There is one message totalling 25 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. OT: TRACKER Petition URL & "Stats" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 16:35:54 -0500 From: TCBO2 <> Subject: OT: TRACKER Petition URL & "Stats" Please click on this link, and then on the Sign the Petition link, at: Use any "normal people names" for each of your (real) email addresses. Use all your friends and family members names and addies, too. What are friends and family for -- if not to be "used" in a Righteous Cause? :) As of 4:15pm EST, Saturday, 3/29, we have advanced FROM: 220 sigs, with email addies and wonderful, (even powerful) <g> "comments" TO: 905! Let's all put our shoulders to the wheel here and *really* send a message! (I sent 7 of 'em meself . . . er, make that "selves") :-D TCBO2 <must get more free web email addies and "normal names"> ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 29 Mar 2002 to 30 Mar 2002 (#2002-35) **************************************************************