie was derogatory by its very nature. Liser -- Lisa Cameron-Norfleet ** -- Well that's like hypnotizing chickens. -Iggy Pop: Lust For Life ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 16:04:57 -0400 From: KLZ <> Subject: Re: Doc Anne (wasQs (was-- Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander5?")) > > >> it was that she WAS Anne, who I > found to be completely unlikable for both personal (her appearance & > attitude) & professional (the fact she violated her profession's ethics) > reasons.<< > There's another TV MD who did this (guess who!); in fact, she participated in a massive coverup concerning the medical condition of a very important person. She gave up her license for the duration of her husband's term of office. I bet *she* didn't get creamed by the fan base! <g> But she didn't wear suede miniskirts. ZK (Dr. Anne and Abby Bartlet are kindred spirits) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 8 Sep 2002 to 9 Sep 2002 - Special issue (#2002-140) *****************************************************************************